2004-11-18 21:31:44
No les importa
How many people talking about marines keep americans alive, that's not true its a lie, they are not fighting to protect lives, they are fighting to protect the interest of uncle Sam.
Im exhausting of stand that kind of shit. Why dont better adopt the multiralism over the unilateralism. I dont like the holy roman empire.
2004-11-18 21:33:13
El chingador de madres
Que chingen a su madre los marines y los pochos. Que bueno que esten en los Estados Unidos, alla quedense y no nos manden remesas, no las necesitamos. Putos los gringos y el que lea esto.
2004-11-18 21:38:49
Bruce Dwyer
I was in the Marines long, long ago. I was wounded in Vietnam in 1971. I would have done the same thing that young marine did. Stay alive-kill the terrorist scum. You suck at making this an issue. Be careful you don't get in someone's way.
2004-11-18 21:38:57
Bruce Dwyer
I was in the Marines long, long ago. I was wounded in Vietnam in 1971. I would have done the same thing that young marine did. Stay alive-kill the terrorist scum. You suck at making this an issue. Be careful you don't get in someone's way.
2004-11-18 21:42:25
No les importa
How many people talking about marines keep americans alive, that's not true its a lie, they are not fighting to protect lives, they are fighting to protect the interest of uncle Sam.
Im exhausting of stand that kind of shit. Why dont better adopt the multiralism over the unilateralism. I dont like the holy roman empire.
2004-11-18 21:43:13
chingen a su madre los marines
que nos importa que hayas sido marine hijo de perra, chinga tu madre
2004-11-18 21:48:20
Curt Henderson
Way to report the facts. All of these ignorant, 'shoot the messenger' types, will never have the ability to admit they have made, and supported, a failure. It takes a human to fail but it takes a man to admit it.
2004-11-18 21:49:25
Base Ball 3
Oppen your boca el chin music,Ben Franklin is right. My backyard Spanish is not as good as it was when I was raised in So Cal, but I hope you do not speak for Mexican Americans. I had to get out of that Southern Cal pit. I live in a state that has 15 times less population than LA County. They think we are hicks, we think they crap in their own nest. Adios Bend-A-ho Breath
2004-11-18 21:53:02
Elliott Arwood
kevin Sites and all of you are a bunch of anti war loonies.
2004-11-18 21:56:00
Michael Griffin
If Kevin Sites was in wwII we would ALL be speaking Japenese, unless we were ordered not to speak then neither the press nor us would be speaking. When Al Killa's catch Kevin Sites he can have them video tape them cutting his head off.
2004-11-18 22:07:56
Ben Franklin (the real one)
The next time an injured American soldier is murdered in cold blood, remember who did it first, and YOU defended the act.
There are rules of war for a reason. If this were a legal war (and of course it isn't because Congress didn't declare one as required by the Constitution) there would be public trials in the world court, and Bush would be convicted publicly for condoning these kinds of atrocities. As it is, he is only convicted privately. Nonetheless, the world now views the American people as fascist imperialistic conquerors, and that is a shame. The thinking people realize that IN NO INSTANCE is the murder of an unarmed injured soldier within the rules of war.
I agree that we should support our troops…as long as they are protecting America. These troops aren't. They are protecting the interests of Amoco and Halliburton. When our troops are removed from the 170 countries where they don't belong, and are brought home to stop the ACTUAL INVASION of America (via the pourous Mexican border) THEN I'll support the troops. Until then, I blame each and every one for carrying unconstitutional orders, which is a violation of their respective sacred oaths.
Of course, GW has taken an oath (under penalty of death, no less) to a much scarier master than the American people, his is to the Skull & Bones. They would not impeach him for violating their wishes, they would kill him.
These words shall not be forgotten:
"It will be no defense to say 'I was just following orders." - G (DuhByuh) Bush
May he, and the New World Order fascists that control him obtain retribution for their crimes against God's creation, man.
Ben Franklin
2004-11-18 22:33:27
Jack Morgan
What a disgrace you are.
2004-11-18 22:40:00
Pointman \'65
I'm sorry that wounded dissident criminal (he wasn't a "soldier") didn't pop a frag grenade and take you out with him. But I'm glad he didn't because it might have injured or killed those Marines. That would have been a loss. No one would have shed a tear for you. If we had to wait for dithering girly men like you to protect us, instead of those young heroes, we'd all be dead already. It's one thing to be a professional "voyeur", peeking at the world through your viewfinder, it's quite another to be a young combat trooper, on the raw edge after being wounded and seeing buddies killed by criminal dissident scum bags feigning death.
