2004-11-18 16:48:24
I applaud and support your great work against Bush's Fourth Reich and other heinous war machines around the globe. Please visit
2004-11-18 16:51:38
It is quite simple, take some F16's, a few stealths and blow the freaking country away now. WE do not want to loose anymore loved ones here in Arizona. Then, that goofy photoman can take some real pictures.
2004-11-18 16:53:22
Mr Sites, I cannot believe that you would spit in the face of those who protect your freedom. Marines and other of our armed forces members are dying every day, this is WAR, this is not a game. Every terrorist deserves to die wether armed or not! They do not seem to mind killing innocent men, women ,and children. Why should we treet them any different.
-Sgt David L Stephens USMC
-Sgt David L Stephens USMC
2004-11-18 17:01:32
You are a disgusting individual. I don't know How you can live with yourself. These Islamo facists are cold blooded murdering thugs, yet you lend your support to them via your lying lens. These terrorists, and make no mistake, that's what they are. They do not have any "rights" under geneva convention rules of war, therefore subject to summary execution. That solder not only saved your life, but probably the lives of many that this murdering thug would have killed in the future when he blew up a car bomb next to a school or a pizza parlor.
It seems that you do not understand the Islamic ideology these terrorists are fighting for. Perhaps you should do a little reading before you lend your disgusting lies for support of them. there goal is murder. Every Christian and Jew, Hindu or Buddist, and yes, even you if you do not convert to Islam and bow to their rock god named Allah, and his pedophile prophet.
Qur’an 9:112 “The Believers fight in Allah’s Cause, they slay and are slain, kill and are killed.”
Qur’an 9:29 “Fight those who do not believe until they all surrender, paying the protective tax in submission.”
Qur’an 8:39 “Fight them until all opposition ends and all submit to Allah.”
Qur’an 8:39 “So fight them until there is no more Fitnah (disbelief [non-Muslims]) and all submit to the religion of Allah alone (in the whole world).”
learn what they are and why they kill all over the world. maybe then you wouldn't be such a dumb asshole. Failing that, I hope they get hold of you and chop your useless head off
It seems that you do not understand the Islamic ideology these terrorists are fighting for. Perhaps you should do a little reading before you lend your disgusting lies for support of them. there goal is murder. Every Christian and Jew, Hindu or Buddist, and yes, even you if you do not convert to Islam and bow to their rock god named Allah, and his pedophile prophet.
Qur’an 9:112 “The Believers fight in Allah’s Cause, they slay and are slain, kill and are killed.”
Qur’an 9:29 “Fight those who do not believe until they all surrender, paying the protective tax in submission.”
Qur’an 8:39 “Fight them until all opposition ends and all submit to Allah.”
Qur’an 8:39 “So fight them until there is no more Fitnah (disbelief [non-Muslims]) and all submit to the religion of Allah alone (in the whole world).”
learn what they are and why they kill all over the world. maybe then you wouldn't be such a dumb asshole. Failing that, I hope they get hold of you and chop your useless head off
2004-11-18 17:05:32
Those who you have kept you alive will continue to keep you alive, and will lay down their lives to do this. Thank God that the one true God "Jehovah" will judge you fairly. Unlike you have judged the United States Marine Corps. The enemy are such cowards. They cover their faces with rags, their leaders say die for alla, but wont do this themselves. The are defeated and dead already condemed to hell. What would they say if they saw a video showing our bullets being sprayed by pigs blood?
2004-11-18 17:07:44
Sites you are one who stirs up trouble by telling or showing only half the truth, the part you emphacise is the lie half. shame on you, you are not a journalist but rather a traitor with an agenda. same as nbc.
2004-11-18 17:12:52
Kevin Sites you disgust me. It is obvious to most Americans that you are just trying to make a name for yourself at the expense of an honorable soldier who is putting his life on the line for other. It is because of soldiers like this that you have the right to do what you do under the disguise of “journalist”. How can you even look at yourself in the mirror? Shame on you … shame on you!
