2004-11-18 04:47:17
What ridiculous hysteria. Flooding his guestbook with blood-thirsty and irrational bullshit accomplishes what exactly? It stikes me that nobody, here at least, complains or is angry that the soldier did something he, in a legal sense, should not have done. On a moral level, I probably would have done it too and its hard to take into account what it's like to keep oneself in check in the heat of battle, but regardless you do keep yourself in check and if you dont you should be punished. It's justice, plain and simple. You're mad at Sites for what? Exposing a wrong-doing? The fact of the matter is that this is something that exists, that really happened, and shouldnt have happened. He didnt lie, cheat, or make something up. Obviously, it's naive to think this footages release wasnt politically motivated and I fully understand that, but thats what I think a lot of you are actually mad over. Somebody from "their" side is trying to hurt something that is often attributed to our "side." Solution? "I hope you die, you commie!" Frankly, it's embarrassing watching people act this way. It's so primative. Look, We're all in favour of our military at times of war and don't want to see them fail or be hurt but its also our duty to serve as the checks and as the balances. Im tired of people acting like we shouldnt. In my mind thats how Sites should be seen and, comparably, how the people who exposed Abu Ghraib should be seen: as the checks and the balances. Much has been made of this and it's hardly worth repeating, but it's much more patriotic to dissent than it is to follow. Thats our role. In the meantime, calm the fuck down. I get very upset over many things but never act this way. Theres no excuse for it
2004-11-18 04:49:20
You liberal piece of dogshit. You deserve to be the next victim of beheading over there. I hope the marines hand-deliver your sorry ass to Zarqawi and we get to see you beg for your life like the other hostages. Speaking of which, its quite ironic that we have not seen any of the war crimes committed against US forces in your works. You are johnny on the goddamn spot when you get a chance to crucify a marine for shooting a terrorist that is faking being dead so he can potentially shoot a marine.
There is a special place in hell for people like you.
There is a special place in hell for people like you.
2004-11-18 04:52:25
What ridiculous hysteria. Flooding his guestbook with blood-thirsty and irrational bullshit accomplishes what exactly? It stikes me that nobody, here at least, complains or is angry that the soldier did something he, in a legal sense, should not have done. On a moral level, I probably would have done it too and its hard to take into account what it's like to keep oneself in check in the heat of battle, but regardless you do keep yourself in check and if you dont you should be punished. It's justice, plain and simple. You're mad at Sites for what? Exposing a wrong-doing? The fact of the matter is that this is something that exists, that really happened, and shouldnt have happened. He didnt lie, cheat, or make something up. Obviously, it's naive to think this footages release wasnt politically motivated and I fully understand that, but thats what I think a lot of you are actually mad over. Somebody from "their" side is trying to hurt something that is often attributed to our "side." Solution? "I hope you die, you commie!" Frankly, it's embarrassing watching people act this way. It's so primative. Look, We're all in favour of our military at times of war and don't want to see them fail or be hurt but its also our duty to serve as the checks and as the balances. Im tired of people acting like we shouldnt. In my mind thats how Sites should be seen and, comparably, how the people who exposed Abu Ghraib should be seen: as the checks and the balances. Much has been made of this and it's hardly worth repeating, but it's much more patriotic to dissent than it is to follow. Thats our role. In the meantime, calm the fuck down. I get very upset over many things but never act this way. Theres no excuse for it
2004-11-18 04:52:57
This is one of the most UN-AMERICAN sites on the web!!! It is OK to think like a real man! Why don't you start!!!
2004-11-18 04:54:34
You anti-war fags are bleeding hearts. Bleed on and go home to San Francisco, you\'ll be loved and cared for there. Leave the killing of your would be murderers to real men, US Marines.
These blodd thirsty cannibals saw peoples heads off and you and the other pink panty waists cry because we handcuff, cover they eyes and kill them if a war torn skittish Marine makes a mistake. Go take pictures of your dainty fag friends and leave the trigger pulling to sane people. Better yet, let me kick your ass so I could feel better.