If that Marine is sanctioned in any way for doing what he was trained to do, assure his own survival and that of his fellow Marines, because of your film, we'll make sure the world NEVER forgets your name, and it'll be spoken by the "Band of Brothers" of all generations with the same disgust and derision as we utter the names "Fonda" and "Kerry."
When you walk with soldiers in the future, never consider yourself an equal to them. Understand you're nothing more than a pariah.
Semper Fi, Marines, from an Army buddy from the Big Red 1, '64-65. God keep you safe, from the enemy and from the enemies of freedom walking behind you with cameras in their hands.
"No Mission Too Critical"
"No Sacrifice Too Great"
"Duty First."
"Death Before Dishonor."
2004-11-18 22:43:36
We should slaughter ALL of the animals over there….Once we get off of our reliance on Oil, you'll think of Arabs as we do Africans now….WE DON'T!!
2004-11-18 22:44:03
We should slaughter ALL of the animals over there….Once we get off of our reliance on Oil, you'll think of Arabs as we do Africans now….WE DON'T!!
2004-11-18 22:47:05
El Jeffe\'
To the meyate' who in Spanish uttered the phrase "chinga tu madre" meaning "f**k your mother, Marines", I can only say ", si, tu madre, hijo de puta."
2004-11-18 22:48:09
John American
I reject the premise that terrorist is a ‘soldier’. Soldiers wear a uniform of some established government which these terrorist do not. As such, the terrorist are not covered by the Geneva Convention rules, other than the part about being armed combatants without uniforms, and as such, are considered spies or saboteurs and can be shot on sight. The marine did exactly what is called for in that situation. When an enemy, soldier or terrorist, does not surrender (for those of you are not in France and country which is very familiar with surrendering; that means putting your hands above your head to show you have no weapons) and hides his hands from view while pretending to be ‘dead’ then the soldier /terrorist is still considered to be a combatant and should be shot. Other wise, the honorable U.S. Marine would be putting himself and his unit (along with the reporter) at risk for a grenade or improvised explosive attack. By the way, this marine unit lost a soldier the day before in this exact situation tending to a wounded terrorist that set of an explosion upon examination. Further, note the fact that the other injured terrorists were not shot because they did show their hands; thus, no longer an active combatant. Mind you, I wouldn’t have shed a tear if the Marines had removed those scum bags from the gene pool at the same time, but I can respect the fact the Marines took the risk the remaining injured would no longer poise a threat. The fact the terrorist (by the way, don’t call them insurgents which is merely a romantic term used to generate sympathy for the enemy, call them what they are – foreign Syrian or non-Iraqi Arabs terrorists) did not actually posses a weapon of Improvised Explosive Devise doesn’t change the fact that he could have and as such, ought to be shot. Just FYI for terrorist, in the future to avoid death remember to properly an without question surrender; i.e. put hands in the air,or better yet, simply return to their native country and find a job.
The U.S. Marine should be commended for saving American lives.
Side note, didn't John Kerry get a Silver Star for shooting a single soldier running away from combat?
2004-11-18 22:48:42
I am an Arab & a Muslim, and I must admit…I, like MOST Arabs and Muslims am ASHAMED of the way we have behaved around the World. The last comment was correct…We have acted like ANIMALS, and I just hope the Marines and George W. Bush take MERCY on us all!!!
Praise be to Allah….
2004-11-18 22:52:08
John American
I reject the premise that terrorist is a ‘soldier’. Soldiers wear a uniform of some established government which these terrorist do not. As such, the terrorist are not covered by the Geneva Convention rules, other than the part about being armed combatants without uniforms, and as such, are considered spies or saboteurs and can be shot on sight. The marine did exactly what is called for in that situation. When an enemy, soldier or terrorist, does not surrender (for those of you are not in France and country which is very familiar with surrendering; that means putting your hands above your head to show you have no weapons) and hides his hands from view while pretending to be ‘dead’ then the soldier /terrorist is still considered to be a combatant and should be shot. Other wise, the honorable U.S. Marine would be putting himself and his unit (along with the reporter) at risk for a grenade or improvised explosive attack. By the way, this marine unit lost a soldier the day before in this exact situation tending to a wounded terrorist that set of an explosion upon examination. Further, note the fact that the other injured terrorists were not shot because they did show their hands; thus, no longer an active combatant. Mind you, I wouldn’t have shed a tear if the Marines had removed those scum bags from the gene pool at the same time, but I can respect the fact the Marines took the risk the remaining injured would no longer poise a threat. The fact the terrorist (by the way, don’t call them insurgents which is merely a romantic term used to generate sympathy for the enemy, call them what they are – foreign Syrian or non-Iraqi Arabs terrorists) did not actually posses a weapon of Improvised Explosive Devise doesn’t change the fact that he could have and as such, ought to be shot. Just FYI for terrorist, in the future to avoid death remember to properly an without question surrender; i.e. put hands in the air,or better yet, simply return to their native country and find a job.