2004-11-18 17:15:46
Sites, I am a former Marine.
You are a liar of the first order.
Those Marines kept you alive, and then you stabbed them in the back.
You are worse than Benedict Arnold, even worse than John Kerry when it comes to slandering troops.
You are not fit to be dog catcher…well, maybe you are…
You are a liar of the first order.
Those Marines kept you alive, and then you stabbed them in the back.
You are worse than Benedict Arnold, even worse than John Kerry when it comes to slandering troops.
You are not fit to be dog catcher…well, maybe you are…
2004-11-18 17:20:02
Ah geez,,another internet site pretending to be something it's not… just a front for those who want to make a name for themselves, pat their friends on the back and poo-pooh about their parties and their "art" All done under the oh-so-transparent theme of an "antiwar" message… UN original….
But hey, how could these so-called "artists" make a name for themselves if there was no war? I mean,,,there'd be no "opening" and no parties and no bashfests to attend…gag.
Useless Site!
But hey, how could these so-called "artists" make a name for themselves if there was no war? I mean,,,there'd be no "opening" and no parties and no bashfests to attend…gag.
Useless Site!
2004-11-18 17:21:03
I believe Journalist ought to respect our Military they are there to protect our Freedoms that some so candidly take for granted.Shame on you for bringing this Soldier to the Point to where we look like Terrorist instead of the real one's over there that will kill as many as it takes to get free press you have fallen for the Terrorist Agenda by taking those Pictures you have helped their cause.
2004-11-18 17:26:12
I'm assuming you have some use in this world since we are all made in His image, but I can't imagine what it would be. To betray those keeping you alive and working with them under false pretenses makes you lower than a dog.
I hope you enjoy your infamous reputation at the cost of a young Marines' career. If you belive in Karma, may the bad karma you just created come back your way 7 fold. If you believe in God, may he judge you as fairly as you judged this marine.
I hope you enjoy your infamous reputation at the cost of a young Marines' career. If you belive in Karma, may the bad karma you just created come back your way 7 fold. If you believe in God, may he judge you as fairly as you judged this marine.
2004-11-18 17:32:04
Your anti-war, anti-military schtick doesn't work kevin. I am more proud of America's military than ever before. America's heros are no longer the twisted leftist weenies of hollyweird, the drug addicted sports figure or the Benedict Arnold media–America's new heroes are the soldiers and the firemen! You should be proud of yourself, boy, you just earned the Geraldo Rivera Award for Treason! Jayson Blair will present your award and you'll get a high-five from Dan Rather. Al-Jazeera also says thanks.
2004-11-18 17:33:11
You Suck!!
2004-11-18 17:36:57
And lets not forget that freedom is the birthright of many,many wars. Now that is creating something grander and larger than most bedwetting liberals can tolerate or even recognize.
IF left up to the liberals around here we would live under a real dictator-there would be no America other than their socialist utopia- but hey we wouldn't have to listen to their crap-
They would be killed for speaking out! Hmmm…. Makes me wonder sometimes.
IF left up to the liberals around here we would live under a real dictator-there would be no America other than their socialist utopia- but hey we wouldn't have to listen to their crap-
They would be killed for speaking out! Hmmm…. Makes me wonder sometimes.
2004-11-18 17:40:30
How many Marines have ben killed over the years by either booby-trapped bodies, or enemy soldiers playing dead, only to roll over and uncover a grenade with the pin pulled? That Marine may have saved YOUR sorry ass. Thank him, why don't you.
2004-11-18 17:42:17
Kevin-your a piece of work.I hope the Marines you betray dont have to protect you!!!! Your a piece of crap
2004-11-18 17:45:31
Kevin - the enemy within. Shame on you.
2004-11-18 17:47:56
As a Viet Nam combat vet, we are not going to stand by quietly and permit Jane Fonda wannabes do to our volunteer brothers and sisters. I cannot wait to meet you in person to 'splain this to you.