These blodd thirsty cannibals saw peoples heads off and you and the other pink panty waists cry because we handcuff, cover they eyes and kill them if a war torn skittish Marine makes a mistake. Go take pictures of your dainty fag friends and leave the trigger pulling to sane people. Better yet, let me kick your ass so I could feel better.
2004-11-18 04:56:35
What ridiculous hysteria. Flooding his guestbook with blood-thirsty and irrational bullshit accomplishes what exactly? It stikes me that nobody, here at least, complains or is angry that the soldier did something he, in a legal sense, should not have done. On a moral level, I probably would have done it too and its hard to take into account what it's like to keep oneself in check in the heat of battle, but regardless you do keep yourself in check and if you dont you should be punished. It's justice, plain and simple. You're mad at Sites for what? Exposing a wrong-doing? The fact of the matter is that this is something that exists, that really happened, and shouldnt have happened. He didnt lie, cheat, or make something up. Obviously, it's naive to think this footages release wasnt politically motivated and I fully understand that, but thats what I think a lot of you are actually mad over. Somebody from "their" side is trying to hurt something that is often attributed to our "side." Solution? "I hope you die, you commie!" Frankly, it's embarrassing watching people act this way. It's so primative. Look, We're all in favour of our military at times of war and don't want to see them fail or be hurt but its also our duty to serve as the checks and as the balances. Im tired of people acting like we shouldnt. In my mind thats how Sites should be seen and, comparably, how the people who exposed Abu Ghraib should be seen: as the checks and the balances. Much has been made of this and it's hardly worth repeating, but it's much more patriotic to dissent than it is to follow. Thats our role. In the meantime, calm the fuck down. I get very upset over many things but never act this way. Theres no excuse for it
2004-11-18 05:00:28
Sorry, Mark. This Marine did nothing wrong. The Geneva Convention rules do Not apply to combatants who do not wear a uniform and hide out in a Mosque. Your argument assumes moral equivalence, and there is none here. The reason people get "hysterical", as you say, is because the press treats the Abu Graib humiliations as if it were the moral equivalent (ie just as bad as) the beheadings and other atrocities.
2004-11-18 05:01:42
Sorry, Mark. This Marine did nothing wrong. The Geneva Convention rules do Not apply to combatants who do not wear a uniform and hide out in a Mosque. Your argument assumes moral equivalence, and there is none here. The reason people get "hysterical", as you say, is because the press treats the Abu Graib humiliations as if it were the moral equivalent (ie just as bad as) the beheadings and other atrocities.
2004-11-18 05:02:22
Sorry, Mark. This Marine did nothing wrong. The Geneva Convention rules do Not apply to combatants who do not wear a uniform and hide out in a Mosque. Your argument assumes moral equivalence, and there is none here. The reason people get "hysterical", as you say, is because the press treats the Abu Graib humiliations as if it were the moral equivalent (ie just as bad as) the beheadings and other atrocities.
2004-11-18 05:04:06
Oh, the poor terrorists, they have families too! They have morals to boot. Anyone that isn't, doesn't convert to Islam (read…submit) is an infidel worthy of death. Islam is a "religion" of death and destruction since its inception. History proves it. Those who believe this "religion" promotes peace are SILENT on what their fellow beleivers are doing. IMHO, this PROVES they are silently rooting for their brothers beheading the "infidels".
Terrorists are not cosignatories of the Geneva convention and do not abide by its mandates. However, Kevin Sites and his ilk expects coliation troops to abide by it.
Bing anti self defense is unnatural. Although it appears to be a nobel cause, it is a smoke screen for one word…coward. Even Mohandas Gandhi had courage and would not hesitate to use violence as he has stated. "I do believe that where there is a choice only between cowardice and violence I would advise violence."
It is fourtnate for Sites and his ilk there have been millions who had the courage and common sense to know the difference between liberating a nation or allowing a despot to rule. Every normal person on the planet yearns for the right of self determination.