The U.S. Marine should be commended for saving American lives.
Side note, didn't John Kerry get a Silver Star for shooting a single soldier running away from combat?
2004-11-18 22:53:25
John American
I reject the premise that terrorist is a ‘soldier’. Soldiers wear a uniform of some established government which these terrorist do not. As such, the terrorist are not covered by the Geneva Convention rules, other than the part about being armed combatants without uniforms, and as such, are considered spies or saboteurs and can be shot on sight. The marine did exactly what is called for in that situation. When an enemy, soldier or terrorist, does not surrender (for those of you are not in France and country which is very familiar with surrendering; that means putting your hands above your head to show you have no weapons) and hides his hands from view while pretending to be ‘dead’ then the soldier /terrorist is still considered to be a combatant and should be shot. Other wise, the honorable U.S. Marine would be putting himself and his unit (along with the reporter) at risk for a grenade or improvised explosive attack. By the way, this marine unit lost a soldier the day before in this exact situation tending to a wounded terrorist that set of an explosion upon examination. Further, note the fact that the other injured terrorists were not shot because they did show their hands; thus, no longer an active combatant. Mind you, I wouldn’t have shed a tear if the Marines had removed those scum bags from the gene pool at the same time, but I can respect the fact the Marines took the risk the remaining injured would no longer poise a threat. The fact the terrorist (by the way, don’t call them insurgents which is merely a romantic term used to generate sympathy for the enemy, call them what they are – foreign Syrian or non-Iraqi Arabs terrorists) did not actually posses a weapon of Improvised Explosive Devise doesn’t change the fact that he could have and as such, ought to be shot. Just FYI for terrorist, in the future to avoid death remember to properly an without question surrender; i.e. put hands in the air,or better yet, simply return to their native country and find a job.
The U.S. Marine should be commended for saving American lives.
Side note, didn't John Kerry get a Silver Star for shooting a single soldier running away from combat?
2004-11-18 22:57:21
Kirk Khan
I am also a Muslim and I too am ashamed…I must admit that the entire World is owned and controlled by the White Man….He is the smartest on the planet and he deserves to own it…I just hope Bush forgives us all and allows us to live…under his rule!!
2004-11-18 23:06:14
where's the beef?
2004-11-18 23:14:38
To "Ben Franklin (the Real One)": I read your post, and I suggest you re-read the Constitution, if you ever read it. The Constitution does NOT require Congress to declare war. The president has the power to declare war. Congress , however, has to vote to PAY for it. P.S: for your enlightenment: We never declared war on Germany. We declared war on Japan on Dec 8th, 1941, but not on Germany. By the way, Germany never attacked us prior to our getting into the war.
2004-11-18 23:17:39
To "Ben Franklin (the Real One)": I read your post, and I suggest you re-read the Constitution, if you ever read it. The Constitution does NOT require Congress to declare war. The president has the power to declare war. Congress , however, has to vote to PAY for it. P.S: for your enlightenment: We never declared war on Germany. We declared war on Japan on Dec 8th, 1941, but not on Germany. By the way, Germany never attacked us prior to our getting into the war.
2004-11-18 23:24:27
John American is completely correct about the Geneva Convention. Ben Franklin ("the real??? one"???) is living in a little dream world if he thinks we're there for Amoco and Halliburton. That is getting quite old, give it up. And the hate-Bush crowd is in the minority, give that up, too. I suggest you go live in one of those blue states – oh, I mean, counties, because you can live in your own little world of hatred toward the military, the president, and America. Well, maybe you aren't American. To think that (if you are American) many soldiers died for your freedom to express your ill thoughts.