2004-11-18 17:50:54
You are a worthless sack of shit. If you gave a rats ass about those US Marines, ( who were protecting your worthless ass) you would have turned the tape over to that Marine's chain of command instead of broadcasting your totally out of context "documentary". How many young Marines and soldiers do you suppose might hesitate just long enough to get themselves or others (including reporters) killed because of your treachery? You are beneath contempt.
2004-11-18 17:59:43
Here are men out there defending YOUR right to do what you are doing, and you are defending vile, disgusting MURDERERS who would not think twice about slitting your throat?? you are a trator and do not deserve to be an American. I hope you are charged for what you did to that marine who was doing his duty! There is no comparision between a man who is protecting himself, his fellow soldiers, and ultimately, his country, and a man who slaughters and rapes in order to strike terror into the hearts of anyone who does not believe what he does. You disgust me.
2004-11-18 18:04:56
You're no better than the terrorists that slice off the heads of innocent people. You say you're anti-war, but your actions speak otherwise. Someone who is anti-war is suppose to be putting effort toward ending the war, for all involved. All you seem to be able to do is throw fuel on the fire, and enjoying it. You and your work are worthless, and of no help to anyone. The only thing you are doing is instilling more hatred and anger between the ones that are fighting. Not to worry though, if you continue on the path you've chosed, you will surely meet your demise.
2004-11-18 18:09:49
I hope next time you will be the victim of Al Zarqawi - you are so ungratel to the Marines that causes you to be alive. Your evil desire to happen to the marines may it fall upon you and your co-conspirators.
2004-11-18 18:10:04
The overbearing ignorance of your antiwar ideology is breathtaking.No one wants war.We would all love to have a world where we can all live in peace and harmony.However,not everyone has the same perspective of life and liberty.Were we to not have war,were we not to fight for what is good and decent and true in this world,you would experience horrors and atrocities the likes of which you have never seen before.War is a necessary evil.Like it or loathe it, it is here to stay,as long as there is dissent,oppression and hatemongering. You can't wish it away;you can't chant it away;you can't protest it away.You can,however,diminish the need for it by taking up a rifle and joining the fray,rather than meekly decrying what is the struggle for freedom and democracy that allows you to express freely what you feel.Please reevaluate that cause you have taken up,for in the not-so-distant future,if you are not given to defend your freedoms,you may find yourself in a very dark,frightening and dangerous place-without them.And then…..Who will rescue you? The poet,the flower vendor or the unwashed protestor?
2004-11-18 18:16:47
Sites, I won't grace you with the honorific of "Mister" since you do not deserve it.
You stood there and calculated how you could use what you saw to get a name for yourself and boost your 'message' against war.
Probably because you're upset that your boy John Kerry -the lap dog poodle- lost the election.
So you've got a hard on to embarrass the President any way you could.
And so you did this.
You acted irresponsibly, and should no longer be eligible to report on anything over there since your bias is proven and your objectivity is in serious question.
Either turn in your press pass and go home, or run off and join the terrorists you sympathise with.
You acted irresponsibly.
You SHOULD have turned the tape over to headquarters, pending investigation.
But that's not what you did.
You saw an opportunity to get notoriety out of it.
Pray that notoriety doesn't make you a target for abduction by the terrorists.
your pleas for mercy and claims of being on their side will fall on deaf ears, and they will kill you despite your sympathies to them.
You stood there and calculated how you could use what you saw to get a name for yourself and boost your 'message' against war.
Probably because you're upset that your boy John Kerry -the lap dog poodle- lost the election.
So you've got a hard on to embarrass the President any way you could.
And so you did this.
You acted irresponsibly, and should no longer be eligible to report on anything over there since your bias is proven and your objectivity is in serious question.
Either turn in your press pass and go home, or run off and join the terrorists you sympathise with.
You acted irresponsibly.
You SHOULD have turned the tape over to headquarters, pending investigation.
But that's not what you did.
You saw an opportunity to get notoriety out of it.