Sites and his Marxist cultural ideologically inclined cohorts have a long way to go before they understand the meaning of freedom. They are an ememy to liberty, all it stands for and those who cherish it.
Terrorists are not cosignatories of the Geneva convention and do not abide by its mandates. However, Kevin Sites and his ilk expects coliation troops to abide by it.
Bing anti self defense is unnatural. Although it appears to be a nobel cause, it is a smoke screen for one word…coward. Even Mohandas Gandhi had courage and would not hesitate to use violence as he has stated. "I do believe that where there is a choice only between cowardice and violence I would advise violence."
It is fourtnate for Sites and his ilk there have been millions who had the courage and common sense to know the difference between liberating a nation or allowing a despot to rule. Every normal person on the planet yearns for the right of self determination.
Sites and his Marxist cultural ideologically inclined cohorts have a long way to go before they understand the meaning of freedom. They are an ememy to liberty, all it stands for and those who cherish it.
2004-11-18 05:08:18
Isaiah 5:20 - Woe unto them that call evil good, and good evil; that put darkness for light, and light for darkness; that put bitter for sweet, and sweet for bitter.
Isaiah 5:20 - Woe unto them that call evil good, and good evil; that put darkness for light, and light for darkness; that put bitter for sweet, and sweet for bitter.
2004-11-18 05:08:34
2004-11-18 05:15:02
Mark ( advances arguments born of thought processes which, I believe, resemble those of others before him who could so convolute rational sensibility as to support Adolf Hitler during the very moments he was in the full throat process of exterminating 6 million human lives. That so many are driven to intemperate and extreme ad hominum assaults upon Sites is regrettable, but what could possibly be expected?
Mark's bizarre reasoning and evident sense of values undermine the basic decency of our race. I would rather live with a thousand who can only find voice to hurl epithets at Sites than one, such as Mark, who sees and understands nothing.
Mark's bizarre reasoning and evident sense of values undermine the basic decency of our race. I would rather live with a thousand who can only find voice to hurl epithets at Sites than one, such as Mark, who sees and understands nothing.
2004-11-18 05:18:08
Sites! You Sir, are a despicable person.
2004-11-18 05:18:31
Hey Site's I hope next time one of the marines bullit hits you between the eys,s you coward peace of shit.I hope that you get abducted and beheaded. I will laugh my ass off you lip wristed France ass hole sucking fagget.
2004-11-18 05:21:32
Judy: Well the military did charge the soldier in the video and 2 others with murder, so I assumed something was legally amiss. What it is to international law, I dont know. But I see your point and I must reiterate that if I was in his situation I think I'd do the same thing. I dont see how I would stop myself. It'd be very difficult to have enough care and sympathy for a man that just tried to kill you and your peers, or who might have already. Even more so, due to the untraditonal nature of their methods and attacks. I mean thatd, it'd be easier to sympathsize with the enemey in a fairly fought and clearly defined war. When I initially saw the news I thought something along the lines of, "oh well, thats war." I knew he'd be charged but I didnt know so many people would take such huge offense to that and be so senseless to the person who exposed it. Again, I cant help but see the "left vs. right", "us vs. them" thing going on. But, these days, what isnt
2004-11-18 05:24:56
Judy: Well the military did charge the soldier in the video and 2 others with murder, so I assumed something was legally amiss. What it is to international law, I dont know. But I see your point and I must reiterate that if I was in his situation I think I'd do the same thing. I dont see how I would stop myself. It'd be very difficult to have enough care and sympathy for a man that just tried to kill you and your peers, or who might have already. Even more so, due to the untraditonal nature of their methods and attacks. I mean thatd, it'd be easier to sympathsize with the enemey in a fairly fought and clearly defined war. When I initially saw the news I thought something along the lines of, "oh well, thats war." I knew he'd be charged but I didnt know so many people would take such huge offense to that and be so senseless to the person who exposed it. Again, I cant help but see the "left vs. right", "us vs. them" thing going on. But, these days, what isnt
2004-11-18 05:27:29
mr. sites, it is time got another kind of job. your brain is not funtioning well. why do those things to the young men who are defending your country. nbc should be ashamed that you even work for them
2004-11-18 05:28:04
The American and other coalition forces have just liberated 50 million people in Iraq and Afghanistan. In WWI we saved Europes bacon because they were unable to attend to their own matters. We did the same thing in WWII. In Korea, we saved the south from Communism and helped establish one of the most dynamic economies on the freaking planet. We valiantly attempted to liberate the South Vietnamese but were prevented from doing so by a flip-flopping American government. (That country is STILL Communist to this day.) We liberated Grenada from other Communist thugs, saved millions in Bosnia & Kosovo. In our 228 years of freedom, we have become known as a "nation of liberators." Try attending a naturalization ceremony in your nearest big city some time. Not a bad reputation and track record, if you ask me.
