2004-11-18 15:00:06
shame of yourself - how much money do you get for those pictures !!! did anti war john flip kerry pay you ?? get out of iraq and go to france … no place for you in USA
2004-11-18 15:02:43
I hope you buy it over there
2004-11-18 15:04:45
Dear Mr. Sites,
Thank you for your help with our Jihad. We couldn't have as much fun killing the infidels, Christians and Jews without the complicity, aid and comfort of useful fools in the Western media such as you. Can you please take some pictures of injured women and children and blame it on the American crusaders?
Thank you for your help with our Jihad. We couldn't have as much fun killing the infidels, Christians and Jews without the complicity, aid and comfort of useful fools in the Western media such as you. Can you please take some pictures of injured women and children and blame it on the American crusaders?
2004-11-18 15:06:28
I'm horrified by the hateful comments posted here, demonstrating ignorance about the role of the press and demonstrating no regard for the truth.
Thank you, Mr. Sites for your work in Iraq.
Thank you, Mr. Sites for your work in Iraq.
2004-11-18 15:08:23
I've never made a public statement in my 63 years. Your irresponsible photo of a marine doing his duty has prompted me to express my dismay as your lack of understanding of the work the military must do. I am even more amazed at your actions since you are on the scene and should know better. You should be ashamed of your betrayal of your country's actions.
2004-11-18 15:08:24
You are a first class ass hole
2004-11-18 15:09:38
I think General Sherman in the Civil War had the right idea. He had so many problems with intelligence being leaked my members of the press that tagged along with his army that he threatened to hang them as spies if he found any more.
What is being done not only passes information to the enemy, but aids and comforts the enemy.
Better watch your back, you just might get "fragged."
What is being done not only passes information to the enemy, but aids and comforts the enemy.
Better watch your back, you just might get "fragged."
2004-11-18 15:09:57
2004-11-18 15:10:53
Comrade Sites,
This poll clearly shows the sentiment of the American public toward the young soldier.
Should the Marine from the Saturday incident be prosecuted? Vote in the Poll!
Current results
Yes (6.3 %) 59 votes
No (93.7 %) 879 votes
Total Votes: 879
This poll clearly shows the sentiment of the American public toward the young soldier.
Should the Marine from the Saturday incident be prosecuted? Vote in the Poll!
Current results
Yes (6.3 %) 59 votes
No (93.7 %) 879 votes
Total Votes: 879
2004-11-18 15:11:13
You provide more fodder for the recruitment efforts of the terrorists. Thanks a lot, asshole!
2004-11-18 15:11:29
Please take your camera- your agenda and your butt out of Iraq. You have put our troops lives at risk and given aid to our enemy. Perhaps that was your plan all along. You could have been and honest man and givien your film to the top brass if you were so concerned- but instead you gave it straight to our enemies.
REmember that the next time you read of a dead Marine and read about how his family suffers.
No matter what you think of this war- these guys are there to do their job- and it is not easy- you just made it harder.
You are no American- you are a leach- sucking off of our fine military folks for your freedom.
Shame on you!
We will not forget your treason , your face or your agenda, ever.
REmember that the next time you read of a dead Marine and read about how his family suffers.
No matter what you think of this war- these guys are there to do their job- and it is not easy- you just made it harder.
You are no American- you are a leach- sucking off of our fine military folks for your freedom.
Shame on you!
We will not forget your treason , your face or your agenda, ever.
2004-11-18 15:12:17
2004-11-18 15:15:53
2004-11-18 15:16:13
You should be ashamed of yourself. That Marine was simply doing his job. YOU would have been dead also if that injured terrorist had thrown a bomb out from under his robe. Hey, that Marine may very well saved YOUR life. You're a scumbag.
2004-11-18 15:16:29
2004-11-18 15:18:53
I have struggled for the past few days to try and understand what has happened to our country when after the lessons of Abu Ghraib, the media finds it necessarry to once again put our troops and innocent civilians in harms way. The truth of the matter is you are not an American. You seek self glorification at the expense of others under the guise of "reporting". You deliberately withheld information from the Marines who entered the mosque and said nothing when they entered into their stressed encounter with the wounded terrorist. Only after you had taped the Marine shooting him did you tell the Marines in the mosque that other Marines had already cleared it. You are a despicable traitor to the men and women who have seen fit to help protect you while in Iraq, and now you have committed the ultimate traitorous act by setting one of them up to be fodder for the media and notwithstanding the jihadists. I want so very badly to call you anything but a nice guy, but I think deep inside, you already know you're not a nice guy. Do the United States a favor, and root for our side for once!
MSgt, USAF retired
MSgt, USAF retired
2004-11-18 15:19:26
Thank you for your tremendous picture of infidel murdering innocent poor iraqi. God willing, this will recruit 1000's of fellow fudgebars to rise up and fight the idolators. Allah would be proud of you, but as your not muslim, you will burn in hell - nevermind.
