to think we die to protect shi!@#^%$ the likes of you!
evil exist! you can not negotiate with it!
i would like to see you on the front line instead of hiding behind the brave men and women defending your ass!
who knows?
watch your coward back. maybe it's time to consider wearing a turtle neckwith a steel collar? as your friends over there might like to have you over fora real media event.
you also remind me that hell ain't half full!
2004-11-18 07:13:45
2004-11-18 07:18:41
I will put a bullet through your head if any marine is killed b/c of what you did! Watch out!!
2004-11-18 07:43:25
Was gibt's hier, Herr. Sites. I see no pictures of terrorists shooting or beheading defenseless people, especially women. Are you telling us you could not get close enough? Too bad.
2004-11-18 07:52:50
What a jerk, you know, it would have bee great for you Kevin if the terrorist had aimed for you and not the Marine, I really liked the other terrorist that "surrendered" after his buddy was shot. What great video NBC missed out on, a patrol getting wiped out in a mosque, where "your friends" store ammo and use as a fortress.
Has it not occured to you all reading this stuff that the Islamic Terrorists NEVER subscribed to the Geneva Convention???
So–why are we observing LOAC when they don't???
For the brave and embattled allies in Iraq and Afganistan that are reading this, too bad you don't have any lard or other pork products to coat the rounds before you fire.
Has it not occured to you all reading this stuff that the Islamic Terrorists NEVER subscribed to the Geneva Convention???
So–why are we observing LOAC when they don't???
For the brave and embattled allies in Iraq and Afganistan that are reading this, too bad you don't have any lard or other pork products to coat the rounds before you fire.
2004-11-18 07:56:15
Disgusting as they are, your actions do not surprise me. After all, you are a journalist working for NBC nonetheless. It is shameful to have people like you riding alongside (or rather behind) our great men fighting for our country. Mr. Sites, you are despicable. You have given the enemy more resolve. I heard it say the other day, the US is winning the war but is losing the propaganda war because of Al Jazeera and people like you and NBC.
2004-11-18 08:07:35
How can you claim to be for peace when what you did is going to kill so many more lives? The love of my life is in that battalion and I hope if that was him that he would do exactly what that marine did. Now because of what you did, if he is in that situation and has to think twice and god forbid gets hurt……. Fuck you. Would it had made you happier if they let that guy live and he took out all of you as you walked away. You have some balls to back stab these men after all they are going through. I'm sure you would piss your pants if you didn't have these men to protect and yet you have the nerve to do this. I don't know how some people live with themselves.
2004-11-18 09:00:31
Sites…You and Brokaw, and Jennings, and Rather are blatantly anti-American and anti-military. You're not fooling anyone. It's obvious you would rather see the terrorists win. With what you just did, you helped your efforts a great deal. How dare you release this video?? You just stabbed our Marines in the back. God help you.
2004-11-18 09:26:15
You need your fucking treasonous ass kicked Sites, slamming you worthless fucking skull with a baseball bat would be too good for you. Eat shit, I seriously hope somebody caps your worthless ass over there.
2004-11-18 10:15:38
Most news media in Iraq needs to be locked up in one of sadam's 'detention centers' at the very least. Those like mr Site are enemy and need to be handled as such. Our military machine is foolish for letting reporters tag along. If they want to go to the war zone, tell them they are on their own. No protection from the troops who are too busy watching their own backs and fighting for OUR FREEDOM. So these anti-Christ, liberal reporters ARE enemies, and have no place in our camp.
2004-11-18 11:24:21
Mr. Sites is the epitome of anti-Americanism and is totally incapable of actually "reporting" news without his contempt and hatred for all things American oozing out. NBC is now the lowest rated “news” out there and I expect it to get much, much lower…
2004-11-18 11:49:48
Just me
Es ist einfach nicht zu glauben das ein Kriegs-Tyrann wie Bush noch so oft gewählt wird. Eine Schande für Amerika, schlimmer kann es doch nicht mehr werden was man spätestens bei dem Film von Michael Moore gesehen hat. I can't believe that so much poeple vote for George Bush. When you see the film from Micheal Moore you see which monster you choose!!!!!!
Pity the poor, ignorant slob who posted the above. He believes michael moore's lying propaganda just as his predecessors believed Hitler's lies. Some people never learn.
And for what it's worth. I couldn't possibly add to the all the truthful statements that have been heaped upon this idiot Sites. He is the lowest of the low. A traitor. Scum of the earth. My first reaction to his 'video footage' was to say that someone should take him out immediately, and beat the holy crap out of him.
I agree whole heartedly with the opinions that the next time combatant 'insurgents' (read: TERRORIST MURDERERS) have to be checked to see if they are alive or really dead, are concealing weapons or explosives, that the Marines allow mr. Sites the priviledge of doing so first.