Pray that notoriety doesn't make you a target for abduction by the terrorists.
your pleas for mercy and claims of being on their side will fall on deaf ears, and they will kill you despite your sympathies to them.
2004-11-18 18:17:53
Mr Sikes, you have now put yourself in infamy. Your use and transmission of those photos have earned you a new reputation in life. I hope that someday we can meet to discuss your cowardice in the face of the real enemy. These people who you hold dear to yourself would just as soon slit your throat than give you the time of day. As a former Marine during the sixties, I can assure you that War is hell. However, you have taken it one step beyond. You have enjoined with the enemy and created a treasonous position for yourself. I wonder if you would publicize where and when you return to this country, I know a lot of people who would greatly appreciate meeting you to spit on you as we were on our return from war many years ago. You are a disgusting piece of liberal garbage and should be treated as such. I hope you think about what you did for the rest of your life. If one of my family of Marines dies due to a split second decision that he hesitated on, may God have mercy on your soul, you are a disgusting human being.
2004-11-18 18:30:42
Kevin is doing it all right, you the paranoic and war sick people who think that you're setting free a country who doesn't need your crap. I'm sure that you're all being manipulated by your coward president, he's just a liar who is trying to fool you (and I'm sorry to say that he is being succesfull). Why do you think that he was not in Vietnam? Why do you think that the world needs someone like him? I must to insist, you are being used to support one of the worst crimes: Killing women and childrens and, even worse, saying that they were 'terrorists'. Your president is a terrorist by his own definition of terrorism, just analyze it, I hope you do it, but I know you won't because all of you are completely blind. It's very sad to admit that some people don't deserve to live, your president and his dyslexia is the greatest sample.
2004-11-18 18:37:42
Sites is a moron. If he doesn't like this country WHY IS HE STILL HERE? He's probably worshipping Hitler as I write. What a scumbag (with all due respect to bags that hold scum).
2004-11-18 18:42:10
There's nothing on this world that justified the war, it's a stupid and unnecesary way to seek the "freedom"….all we know the real ration of the Irak War: the Oil control. Mr. Site: Congratulations, but your video it's just the confirmation of something that we know: many inocent, and poor people are sufer (it's include irakies and us marines) for the economic interest of some ones…
2004-11-18 18:43:45
Go live in France you POS
2004-11-18 18:53:37
Re. Kevin Sites
Funny how the US media jumps at the chance to proclaim us scandalous for things that other countries may or may not think is scandalous - until we define it as such. It took 3 years to completely control Germany after WWII was over. Nazi stragglers hid and tried to carry out covert terrorism all during that time. If Allied forces caught them, they were shot - period. No media hubub, no human rights watchgroups, no ACLU. We have gotten soft, expecting "instant" everything.. including peace. Satellites have given us the blessing and curse of "instant" media that is not necessarily loyal to the US. If Allied forces had been blessed with today's media, we'd be speaking German or Japanese.
Because reporters are NOT reporting about the positive thing being done in Iraq by US troops, prison reforms, or how most prisoners survive and are treated fairly the press is playing into the insurgent's hands. If that story were told, and the US troops were seen by media in a more humane fashion, the level of fanaticism among the insurgents might not be quite as high as it is now.
Funny how the US media jumps at the chance to proclaim us scandalous for things that other countries may or may not think is scandalous - until we define it as such. It took 3 years to completely control Germany after WWII was over. Nazi stragglers hid and tried to carry out covert terrorism all during that time. If Allied forces caught them, they were shot - period. No media hubub, no human rights watchgroups, no ACLU. We have gotten soft, expecting "instant" everything.. including peace. Satellites have given us the blessing and curse of "instant" media that is not necessarily loyal to the US. If Allied forces had been blessed with today's media, we'd be speaking German or Japanese.
Because reporters are NOT reporting about the positive thing being done in Iraq by US troops, prison reforms, or how most prisoners survive and are treated fairly the press is playing into the insurgent's hands. If that story were told, and the US troops were seen by media in a more humane fashion, the level of fanaticism among the insurgents might not be quite as high as it is now.