2004-11-18 15:21:00
While I don't wish death upon you, as many rightfully angry citizens do, I do hope you are recognized as the anti-American idiot you are, and are shunned and commercially unappealing.
But I doubt that would happen, as most in your field will laud you as a brave man. You aren't, you are just in the company of brave men.
God bless our military, and may they stay safe in the face of adversity, wherever it may rear its ugly head.
But I doubt that would happen, as most in your field will laud you as a brave man. You aren't, you are just in the company of brave men.
God bless our military, and may they stay safe in the face of adversity, wherever it may rear its ugly head.
2004-11-18 15:22:35
Thank you for your tremendous picture of infidel murdering innocent poor iraqi. God willing, this will recruit 1000's of fellow fudgebars to rise up and fight the idolators. Allah would be proud of you, but as your not muslim, you will burn in hell - nevermind.
2004-11-18 15:23:29
I am 70 years old, and I have never spoken out before. But I am so disheartened and ashamed of Kevin Sites and his PIMP boss- NBC. In WWII, it was necessary to have censorship of the press in order that important information would not inadvertently fall into enemy hands and give "aid and comfort" to the enemy. Well, Kevin, you and NBC have done just that. It's time to bring back media censorship during wartime.
2004-11-18 15:24:33
People like you are why journalists are hated and misstrusted by the military. You haven't got the stones to document the murderous scum that slaughter women like pigs. But you instead sully the reputation of the very men who protect you and provide you with the freedom to publish your
"art". You sicken me.
"art". You sicken me.
2004-11-18 15:31:28
You have given aid to those who killed 3,000 innocent people on American soil – and who would do so again if they had the means and the opportunity to do so.
I know that one day you will return to the safety of these shores – made safe by the 1,000's of brave young men like the young marine you photographed.
I know that one day you will return to the safety of these shores – made safe by the 1,000's of brave young men like the young marine you photographed.
2004-11-18 15:33:14
This is a photographer that John Kerry would love. Kerry got a silver star for shooting a fleeing unarmed Vietnamese boy in the back. This Marine should get the Medal of Honor.
2004-11-18 15:37:12
How about next time YOU be the one to check on an "injured" terrorist who may or may not have a weapon? I hope there is a Marine there with a camera to film you wetting yourself if that were ever to happen. That I would pay money for. We could put it all over the internet and send it worldwide. Your family and friends would be so proud! You could comfort the Terrorist and give him a bandage! You could whisper in his ear that you believe in his "freedom fight".
Of course that will never happen for you are a coward who only can do what you do under the protection of Marines. PIG!
You are a disgrace!
Of course that will never happen for you are a coward who only can do what you do under the protection of Marines. PIG!
You are a disgrace!
2004-11-18 15:38:04
Now our soldiers on the front lines not only have to be on guard from the enemy in their front, but also from the enemy placed WITHIN their ranks, an an enemy who in the guise of journalistic "objectivity" actually report a slanted version of events tainted by their own anti-military and anti-American bias. This soldier made an instantaneous judgement that there was a threat to the safety of himself and other soldiers in his unit, and acted accordingly. He did not have the time to convene a seminar to discuss the moral, legal, ethical, and philosphical aspects of judging whether the iraqi terrorist [yes terrorist, not "insurgent"] was about to kill him. This is WAR, and people get killed.
Oh, by the way, SIR, do you have any footage of the innocent captives who were beheaded by the terrorists in this same area our brave soldiers are liberating? Footage like like might impress you with how dangerous this enemy is, and with what degree of caution our soldiers must act.
After your betrayal of this unit of our brave soldiers, I wouldn't stay imbedded with our military anymore if you have any degree of common sense. You get the drift.
Oh, by the way, SIR, do you have any footage of the innocent captives who were beheaded by the terrorists in this same area our brave soldiers are liberating? Footage like like might impress you with how dangerous this enemy is, and with what degree of caution our soldiers must act.
After your betrayal of this unit of our brave soldiers, I wouldn't stay imbedded with our military anymore if you have any degree of common sense. You get the drift.
2004-11-18 15:38:30
watch your back asshole; a fragging is coming your way…
2004-11-18 15:38:50
If you were truly antiwar you would had been in Yugoslavia in 1999 when Clinton bombed hospitals, marketplaces, passanger trains.. But all of you liberals approve wars that your liberal presidents wage. Just because President Bush is a Republican, and media hates him, you'll all go ou of the way to present this war against terror as something shameful. Shame on you!
2004-11-18 15:40:46
Mr. Sites, You are doing your job as a representative of the media. Keep the world informed. You are as brave as the soldiers with whom you travel.
2004-11-18 15:41:11
You had to remind yourself "I am not one of them" over and over?