Just me
Es ist einfach nicht zu glauben das ein Kriegs-Tyrann wie Bush noch so oft gewählt wird. Eine Schande für Amerika, schlimmer kann es doch nicht mehr werden was man spätestens bei dem Film von Michael Moore gesehen hat. I can't believe that so much poeple vote for George Bush. When you see the film from Micheal Moore you see which monster you choose!!!!!!
Pity the poor, ignorant slob who posted the above. He believes michael moore's lying propaganda just as his predecessors believed Hitler's lies. Some people never learn.
And for what it's worth. I couldn't possibly add to the all the truthful statements that have been heaped upon this idiot Sites. He is the lowest of the low. A traitor. Scum of the earth. My first reaction to his 'video footage' was to say that someone should take him out immediately, and beat the holy crap out of him.
I agree whole heartedly with the opinions that the next time combatant 'insurgents' (read: TERRORIST MURDERERS) have to be checked to see if they are alive or really dead, are concealing weapons or explosives, that the Marines allow mr. Sites the priviledge of doing so first.
2004-11-18 11:54:38
Mr Sites,
I know when you and your PEACE ACTIVIST friends demand troops MURDER their Officers it's called "Fragging" what do they call it when the smart assed TERRORIST APOLOGIST /FRIENDLY NBC Camera PERSON cops a dozen rounds in the back of the head?
I know when you and your PEACE ACTIVIST friends demand troops MURDER their Officers it's called "Fragging" what do they call it when the smart assed TERRORIST APOLOGIST /FRIENDLY NBC Camera PERSON cops a dozen rounds in the back of the head?
2004-11-18 12:08:27
While you are in Iraq, Mr. Sites, polish up on the definition of "Treason".
It is my sincere hope that you don't bother returning to the US.
It is my sincere hope that you don't bother returning to the US.
2004-11-18 12:12:05
OMG. First France, Germany, and the left-wing extremist liberal media whores. And now, Mr. Sites. …and what a 'sight' he is!
Hey Sites haters. Don't hold your breath waiting for justice to be served by his early demise. They say that only the good die young. That lets him out.
But we can always hope, can't we? Keep the faith.
Hey Sites haters. Don't hold your breath waiting for justice to be served by his early demise. They say that only the good die young. That lets him out.
But we can always hope, can't we? Keep the faith.
2004-11-18 12:55:09
Oh, DoubleBarrel…you forgot the loudest of the cry babies. Bleeding heart, liberal Hollyweirdos.
But what do we know, eh? Like Linda Ronstadt said in her fabulous interview, 'Americans don't know a thing about Iraqis.' Oh, and she does?
I think she should go over there and take Babs S, Baldwin and all the other loud mouths and see if they can do a better job than our Marines. I'm sure they and this Sites fella' would make things all better with their 'touchy, feely, let's all join hands' and sing' philosophy. Like, Kerry, they probably have 'a plan.'
As for you, Mr. Sites- 'eat dirt.'
Oh, DoubleBarrel…you forgot the loudest of the cry babies. Bleeding heart, liberal Hollyweirdos.
But what do we know, eh? Like Linda Ronstadt said in her fabulous interview, 'Americans don't know a thing about Iraqis.' Oh, and she does?
I think she should go over there and take Babs S, Baldwin and all the other loud mouths and see if they can do a better job than our Marines. I'm sure they and this Sites fella' would make things all better with their 'touchy, feely, let's all join hands' and sing' philosophy. Like, Kerry, they probably have 'a plan.'
As for you, Mr. Sites- 'eat dirt.'
2004-11-18 12:56:31
I hope you never get a chance to read this!
2004-11-18 13:09:10
It is said that a fool desires to share his folly with others. The mouth of fools speak folly. How foolish you are and how regrettable your attempt to discredit this marine and the bravery and courage of our miltary to fight terrorism.
2004-11-18 13:26:41
Perhaps your site needs to include the beheadings, the wanton murder of innocence by "homicide bombers," the brutality of Saddam's regime (mass graves), and the cowardice of the "Old Europeans" who profited from Saddam's Oil for Food Farce!
2004-11-18 13:32:22
Well hell bells. Congrats! Mr. Sites! I hope you're proud of yourself, you low-life dirt bag! It's bad enough that parents have to worry about their sons and daughters in combat, now along comes YOU putting their loved ones in more danger. It's a pity that the military feels obligated to protect your sorry arse.
News Flash! War is hell. People die. Hopefully the enemy. Personally, I don't care how many of the enemy are killed or how. Just as long as it's done.
Is your few minutes of fame worth knowing that the majority of Americans hate your guts? You won't be remembered as famous, only 'infamous.' Something that all traitors are known for. You make me sick to my stomach.