2004-11-18 19:10:39
I hate my country to the point that I gleefully laugh whenever soldiers die.
I like to comfort terrorists and coddle evil.
I enjoy dhimmi-hood.
Please don't hurt me mighty muslim warriors!
I like to comfort terrorists and coddle evil.
I enjoy dhimmi-hood.
Please don't hurt me mighty muslim warriors!
2004-11-18 19:12:48
The interesting information. But I know, where she(it) is even more interesting.
2004-11-18 19:21:24
Kevin where you step, we wouldn't want you to slip and fall on a bayonet.
2004-11-18 19:22:27
Thank God there are some news photographers left that aren't cold-blooded murderers or complicit with same.
2004-11-18 19:30:08
You're blasting the cameraman for capturing a cold-blooded murder in violation of every rule of war and the Geneva Convention, and YOU'RE BLAMING IT ON THE CAMERAMAN??!!
The US invades another country, without provocation, murders its people, and YOU'RE BLAMING A CAMERAMAN for revealing the TRUTH about a cold-blooded murder.
– Love the Constitution … Fight those that violate it!
You're blasting the cameraman for capturing a cold-blooded murder in violation of every rule of war and the Geneva Convention, and YOU'RE BLAMING IT ON THE CAMERAMAN??!!
The US invades another country, without provocation, murders its people, and YOU'RE BLAMING A CAMERAMAN for revealing the TRUTH about a cold-blooded murder.
– Love the Constitution … Fight those that violate it!
2004-11-18 19:32:59
Kevin Sites joins the Hall of Shame alongside with Taliban John. Kevin can be against the war without being treasonous and he corssed the line. You disgust me..I have nothing but the utmost revulsion for you. If you hate America, I suggest you pack up and leave…that's the least you could do. I'm sure the French will give you an honor parade like they do for criminals, terrorists and cop-killers.
2004-11-18 19:37:44
It is truly a shame, if Kevin Sites were actually captured as he states, that they let him go. What a traitor. A low life terrorist sympathizer who has absolutely no "right" to be where he is. He is causing undue danger to our men, and should, himself, be sent home in a bag. He is truly disgusting - and if he is allowed to stay, and report his unpatriotic BS, he will cause our men to be in harm's way. Send this low life pathetic excuse for an American home - any way you can. He makes me want to puke! ! !
2004-11-18 19:38:53
Kevin, you are a great and brave men. You are a hero. Thanks to clear the eyes of the world and show murderers of the U.S. army.
Keep on the fight.
Keep on the fight.
2004-11-18 19:57:20
2004-11-18 19:58:53
Sure "Ben".
We soldiers will fight evil wherever we find it.
Starting with terrorists.
And nice of you to toss the communist talkign point of fascists out there.
Shows how little you really know.
Here, you go over to Iraq and you try to see how everything is clear cut once once the terrorists start shooting at YOU.
We soldiers will fight evil wherever we find it.
Starting with terrorists.
And nice of you to toss the communist talkign point of fascists out there.
Shows how little you really know.
Here, you go over to Iraq and you try to see how everything is clear cut once once the terrorists start shooting at YOU.
2004-11-18 19:59:50
I admit that I wouldn't know what a real murderer was, even if he stood in front of me and said "Allah Akbar" while cutting my head off.
2004-11-18 20:35:15
Sites claims that the first duty of a journalist is to question their nation. What nonsense is this? The only duty of a journalist is to report the TRUTH. The duty of a LEFTIST is to question their nation. What a fool this man is.
2004-11-18 20:37:33
I find it ironic that artists have been elevated to courageous status since Yoko Ono got naked. Celebrating diversity while fearing a divisive nation tells me this is no plan, its passiveness waiting to be invaded. Cameras do not belong in the field of battle, and the soldiers who have the back of the expressionist stabbing them in the back will not for long. Vincent Van Gogh’s relative just got smoked in the most liberal country on earth, these Liberals began burning Muslim schools and prayer temples. Peace brother, Kill 3000 innocent civilians with jets of innocent civilians and America leaves Muslim Americans alone. Kill one Dutch artist near a hash bar in the Netherlands and Mosque’s will burn. Who and the hell are the butchers? Peace out home slice.