Well duh!
You sure as hell aren't one of them, for they are United States Marines and you are a self-absorbed, ungrateful, duplicitous, leftist bastard. You are not one tenth the man required to join the beloved Corps, and you should NEVER forget it.
I believe the name "Sites" will ultimately take on a second meaning, like "Quisling" or "Goebbels."
Well duh!
You sure as hell aren't one of them, for they are United States Marines and you are a self-absorbed, ungrateful, duplicitous, leftist bastard. You are not one tenth the man required to join the beloved Corps, and you should NEVER forget it.
I believe the name "Sites" will ultimately take on a second meaning, like "Quisling" or "Goebbels."
2004-11-18 15:43:07
I dont think you are even man enough to read these comments. You put a Marine up for the world to judge.. yet you will not be brave enough to read how we really feel about you, will you?
2004-11-18 15:45:46
I just sorry the Marine didn't shoot you.
2004-11-18 15:46:41
Kevin sites is a traitor to those brave soldiers and to this country. It is time all of the biased embedded reporters went home, better yet all the reporters should go home and let our soldiers win this war! Kevin Sites whereever you are you have to live with yourself.
2004-11-18 15:53:19
What is incredible, and eerily common about liberals, is that they are so engrossed with their own beliefs and forget the effect which becomes counter productive to their "cause". This gross misconduct has fueled anti-american sentiment beyond normal and will prolong the job of our fine military men and women. If you are against the war, then help to make the peace, not fuel the fire for further hatred. Really…incredible.
2004-11-18 15:53:59
Kevin: You acted very immaturely in this matter. You SHOULD have turned the video over to the military authorities. Then IF they failed to take action, your story should have been Military fails to act…. Instead you took the easy way out and went for SENSATIONALISM rather then RESPONSIBILITY. Your actions are going to be very costly for the other marines and soldiers fighting on our countries behalf. I hope you have learned a lesson here.
2004-11-18 15:55:46
I am so sorry for misguided people like you - in case you have not noticed we are at WAR - we are not practicing for one . Wake up - this is really happening and you are reporting in such a clearly biased way and giving our enemy support by your liberal attitude. Be sure that if that wounded insurgent decided to lob a bomb in your direction he would believe he was going straight to Allah and his virgins and would care nothing about some liberal whining western journalist. You are the enemy there and you should be kissing that Marine for saving your life. If you can't take the heat of battle get out - you are in the wrong place and the blood that has been shed throughout American history to maintain our freedom has also given you a forum for your traitorous drivel - never forget it!
2004-11-18 15:56:31
Mr. Sites,
My good american friend. We in the jihad wish to thank you so much for showing the atrocity committed against our brother by your yellow dog marines. We cannot tell you how much it helps our cause in recruiting and killing when aid is given to us by the friendly American press. Why they still refer to us as freedom fighters, can you imagine that? Regardless of how many heads we cut off, how many women we rape, how many local citizens we butcher and kill, we get the "free pass" from you, thank you again.
Oh, btw, in spite of all your help, don't let us catch you Mr. Sites, you have a particularly attractive head - you would make a great beheading video - in fact, we could use your camera, what say you friend?
Note to Mr. Sites: You are the scumbag of America right now, you really shouldn't think about returning to America, it is no longer your country - and if they don't frag a cocksucker like you before you leave Iraq, I pray the terrorists do indeed make you their next victim, or someone in your "homeland" caps your ass when you do come home. You are a disgusting piece of shit.
My good american friend. We in the jihad wish to thank you so much for showing the atrocity committed against our brother by your yellow dog marines. We cannot tell you how much it helps our cause in recruiting and killing when aid is given to us by the friendly American press. Why they still refer to us as freedom fighters, can you imagine that? Regardless of how many heads we cut off, how many women we rape, how many local citizens we butcher and kill, we get the "free pass" from you, thank you again.
Oh, btw, in spite of all your help, don't let us catch you Mr. Sites, you have a particularly attractive head - you would make a great beheading video - in fact, we could use your camera, what say you friend?
Note to Mr. Sites: You are the scumbag of America right now, you really shouldn't think about returning to America, it is no longer your country - and if they don't frag a cocksucker like you before you leave Iraq, I pray the terrorists do indeed make you their next victim, or someone in your "homeland" caps your ass when you do come home. You are a disgusting piece of shit.
2004-11-18 16:03:04
Kevin, OK. Now post some pictures of Margaret Hassan being shot in the head. Got any of those ? No. I didn't think so.