2004-11-18 23:28:11
Judy, Ben Franklin (the "real"?!? one) has too much hate for America, the president and our military to ever understand the constitution or just about anything. Funny how they can never defend our fighting in WWII, but would complain if we were living in a Nazi Germany. Or maybe they wouldn't. It is difficult figuring out how they "think". God Bless America, and the military.
2004-11-18 23:32:56
Dr. Richard Morgan, Cancer Specialist
I am a U.S. Marine that was "raised" in the KILLING FIELDS of Vietnam…The "unwritten" Rule of War in a KILLING FIELD is: If it is in the KILLING FIELS, and it: walks, talks, or crawls, then: KILL IT.
BOTTOM LIKE: He should have KILLED that guy with the camera also…
HEADS UP MARINES: Semper Fi…If it is in the KILLING FIELD…and it: moves, walks, talks, or crawls, and it is not yours, then KILL it….
2004-11-18 23:41:48
Robert Kuta
These "Images of War" suck……..what the hell are these photos about anyway…… let me get this straight….somebody takes a black and white photo of a McDomalds sign and calls it art…."Images of War" no wonder Im not in the field of so called "arts" I prefer to do something a little more challenging in life.
2004-11-18 23:55:42
Jim Fine
The marine in Fallujah deserves a pat on the back - not a trial.You didn't see what the marine saw and I'm not sure you would recognize the danger if you did. If the "dead feigning" insurgent so much as twitched he deserved what he got. Apparently there was no danger (hindsight) but everyone in that room including yourself could have been in extreme danger. THINK!
I enclose an episode from the Korean war some 54 years ago. It is from Hugh Browns memoir of Korea, "Remembered" in "Love, Labor and Laughter". Hugh died this last March losing a bout with cancer and was buried in Arlington. Please read it and educate yourself:
"We understood these guys had long hair, which meant they were of high rank. This house faced away from the ridge we were on and I went down to go around to the door, and there was a young medic by the name of Roger Preston with me. I told him, “Now, you stay over there until I go in that house and throw out all the weapons, and then when I call for you, I want you to come in and give these guys first aid ‘cause we’d like to keep them as prisoners.”
I walked over and — the doors on these Korean houses were maybe three and a half feet high and maybe 18 to 24 inches wide. I ducked down as I reached over opening the door, I saw a man laying there and he looked at me and then rolled off a hand grenade. As I attempted to turn from the door, this hand grenade went off and unbeknown to me Preston had come up and stood right beside me. He was blasted in his legs and when I turned my head to get away from the door, it hit me in the left side of the head. It blew my helmet off and blew me back five or six yards into the yard. I was stunned and lost my carbine, and I didn’t really know my condition. "
This segment of "Remembered" recounts the taking of the Commissar of Haeju's staff.
I am a twice wounded 73 year old veteran of that war.
Love to ya … jim
2004-11-19 00:02:44
Ben Franklin
Factually challenged, knowledge impaired and experientially deprived as you are, you stand for one our proudest traditions: the right to speak what mind you have regardless of educational background or intelligence quotient.
2004-11-19 00:04:55
Ben Franklin
Factually challenged, knowledge impaired and experientially deprived as you are, you stand for one our proudest traditions: the right to speak what mind you have regardless of educational background or intelligence quotient.
- Let's wait for the time when a U.S. soldier holds up a white flag then shoots his captors, or booby-traps a dead body, or asks for a doctor then blows up the soldiers approaching him before we speculate on whether he has been killed in "cold blood".
2004-11-19 00:09:08
I reject the premise that terrorist is a ‘soldier’….
How about fighting against the occupation ?
Under the Geneva convention it is a fundamental right of an occupied country… And at the moment Iraq has not a legitim government, so this period is to 'fight it out'…
If let's say Mexico invade the US one day, as a citizen, do yo think that you need a kamouflage jacket to fight the invaders?
2004-11-19 00:09:15
Ben Franklin
Factually challenged, knowledge impaired and experientially deprived as you are, you stand for one our proudest traditions: the right to speak what mind you have regardless of educational background or intelligence quotient.
- Let's wait for the time when a U.S. soldier holds up a white flag then shoots his captors, or booby-traps a dead body, or asks for a doctor then blows up the soldiers approaching him before we speculate on whether he has been killed in "cold blood".
- As has been pointed out, try reading the Constitution before you pontificate on its requirements.