2004-11-18 05:31:01
I know that video is suppose to make Americans think our troops are doing bad things in Iraq. Personally, I worry more about them taking too many chances trying to be politically correct. The "people" they are facing take joy in beheading people. If the wounded man was pretending to be dead, it is reasonable to assume he would have killed anyone and everyone there if given a chance. Early in the war coverage I remember hearing that some terrorists surrendered only to blow themselves up. Members of the military are my heros. I am daily impressed and amazed by what they do. If any of them cross the line and do anything criminal, I have faith the military will take appropriate action but I will not judge their actions by some video I see in the comfort of my own home.
Bad things happen in war that's why we try to avoid it. If Mr. Sites had an agenda with his video and this was the worst thing he saw I bet he's disappointed.
Bad things happen in war that's why we try to avoid it. If Mr. Sites had an agenda with his video and this was the worst thing he saw I bet he's disappointed.
2004-11-18 05:36:03
Shame, Shame Shame on you. While you are over-paid by your elitist friends in high places, to take pic's with your toy cameras, these young brave men are Under Paid to protect the likes of you and your sorry-ass friends way of life with Real weapons. Get the Fuck out of their way and leave them to their honorable jobs.
Mikki, An angry Military Mother
Mikki, An angry Military Mother
2004-11-18 05:39:10
I hope when we all see Mr. sites being beheaded by his so called friends nobody weeps for him. he is truly a discusting human being
2004-11-18 05:40:53
Skank-ass prick mutherfucker. Hope some Marine sends you on a long walk off a short 14th-story window ledge. If not, hope you show up at my campfire on some dark, rainy night.
2004-11-18 05:43:44
I am reading these posts, and reading about what Sikes stupidly did, as I listen to "Last Letters Home" written by our military to their families. (It is on TV right now) The families are reading these letters. with tears in my eyes for our military, and their families – and anger in my heart because of the likes of Sikes – I hope something is done about having a left-wing-anti-war activist following our beloved military around. Get them out. Now. Let our military do their jobs. When do we stop sympathizing for the enemy??? They want all of us dead, even you, Mr. Sikes.
2004-11-18 05:45:00
Hey Mark
Are you naieve or just acting? This is a war with barbarians who shoot our troops under the white flag of surrender, did this traitor Sites report that, they booby trap the dead and wounded that kill our marines, where are the pictures of those from Mr Sites, or the using of houses of worship as their fortress or an ambulance and so on. Where is his pictures and reporting of that. His report was to establish 1 thing and that is our teoops are the bad guys.
When was this marine charged with murder? Wishful thinking? certainly it is the hope of this seditious bastard Sites.
The media has been in bed with the enemy since Viet Nam. The VC has made no bones about it, that the american media gave them the incentive to hang on until the public lost its will to fight. These are the same reporters from that era now retiring and their minions like Sites are taking over.
I like my freedom and I want the same for my children. If you enjoy freedom of speech and the press Thank a Soldier not these selfish dopes without ethics or loyalty
Are you naieve or just acting? This is a war with barbarians who shoot our troops under the white flag of surrender, did this traitor Sites report that, they booby trap the dead and wounded that kill our marines, where are the pictures of those from Mr Sites, or the using of houses of worship as their fortress or an ambulance and so on. Where is his pictures and reporting of that. His report was to establish 1 thing and that is our teoops are the bad guys.