2004-11-18 16:05:24
I don't get it. This guy send his footage home and NBC decides to show it. The guy just took pictures… "Send all the journalist home and let us win this war". So basically line up the towel heads on a wall and let's take care of them. You are the same people that thump on the Bible. Whose God would sanction these actions. What are you doing in Iraq in the first place? Still looking for WMD? Your knee deep in blood and getting bloodier. We all know what war is like. It's a bunch of kids with guns that sometimes make horrific decisions. Now the other side sees this a feels justified in retaliating and it never stops. So the US policy on injured Iraquis is "Blow them away in case". I'm sure your God would be proud. Maybe Bush should have another sit down with the "Burning Bush", I think he got his signals crossed.
2004-11-18 16:08:28
Mr. Sites has committed sedition and should be prosecuted under applicable laws.
2004-11-18 16:08:42
Dejen de molestar a este excelente fotografo, pinches americanos patrioteros de mierda, que no saben que existe un mundo alla afuera en el que se cometen estas injusticias y mas, chingen a su madre malditos ustedes y la puta de su madre que los pario.
2004-11-18 16:10:17
hipotesis 1:
Los estadounidenses viven la censura y autocensura de los mass media y desconocen las atrocidades que USA ha cometido en otros paises por décadas (Chile, Panama, Vietnam, Afganistan, Irak, etc.)
hipotesis 2:
Lo saben y están de acuerdo y por esta razón Bush está en el poder con su misil-falo y la cruz del neofundamentalismo occidental en la mano.
Si es así, como lo creo, que algún Dios perdone a USA.
Thanks Mr. Site.
Los estadounidenses viven la censura y autocensura de los mass media y desconocen las atrocidades que USA ha cometido en otros paises por décadas (Chile, Panama, Vietnam, Afganistan, Irak, etc.)
hipotesis 2:
Lo saben y están de acuerdo y por esta razón Bush está en el poder con su misil-falo y la cruz del neofundamentalismo occidental en la mano.
Si es así, como lo creo, que algún Dios perdone a USA.
Thanks Mr. Site.
2004-11-18 16:13:53
Sites, are you sure you know which side you're on?!? I'm sure the "brave rebels" would be happy to have you. Go join them.
2004-11-18 16:16:28
We could have just bombed this city and these terrorists and yet we did not. And STILL Sites needs to find a way to undermine the operation. The decent thing to do would have been to give the tape to military authorities, but instead he went for the sensationalism. Mr. Sites, they should give you the job of inspecting injured terrorists from now on.
I cannot put into words how repugnant you are.
I cannot put into words how repugnant you are.
2004-11-18 16:21:10
I would just like to say that I truly hope that the next time Sites is embedded with our troops that they "accidently" mistake him for the enemy. What is really outrageous is this Marine did the exact same thing that the self-proclaimed war John Kerry did in his war. Some of you will say that Kerry shot the enemy that had a rocket launcher but if you check the statement made by his crewmate it was his crewmate that shot the V.C. and only after he was wounded and running away unarmed did Kerry jump off ship to kill an unarmed enemy. Same thing, they should give the Marine in this case the same medals that Kerry recieved. Actually Sites that Marine may have saved your life that day, to bad it does not seem that it was not worth saving.
2004-11-18 16:21:40
Sites, are you sure you know which side you're on?!? I'm sure the "brave rebels" would be happy to have you. Go join them.
2004-11-18 16:22:01
i thought artists were supposed to be open-minded, not single-minded generalists?
there are many necessary evils in this world and war is one of them.
there are just wars. but it seems these artists don't believe any war is ever justified. where is the sense of history? where is the wisdom? at the least present both the positives and negatives of war.
this is simple-minded niavete masqueading as intellectualism.
there are many necessary evils in this world and war is one of them.
there are just wars. but it seems these artists don't believe any war is ever justified. where is the sense of history? where is the wisdom? at the least present both the positives and negatives of war.
this is simple-minded niavete masqueading as intellectualism.
2004-11-18 16:22:23
Did you check out the details?
Close investigation of the video (including the muted audio track) of the man being beheaded showed that the perpetrators were not Iraqis.
Are we once again being subjected to carefully designed propaganda?
Close investigation of the video (including the muted audio track) of the man being beheaded showed that the perpetrators were not Iraqis.
Are we once again being subjected to carefully designed propaganda?
2004-11-18 16:22:46
Thanks for inspiring the Islamic faithful to hunt down the infidel Marines. Allah Akbar!
2004-11-18 16:23:32
I would just like to say that I truly hope that the next time Sites is embedded with our troops that they "accidently" mistake him for the enemy. What is really outrageous is this Marine did the exact same thing that the self-proclaimed war John Kerry did in his war. Some of you will say that Kerry shot the enemy that had a rocket launcher but if you check the statement made by his crewmate it was his crewmate that shot the V.C. and only after he was wounded and running away unarmed did Kerry jump off ship to kill an unarmed enemy. Same thing, they should give the Marine in this case the same medals that Kerry recieved. Actually Sites that Marine may have saved your life that day, to bad it does not seem that it was not worth saving.