News Flash! War is hell. People die. Hopefully the enemy. Personally, I don't care how many of the enemy are killed or how. Just as long as it's done.
Is your few minutes of fame worth knowing that the majority of Americans hate your guts? You won't be remembered as famous, only 'infamous.' Something that all traitors are known for. You make me sick to my stomach.
2004-11-18 13:55:33
I hope you get your ass blown up!
2004-11-18 13:59:56
How about a website named www.imagesAGAINSTkevinsites?
2004-11-18 14:01:48
How about a website named www.imagesAGAINSTkevinsites? Or www.imagesFORourTroops?
2004-11-18 14:19:40
I hope you are proud of yourself, putting these men's lives in danger. You should be forced to search the bodies for booby traps from now on.
2004-11-18 14:20:42
The young marine being crucified…surely you've made a photo of that, too, haven't you?
I'd suggest you stage it with the marine hanging on a camera tripod cross, with a camera impaling his visible heart.
Be sure to show that he bleeds for his country, and that you profit off of his courage.
I'd suggest you stage it with the marine hanging on a camera tripod cross, with a camera impaling his visible heart.
Be sure to show that he bleeds for his country, and that you profit off of his courage.
2004-11-18 14:24:24
May your tribe decrease.
2004-11-18 14:25:07
It would appear that what you do is pick on soldiers doing their duty who can't really teally come after you. Why don't you go amongst the terrorists and film the slaughter houses? Why don't you go and see if they will allow you to film their atrocities? You won't because they would cut your throats. What a bunch of cowards you are!!!!!
2004-11-18 14:27:32
I'd rather have ten of those soldiers than a million losers like you.
I hope some jihadist shoves a car-bomb up your A$$.
I hope some jihadist shoves a car-bomb up your A$$.
2004-11-18 14:29:29
Mr Sites, good luck with your embedded position…I don't think the Marines are going to cover your ass from now on…watch out for "friendly fire"
2004-11-18 14:33:17
That soldier was protecting YOU and ME you airhead! It is WAR. That is why they call it WAR. Oh, did you know that a woman had her head cut off same day?
I think you are a fool. Look up the definition, you may be surprised!
I think you are a fool. Look up the definition, you may be surprised!
2004-11-18 14:34:13
You have put the lives of those who protected you into danger. You are scum of the lowest order.
2004-11-18 14:34:14
Hey Mr. Sites, way to put our Marines' lives in danger you poisonous pinko creep!
You can no longer hide behind your camera and claim "objectivity" anymore: you've been OUTTED!
You and all the other sniveling coward leftists are clearly giving it your all to hurt our military and hamper their efforts to preserve our freedom. But you will NOT succeed. Our fighting men are brave, tough, loyal and true. By the prayers of millions of Americans including myself, our God will protect them and prosper their noble work.
For y'all anti-American wastrels who root for the terrorists, your time has passed. In Election 2004, you hippies and jihadi-symps got your effete @sses handed to you, with your ideas totally discredited just like those of your god Karl Marx. Time to pack it in and head back to the commune, Kevin. Maybe you leftist creeps need to put down your crack-cocaine and try some Prozac.
You can no longer hide behind your camera and claim "objectivity" anymore: you've been OUTTED!
You and all the other sniveling coward leftists are clearly giving it your all to hurt our military and hamper their efforts to preserve our freedom. But you will NOT succeed. Our fighting men are brave, tough, loyal and true. By the prayers of millions of Americans including myself, our God will protect them and prosper their noble work.
For y'all anti-American wastrels who root for the terrorists, your time has passed. In Election 2004, you hippies and jihadi-symps got your effete @sses handed to you, with your ideas totally discredited just like those of your god Karl Marx. Time to pack it in and head back to the commune, Kevin. Maybe you leftist creeps need to put down your crack-cocaine and try some Prozac.
2004-11-18 14:35:19
The young marine being crucified…surely you've made a photo of that, too, haven't you?
I'd suggest you stage it with the marine hanging on a camera tripod cross, with a camera impaling his visible heart.
Be sure to show that he bleeds for his country, and that you profit off of his courage.
I'd suggest you stage it with the marine hanging on a camera tripod cross, with a camera impaling his visible heart.
Be sure to show that he bleeds for his country, and that you profit off of his courage.
2004-11-18 14:35:56
Kevin Sites is traitor and should go on trial for inciting terrorism.