When was this marine charged with murder? Wishful thinking? certainly it is the hope of this seditious bastard Sites.
The media has been in bed with the enemy since Viet Nam. The VC has made no bones about it, that the american media gave them the incentive to hang on until the public lost its will to fight. These are the same reporters from that era now retiring and their minions like Sites are taking over.
I like my freedom and I want the same for my children. If you enjoy freedom of speech and the press Thank a Soldier not these selfish dopes without ethics or loyalty
2004-11-18 05:48:52
Sites, you're a scumbucket! Filth like you should not be allowed to accompany our fine military. You are a coward, disgusting, filthy piece of crap. May your face someday be shown by Al Jazeera with all your "pals" in the background.
2004-11-18 05:50:05
You Maggot you have just reforced the enemy and given a 1000 more islamo facists the desire to stap exposives to themselves and kill and maim our troops and inocent bystanders. You might think different if one of them were hacking off your head!
2004-11-18 05:50:13
Great comments, Bill
2004-11-18 05:57:10
AirCavRick, AMEN BROTHER!!! Ours is the only military ever used as a liberating force. think about that. people who create web sites like this one undoubtedly have the right to do so, but tend to forget that the military that they hate, and are constantly trying to undermine is the very same organization that protects their right to free speach. i'm sure that we can all agree that war is awful, but at times it is a necessary evil and will never go away. we are fortunate enough to live in this incredible country and like it or not our military is part of what makes us great. if you dont like this country then get out, we don't need you (i'm still waiting for alec baldwin to move to canada as he promised he would if Bush was elected prior to the 2000 elections) stop your bullshit attempts to weaken this country's resolve to win this war we're in, like your president said, if you're not with us, you're with the terrorists.
by the way, i find it amusing that a majority of the posts here are totally against your site……wake up, open your eyes and realize that most of America does not agree with you or your views on our military. thank god there is a republican in the white house.
by the way, i find it amusing that a majority of the posts here are totally against your site……wake up, open your eyes and realize that most of America does not agree with you or your views on our military. thank god there is a republican in the white house.
2004-11-18 06:02:50
AirCavRick, AMEN BROTHER!!! Ours is the only military ever used as a liberating force. think about that. people who create web sites like this one undoubtedly have the right to do so, but tend to forget that the military that they hate, and are constantly trying to undermine is the very same organization that protects their right to free speach. i'm sure that we can all agree that war is awful, but at times it is a necessary evil and will never go away. we are fortunate enough to live in this incredible country and like it or not our military is part of what makes us great. if you dont like this country then get out, we don't need you (i'm still waiting for alec baldwin to move to canada as he promised he would if Bush was elected prior to the 2000 elections) stop your bullshit attempts to weaken this country's resolve to win this war we're in, like your president said, if you're not with us, you're with the terrorists.
by the way, i find it amusing that a majority of the posts here are totally against your site……wake up, open your eyes and realize that most of America does not agree with you or your views on our military. thank god there is a republican in the white house.
by the way, i find it amusing that a majority of the posts here are totally against your site……wake up, open your eyes and realize that most of America does not agree with you or your views on our military. thank god there is a republican in the white house.
2004-11-18 06:05:21
Bill: First of all youre right about him not being charged with murder, I confused him for a second, the military is only conducting a probe as of now, my error. Secondly, I dont understand what relevance how the enemy acts has on how we should act. We are a million miles above them and that should stay that way. We are respected as not being barbarians, as being respectful of human dignity and as having compassion. These should hold still no matter what. Some of the Iraqis (its important to note that its some, not all) are indeed barbarians have done truly barbaric things. BUT if we truly are better than them we wont stoop to any lower level because of it. Ive never grasped why people keep bringing it up in arguments. Something like "well they burned some of our people alive," often used as a refute to criticism of some American wrong-doing. Or worse still when they assume the person doing the criticizing isnt at all offended or dismayed by the Iraq wrong doing. I personally love, not hate, the fact that the smallest American soldiers' wrong-doing is highlighted and criticized to the exten that it is, because that serves to maintain that standard. I like how something small and innocent, like an American soldier accidentally shooting an Iraqi at a checkpoint or whatever gets as much press and outrage directed towards it as Iraqi's doing something very much worse, like burning and hanging Americans. This is all very productive, actually, no matter how hard it is to swallow at the time. We should be proud of how much better we are than them, not proud at how much better we still are than them when we do something wrong. Do you know what I mean?