2004-11-18 20:40:52
Re: Kevin Sites. Kevin Sites is very fortunate that he didn't live in the USA when our ForeFathers were around, he would have been hung as a traitor. Now that would have been a real shame! Mr. Sites please stay in Iraq as true Americans don't want you back in this country!
2004-11-18 20:40:55
Frau Tina Schelhorn,
I wonder what you think of all these comments. While some are outright profane and not worthy many are thought provoking and make you wonder who the real enemy is? I appreciate that you have allowed an open forum on your site even though many opinions surely make you cringe. It shows that while you have strong liberal leaning you allow open dialogue. There are many on both sides who do not.
Alles Gute und viele Gruesse,
Christopher Sweeney
I wonder what you think of all these comments. While some are outright profane and not worthy many are thought provoking and make you wonder who the real enemy is? I appreciate that you have allowed an open forum on your site even though many opinions surely make you cringe. It shows that while you have strong liberal leaning you allow open dialogue. There are many on both sides who do not.
Alles Gute und viele Gruesse,
Christopher Sweeney
2004-11-18 20:45:52
I would like to thank Mr. Kevin Sites for his braveness in such a difficult times governed by irrationality, crimes, injustice and lies. Mr. Sites is the voice of the truth. He is showing us what really is going on in Iraq. These facts are difficult to find out because of the media control, always trying to avoid any leak of information that shows the genocide that is happening in Iraq. Please Mr. Sites, do not put attention in those messages attacking what you did. You did the right thing and half of the US, and by far the majority of the world, deeply appreciate you were brave enough to let the world know the truth that we already knew. The most common sign of those pro-war or Bush supporters is their silly patriotism and their use of aggressiveness in their words. They never ever are willing to discuss in relation with real facts. They are not rational, and they try to fill their lack of solid arguments insulting people that really care of getting informed, people that gives a serious thought on all the facts. The people pro-war are the best example of selfishness, caring only about themselves. They think they are the only ones that deserve a house, food and all sort of luxury in this world. Their favorite brainless pseudo-arguments are limited to insulting everybody that disagrees with them. They love the words “anti-patriotic”, “cowards”, etc. They always attack before listening or thinking. Their blindness provokes their recurrent justification of violence. They are not willing to talk and listen, they believe are always right. We are glad that you, Mr. Kevin Sites, are a rational person that deny to see the world only in black and white, that you are willing to put your life in risk in pro of showing the truth. For all this, in behalf of many friends, family and the people that really care about the truth, the justice, fairness, and the planet, we deeply congratulate you.
2004-11-18 20:54:41
Um….are you serious? So we just went in pounding our chest and beating the drums of war for no good reason? Oh yeah, I forgot, all we've done is kill thousands of innocent people, steal their oil and find no WMD. Oh wait, none of that is really true is it. Just in the last few days we found 40 vial of a particula WMD (the type now escapes me). How do I know this? I ran across a picture of us finding it on USATODAY.COM. Oddly enoughly I have heard less than nothing from the mainstream meadia about this. I wonder why that is. I guess the media only cares about sex scandals or fake Bush documents. If we find either of those in Iraq I'm sure they will jump all over it. And let's not forget, Ben, that the poor, sweet, innocent victim was a brutal, hateful, TERRORIST! They are not "insurgents", they are wild animals. Why does the media insist upon making us the bad guy? Can you guess what the "victim" would have done had he come across one of our wounded shoulders? Let me help you out with that one Ben. There would be footage of that as well. Only the cowardly "victim" would be wearing a black hood and would be standing behind out blindfolded, cuffed soldier. This would go on for several weeks until we find his headless body. Yeah, we are clearly in the wrong.