Semper Fidelis to my fellow Marines
Semper Fidelis to my fellow Marines
2004-11-18 14:36:26
Hey, Judas, going to keep those thirty pieces? Remember what Iscariot did? \"Go and do likewise!\"
2004-11-18 14:38:50
You are a 'Traitor to America' and 'MY' military, not yours. You have proven that. Hey Sites, going out on any manuvers with the Marines soon? Watch your back! Ha Ha Ha. We see through the $hit you spread. We reelected Bush. We love our president. We love our country and our military and WE are many.
2004-11-18 14:39:04
Why are there no images of the mass graves or the effects of car bombs and young suicide bombers? By denying the reason the soldiers are there by ommission you abrogate reality and therefore become meritless.
2004-11-18 14:39:28
we are at War you idiot, and your providing "aid and comfort to the enemy"?
I hope they arrest you.
They need to arrest your boss for hiring you too.
I hope they arrest you.
They need to arrest your boss for hiring you too.
2004-11-18 14:39:52
You, Mr. Sites, are a scumbag piece of shit!
2004-11-18 14:40:26
I am just SAD that the Marine did not shoot Kevin Sites that would have been a good kill also
2004-11-18 14:41:52
I don't blame you for capturing an image that was in front of your camera, but the musings on your blog show you to be shallow, foolish and an enemy to the Marines who have allowed you to join them and who are keeping you alive. You give a bad name to journalists everywhere. Not only do you expose your bias, your bias exposes you to be a fool and an enemy to your country. I would suggest that you imbed yourself with Zarqawi and his insurgents and take pictures of how they conduct the war.
2004-11-18 14:42:53
I don't think there is much support for him……;)))))
That is why the big media is loosing every shred of credibility it has. Soon the sponsors will realize that the audience consists of a skewed, confused segment of society and their communications dollars are being wasted. Then some new people will show up with a more balanced viewpoint and actually be journalists.
That is why the big media is loosing every shred of credibility it has. Soon the sponsors will realize that the audience consists of a skewed, confused segment of society and their communications dollars are being wasted. Then some new people will show up with a more balanced viewpoint and actually be journalists.
2004-11-18 14:43:25
That brave Marine had the misfortune of addressing you as Sir when you informed him that they were wounded from the previous day's hostilities, Sites. A knowledge that you hoarded to yourself and didn't share with our Marines going in to secure that room. You, and I definitely won't address you as sir, should be the one under scrutiny. Every indication that I saw was the Marine felt danger to his comrades and even your ungrateful self and eliminated the danger by neutralizing the threat.
A brave man, Marine, and HERO!
A brave man, Marine, and HERO!
2004-11-18 14:44:15
You're sick man! May God have mercy on those whom you have persecuted. And its very hard to say this…but may he have mercy on you too. You are scum!
2004-11-18 14:45:32
Your nothing more then a coward I will ask the Prsident to kick all of you liberals out and let you go around on your own and see how long you live. These Troops of ours are there for a reason to free a country who had no freedom, and to let a scumbag like you to tag a long is a shame. I hope you get stuck on the shitter with no paper and no one brings your sorry liberal hide any.
2004-11-18 14:48:49
For those of us who would like to stop by your house and visit, could you give us your home address?
2004-11-18 14:52:14
My father was a Marine for 26 years, and I a soldier for 7. People like yourself, write us off as patriotic half wits who don't understand.
I think you are the one who doesn't understand. These warriors deserve better treatment from the press, people like yourself shouldn't even be graced with their presence. Do us all a favor and go and apply for Canadian Citizenship. There you can join the others in the world who see the American freedom fighters as oppresors. Countries like France owe their freedom to us, how soon the forget.
I think you are the one who doesn't understand. These warriors deserve better treatment from the press, people like yourself shouldn't even be graced with their presence. Do us all a favor and go and apply for Canadian Citizenship. There you can join the others in the world who see the American freedom fighters as oppresors. Countries like France owe their freedom to us, how soon the forget.
2004-11-18 14:56:31
My son is a Marine who has already had 2 deployemnts to Iraq. Now he is preparing for his 3rd. I pray that he would do the same thing that young Marine did. I certainly would not want my son to be killed by some piece of crap that has booby-trapped himself. Now, you on the other hand….I would not care if you had blown up!!!!!
2004-11-18 14:56:58
Maybe you would like to take a shot of my nephew who has half his body blown away and is still alive - because he gave the benefit of the doubt to the terrorist lying still until he let go of the bomb he had stowed away in his robe?
Go to hell you terrorist wannabe…I live near Pismo if you are really there….one day we will meet.
Go to hell you terrorist wannabe…I live near Pismo if you are really there….one day we will meet.
2004-11-18 14:57:32
Mr. Sites, you are truly a disgrace to your profession. This is how you repay the marines who protect you day in and day out. I hope you find comfort in that camera the next time the marines leave you in the battlefield to defend yourself. Hell you might be able to video tape your own beheading when the insurgents capture you.