- Do you also believe that our involvement in WW's I and II was wrong? Neither was fought on our shores, (except Hawaii), and the father of the socialism in the U.S., FDR, did in fact commit impeachable offenses in supporting the allies before we formally entered the second conflict.
- Somehow I doubt very much that you got anywhere near Yale, leave alone S&B, so tell us where you got your information on the oaths?
2004-11-19 00:15:20
Ben Franklin
Factually challenged, knowledge impaired and experientially deprived as you are, you stand for one our proudest traditions: the right to speak what mind you have regardless of educational background or intelligence quotient.
- Let's wait for the time when a U.S. soldier holds up a white flag then shoots his captors, or booby-traps a dead body, or asks for a doctor then blows up the soldiers approaching him before we speculate on whether he has been killed in "cold blood".
- As has been pointed out, try reading the Constitution before you pontificate on its requirements.
- Do you also believe that our involvement in WW's I and II was wrong? Neither was fought on our shores, (except Hawaii), and the father of the socialism in the U.S., FDR, did in fact commit impeachable offenses in supporting the allies before we formally entered the second conflict.
- Somehow I doubt very much that you got anywhere near Yale, leave alone S&B, so tell us where you got your information on the oaths?
2004-11-19 00:19:15
Ben Franklin
Factually challenged, knowledge impaired and experientially deprived as you are, you stand for one our proudest traditions: the right to speak what mind you have regardless of educational background or intelligence quotient.
- Let's wait for the time when a U.S. soldier holds up a white flag then shoots his captors, or booby-traps a dead body, or asks for a doctor then blows up the soldiers approaching him before we speculate on whether he has been killed in "cold blood".
- As has been pointed out, try reading the Constitution before you pontificate on its requirements.
- Do you also believe that our involvement in WW's I and II was wrong? Neither was fought on our shores, (except Hawaii), and the father of the socialism in the U.S., FDR, did in fact commit impeachable offenses in supporting the allies before we formally entered the second conflict.
- Somehow I doubt very much that you got anywhere near Yale, leave alone S&B, so tell us where you got your information on the oaths?
2004-11-19 00:24:08
I reject the premise that terrorist is a ‘soldier’….
How about fighting against the occupation ?
Under the Geneva convention it is a fundamental right of an occupied country… And at the moment Iraq has not a legitim government, so this period is to 'fight it out'…
If let's say Mexico invade the US one day, as a citizen, do yo think that you need a kamouflage jacket to fight the invaders?
2004-11-19 00:30:56
Ben Franklin
Factually challenged, knowledge impaired and experientially deprived as you are, you stand for one our proudest traditions: the right to speak what mind you have regardless of educational background or intelligence quotient.
- Let's wait for the time when a U.S. soldier holds up a white flag then shoots his captors, or booby-traps a dead body, or asks for a doctor then blows up the soldiers approaching him before we speculate on whether he has been killed in "cold blood".
- As has been pointed out, try reading the Constitution before you pontificate on its requirements.
- Do you also believe that our involvement in WW's I and II was wrong? Neither was fought on our shores, (except Hawaii), and the father of the socialism in the U.S., FDR, did in fact commit impeachable offenses in supporting the allies before we formally entered the second conflict.
- Somehow I doubt very much that you got anywhere near Yale, leave alone S&B, so tell us where you got your information on the oaths?
2004-11-19 00:48:12
Loser site. You guys probably take this place seriously. Kevin, leave the brave men alone and go home to mommy.
2004-11-19 00:57:31
Senor Akbar
Idiotic statement from some leftie on this site reads: Im exhausting of stand that kind of shit. (You mean to say stand in this shit of a foreign country) Why dont better adopt the multiralism over the unilateralism. (Multiralism?? If you mean multilateralism, you should say that. Also the word "don't" is a contraction. Stick with Spanish, amigo. I dont like the holy roman empire. You like the loser country you are in south of the border?
2004-11-19 01:18:14
I reject the premise that terrorist is a ‘soldier’….
How about fighting against the occupation ?
Under the Geneva convention it is a fundamental right of an occupied country… And at the moment Iraq has not a legitim government, so this period is to 'fight it out'…
If let's say Mexico invade the US one day, as a citizen, do yo think that you need a kamouflage jacket to fight the invaders?
2004-11-19 01:38:51
Ricardo Birmele
I notice that each of these prisoners still has his head. An interesting distinction when comparing the behavior of our brave soldiers with the cowardly islamists who kidnap and murder innocent – and unarmed – people.