Um….are you serious? So we just went in pounding our chest and beating the drums of war for no good reason? Oh yeah, I forgot, all we've done is kill thousands of innocent people, steal their oil and find no WMD. Oh wait, none of that is really true is it. Just in the last few days we found 40 vial of a particula WMD (the type now escapes me). How do I know this? I ran across a picture of us finding it on USATODAY.COM. Oddly enoughly I have heard less than nothing from the mainstream meadia about this. I wonder why that is. I guess the media only cares about sex scandals or fake Bush documents. If we find either of those in Iraq I'm sure they will jump all over it. And let's not forget, Ben, that the poor, sweet, innocent victim was a brutal, hateful, TERRORIST! They are not "insurgents", they are wild animals. Why does the media insist upon making us the bad guy? Can you guess what the "victim" would have done had he come across one of our wounded shoulders? Let me help you out with that one Ben. There would be footage of that as well. Only the cowardly "victim" would be wearing a black hood and would be standing behind out blindfolded, cuffed soldier. This would go on for several weeks until we find his headless body. Yeah, we are clearly in the wrong.
2004-11-18 21:02:52
Um….are you serious? So we just went in pounding our chest and beating the drums of war for no good reason? Oh yeah, I forgot, all we've done is kill thousands of innocent people, steal their oil and find no WMD. Oh wait, none of that is really true is it. Just in the last few days we found 40 vial of a particula WMD (the type now escapes me). How do I know this? I ran across a picture of us finding it on USATODAY.COM. Oddly enoughly I have heard less than nothing from the mainstream meadia about this. I wonder why that is. I guess the media only cares about sex scandals or fake Bush documents. If we find either of those in Iraq I'm sure they will jump all over it. And let's not forget, Ben, that the poor, sweet, innocent victim was a brutal, hateful, TERRORIST! They are not "insurgents", they are wild animals. Why does the media insist upon making us the bad guy? Can you guess what the "victim" would have done had he come across one of our wounded shoulders? Let me help you out with that one Ben. There would be footage of that as well. Only the cowardly "victim" would be wearing a black hood and would be standing behind out blindfolded, cuffed soldier. This would go on for several weeks until we find his headless body. Yeah, we are clearly in the wrong.
Um….are you serious? So we just went in pounding our chest and beating the drums of war for no good reason? Oh yeah, I forgot, all we've done is kill thousands of innocent people, steal their oil and find no WMD. Oh wait, none of that is really true is it. Just in the last few days we found 40 vial of a particula WMD (the type now escapes me). How do I know this? I ran across a picture of us finding it on USATODAY.COM. Oddly enoughly I have heard less than nothing from the mainstream meadia about this. I wonder why that is. I guess the media only cares about sex scandals or fake Bush documents. If we find either of those in Iraq I'm sure they will jump all over it. And let's not forget, Ben, that the poor, sweet, innocent victim was a brutal, hateful, TERRORIST! They are not "insurgents", they are wild animals. Why does the media insist upon making us the bad guy? Can you guess what the "victim" would have done had he come across one of our wounded shoulders? Let me help you out with that one Ben. There would be footage of that as well. Only the cowardly "victim" would be wearing a black hood and would be standing behind out blindfolded, cuffed soldier. This would go on for several weeks until we find his headless body. Yeah, we are clearly in the wrong.
2004-11-18 21:04:41
Roberto, you are afforded these feelings due to the horrors of war. Dedicated soldiers must do things the village people do not need to be part of. Inner city gang-sta is the basic principle, if you are not strong enough to defend it, it will be mine. It is that basic. Euro Whites came from the East. Had they not Asian Yellows would have come from the West, do you think they would have been nicer. Had Native Americans had better weapons and used them they would have found Peace. Peace is the use of better weapons since the first jaw bone was crushing a skull. Never think we are at the pinnacle of civility unless you are ready to get bent over by an aggressor. Eminen sucks and so does a shit load of art. Peace out.