2004-11-18 06:06:32
Thx Judy.
For all who read this board and care about our military, I implore you to writr to the president, the vice president and the DOD. This is basically what I wrote to them: I asked for them to take this to the people. During the campaign they promised to stand by our troops, well now it is time. This Brave Young Marine needs them to stand by him so he is not railroaded due to some political nonsense. The "old media" want a public war about these things, the administration are the only one's that can bring it to them. I also mentioned the tactics these barbarians are using to kill our marines (see my previous post). Add to it what you like, but please write them at and You can fax them at 1-202-456-2461 or call at 1-202-456-1111. However you contact them does not matter, but our military puts it all on the line for us the least we can do is bombard the whitehouse and DOD to put it on the line for them. Thw administration can not lose on this because we the people will back them over those scoundrels in the media. Pass it to your friends and family and ask them to do the same.
Thx \Bill
For all who read this board and care about our military, I implore you to writr to the president, the vice president and the DOD. This is basically what I wrote to them: I asked for them to take this to the people. During the campaign they promised to stand by our troops, well now it is time. This Brave Young Marine needs them to stand by him so he is not railroaded due to some political nonsense. The "old media" want a public war about these things, the administration are the only one's that can bring it to them. I also mentioned the tactics these barbarians are using to kill our marines (see my previous post). Add to it what you like, but please write them at and You can fax them at 1-202-456-2461 or call at 1-202-456-1111. However you contact them does not matter, but our military puts it all on the line for us the least we can do is bombard the whitehouse and DOD to put it on the line for them. Thw administration can not lose on this because we the people will back them over those scoundrels in the media. Pass it to your friends and family and ask them to do the same.
Thx \Bill
2004-11-18 06:08:48
Bill: First of all youre right about him not being charged with murder, I confused him for a second, the military is only conducting a probe as of now, my error. Secondly, I dont understand what relevance how the enemy acts has on how we should act. We are a million miles above them and that should stay that way. We are respected as not being barbarians, as being respectful of human dignity and as having compassion. These should hold still no matter what. Some of the Iraqis (its important to note that its some, not all) are indeed barbarians have done truly barbaric things. BUT if we truly are better than them we wont stoop to any lower level because of it. Ive never grasped why people keep bringing it up in arguments. Something like "well they burned some of our people alive," often used as a refute to criticism of some American wrong-doing. Or worse still when they assume the person doing the criticizing isnt at all offended or dismayed by the Iraq wrong doing. I personally love, not hate, the fact that the smallest American soldiers' wrong-doing is highlighted and criticized to the exten that it is, because that serves to maintain that standard. I like how something small and innocent, like an American soldier accidentally shooting an Iraqi at a checkpoint or whatever gets as much press and outrage directed towards it as Iraqi's doing something very much worse, like burning and hanging Americans. This is all very productive, actually, no matter how hard it is to swallow at the time. We should be proud of how much better we are than them, not proud at how much better we still are than them when we do something wrong. Do you know what I mean?
2004-11-18 06:10:41
Sites, you're a scumbucket! Filth like you should not be allowed to accompany our fine military. You are a coward, disgusting, filthy piece of crap. May your face someday be shown by Al Jazeera with all your "pals" in the background.
2004-11-18 06:13:46
To Kevin Sites, you are a worthless American hating dirt bag!!!!! If you still have the balls to go out with my Marines You better watch your own ass because they won't do it for you this time!!! You are truly human debris!!!!