2004-11-19 01:45:02
Sites you are a scumbag. these men probably saved your sorry butt more than once (I'll bet they don't make THAT mistake again). I have a suggestion for you sweetheart. Use your pulitzer money to buy a house in germany. You don't deserve to live in America anymore.
2004-11-19 01:47:49
"As sensitive as this is, we want to make sure the world has an accurate picture of the events," the photographer, Kevin Sites, an American freelance cameraman working for NBC News, said to a reporter at the military base near Fallujah where he is staying.
You should have thought that way before you turned in the tape. You are the best guy these criminals have.
2004-11-19 01:50:03
"As sensitive as this is, we want to make sure the world has an accurate picture of the events," the photographer, Kevin Sites, an American freelance cameraman working for NBC News, said to a reporter at the military base near Fallujah where he is staying." ///// you should have thought of that before you turned in the tape. you are the best guy these criminals have.
2004-11-19 02:19:56
Ben Franklin (
ARE YOU FASCISTS OUT OF YOUR FRIGGIN' MINDS!!!??? You're blasting the cameraman for capturing a cold-blooded murder in violation of every rule of war and the Geneva Convention, and YOU'RE BLAMING IT ON THE CAMERAMAN??!! GET OVER YOURSELF! The US invades another country, without provocation, murders its people, and YOU'RE BLAMING A CAMERAMAN for revealing the TRUTH about a cold-blooded murder. YOU'RE DISPICABLE! – Love the Constitution … Fight those that violate it!"//////
Hey "Ben" How about the rule that says you are not to shoot from a mosque. Or use children as shields. Or kidnap innocent civilians (or reporters for that matter) and cut off their heads. Or surrender and then shoot those you are surrendering to. Or Booby trap wounded and dead bodies. Did you read that part of the Geneva Convention? How about if you want to be recognized as a soldier,Put on a freakin uniform and act like one. these guys are criminals not soldiers. and they get what they get. As for this photographer, his daady probably gave him his first Nikon and he figured 'what the hey, it beats workin'. my opiniopn of him is already stated. Now I find out that he's not a photographer. Most Photographers have scruples. He is a pacifist with a camera. Love the Constitution. and READ it, dipwad.
2004-11-19 02:27:18
Leave our solders alone. They are fighting for their lives and for liberty for the people of Iraq. They don't need a stinking piece of crap like you hanging around to make the terrorists look like the good guys!
2004-11-19 02:30:38
I challenge Al Jazeera to have the true moral & religious ethics to show the shooting by one their "brave" freedom fighters as he courageously shoots an UNARMED WOMAN IN THE HEAD AS SHE IS HELD IN BONDAGE WITH HER HANDS TIED BEHIND HER BACK. It amazes me that the people behind this senseless killing have the gall to think that their GOD would condone the acts they commit on a daily basis. Where does it say in their blessed Koran that the killing of an UNARMED WOMAN will change the minds of anyone. How in any remotely sane or passably intelligent mind does it register that starting this HOLLY WAR will change the world’s perception on the animals, yes, animals that they are. I call them animals because only an unintelligent, unenlightened animal could behave in this manner. I CHALENGE THE INTELIGENT MUSLIMS OF THE WORLD TO UNITE AGAINST THE BARBARIC ANIMALS THAT ARE PRESSING THE WORLD AS A WHOLE AGAINST YOU, BECAUSE OF THEIR COWARDLY ACTS AND USING THE KORAN TO FURTHER THEIR PERSONAL AGENDAS MANY PEOPLE WOLD LIKE NOTHING BETTER THAN TO ERADICATE YOU FROM THE FACE OF THE EARTH. I ALSO CHALENGE ALL THE PEOPLES OF THE WORLD TO UNITE AND STOP THE VIOLENCE AGAINST ALL RELIGIONS, ETHNICITIES, COLORS, COUNTRIES.
2004-11-19 02:59:50
Allah Akkbar Esq.
Hey, Kevin, find another country to hang out in. You're not wanted, loser.
2004-11-19 02:59:56
Gayle & Earl
Though what you did is covered by the first amendment, an ancient sage said "All things are lawful but not all things are expedient." I wonder if releasing the video as quickly as you did was the expedient thing to do. The young soldier has now been tried in the media and found guilty of a crime that he may not have committed.