Wolf Böwig
lives and works in Hannover, Germany
1 - „then madness was very near, as i believe it would be near the man who could see things through the veils at once of two customs, two cultures, two environments“ T.E.Lawrence / Seven Pillars of Wisdom
Afghanistan 2001
2 - stranded in Quetta, the capital of Baluchistan ... an afghan from Kabul accounts atrocities he witnessed during the early nineties
Pakistan 1999
3 - an injured afghan girl at the departure hall/islamabad airport. ... she was found in an abandoned hospital near kabul. The family gone, dead ... there are no files. Nobody knows. And she never talked since she was picked up.
Pakistan 2001
Afghanistan 2001
2 - stranded in Quetta, the capital of Baluchistan ... an afghan from Kabul accounts atrocities he witnessed during the early nineties
Pakistan 1999
3 - an injured afghan girl at the departure hall/islamabad airport. ... she was found in an abandoned hospital near kabul. The family gone, dead ... there are no files. Nobody knows. And she never talked since she was picked up.
Pakistan 2001
He knows how to drink water only with our mouth emdash like the dogs. He learned to do it after the RUF cut both his hands and he had to survive alone in the forest, for seven days, untill his wife found him leaning on a tree. The soldiers came from Kono and found me working in the farm. My children managed to escape but I was left behind and they got me along with six friends of mine. The six of them were killed on the spot. He was pushed to a fence, where the rebels held his arms over the wooden bars. When Cisse saw the machette going up, he cried: „Oh, God!!!“ They teased him: „Do you have a god?“ The machette came down twice.
Sierra Leone 7/03
Morie was five years old when RUF rebels killed his entire village, Bendu Malen, in the remote Pujehun district. Around 1200 persons were slaughtered from dawn to dusk in that rainy season in 1997, according to the Sierra Leone Truth and Reconciliation Commission. The boy is the only survivor of that massacre. They appointed Morie the chief of the village and they escorted him through the twelve hundred corpses so he could find his father, which he eventually did. „Daddy was beheaded and with his belly cut open“.
Sierra Leone 7/03
He knows how to drink water only with our mouth emdash like the dogs. He learned to do it after the RUF cut both his hands and he had to survive alone in the forest, for seven days, untill his wife found him leaning on a tree. The soldiers came from Kono and found me working in the farm. My children managed to escape but I was left behind and they got me along with six friends of mine. The six of them were killed on the spot. He was pushed to a fence, where the rebels held his arms over the wooden bars. When Cisse saw the machette going up, he cried: „Oh, God!!!“ They teased him: „Do you have a god?“ The machette came down twice.
Sierra Leone 7/03
Morie was five years old when RUF rebels killed his entire village, Bendu Malen, in the remote Pujehun district. Around 1200 persons were slaughtered from dawn to dusk in that rainy season in 1997, according to the Sierra Leone Truth and Reconciliation Commission. The boy is the only survivor of that massacre. They appointed Morie the chief of the village and they escorted him through the twelve hundred corpses so he could find his father, which he eventually did. „Daddy was beheaded and with his belly cut open“.
Sierra Leone 7/03
1 - Face of war“, LURD rebel
Gbanga/Liberia 11/03
2 - Near the bufferzone in LURD controled area
Palala/Liberia 11/03
3 - SKD-Stadium
Monrovia/Liberia 11/03
Gbanga/Liberia 11/03
2 - Near the bufferzone in LURD controled area
Palala/Liberia 11/03
3 - SKD-Stadium
Monrovia/Liberia 11/03