2004-11-18 06:16:35
Dear Mr. Sites,
Is fame so much more important to you than America's soldiers and America's security? Can you not defend America, and let justice prevail before seeking your own fame? PLEASE…….give time for military issues to be researched before seeking your 'golden notch' of photographers' notoriety in the 'big world'.
You may be against war, but was the soldier not defending you while you take those photographs? He probably even saved your life during that seemingly 'inappropriate' shooting this week. Those who are shot by our soldiers are our enemies; yes, even of you, the anti-war photographer. They don't care what you do. In fact, they will shoot you, too. Were they not attacking you before you went into the mosque?
Our soldiers are fighting for our country, America. We are aware they make mistakes, and some are deadly. However, just prudence must prevail before mock judgement. Real Americans are thankful for the service our soldiers provide. After all, if it wasn't for our soldiers there would be no freedom of press for your photographs.
Think about it and decide who you want to represent with your 'prize' photographs……..a free and secure America or its enemies. Whichever choice, i hope the fame you receive was worth it.
Is fame so much more important to you than America's soldiers and America's security? Can you not defend America, and let justice prevail before seeking your own fame? PLEASE…….give time for military issues to be researched before seeking your 'golden notch' of photographers' notoriety in the 'big world'.
You may be against war, but was the soldier not defending you while you take those photographs? He probably even saved your life during that seemingly 'inappropriate' shooting this week. Those who are shot by our soldiers are our enemies; yes, even of you, the anti-war photographer. They don't care what you do. In fact, they will shoot you, too. Were they not attacking you before you went into the mosque?
Our soldiers are fighting for our country, America. We are aware they make mistakes, and some are deadly. However, just prudence must prevail before mock judgement. Real Americans are thankful for the service our soldiers provide. After all, if it wasn't for our soldiers there would be no freedom of press for your photographs.
Think about it and decide who you want to represent with your 'prize' photographs……..a free and secure America or its enemies. Whichever choice, i hope the fame you receive was worth it.
2004-11-18 06:23:26
Mark, your comments are well stated and have much validity, but i stand by if our boys need to clip a 1000 half dead terrorist's (and that is what they are, not politically correct insurgents)to save the life of 1 marine so be it. This is more than just a war in the usual sense. This is a war for our very survival of our way of life. If anyone doubts this to be the case do your homework in the history books. Islam has always been and always be conversion by the sword. Not only historically, but commanded to do so in their Koran. They are not a peaceful people and all who do not agree are subject to death. If these cave people get their hands on WMD they will not hesitate to use them. They will not only destroy our way of life, but they have also shown their willingness to cut their own lives short to achieve their goals. Like the saying goes "let's look at the record" So Mark you see, in this conflict it is not about being above them or stooping to their level. Because what is at stake it is simplly about WINNING!!! This we must win whatever the cost. This is not Viet Nam, yes they are still communist and the atrocities of that regime is nothing less than dispicable, but they can do us little to no harm. These muslims will kill us all, er go we can not allow the media and the rest of these seditious lefties hurt our efforts to win Semper Fi my devil dog brothers
2004-11-18 06:25:06
Sites, what a low form of life you have shown yourself to be. By your actions you are not worthy to even sit in the company of these great Marines that are protecting your sorry ass all the while you are cutting them down with the help of the Old Media in this country. I'd say your sorry life wouldn't be worth much if I were to be in your company on a dark night, but these Marines are good men and you being the coward that you are, you are banking on that and will likely continue to take your little camera and keep right on doing your dirty work. I haven't been able to watch any beheading videos, but I think I could watch yours.
2004-11-18 06:27:28
Stop with the sophistry already. No smoke and mirrors here. I don't think that people are saying it was okay for this Marine to have killed the insurgent because the insurgent may have killed a friend, or because they were just previously shooting at our troops. I think what YOU may be missing is the point that this Marine had about the time-space of a nano-second to act…otherwise it would have very easily placed himself and his comrades in the position of having to react. These insurgents (let's be honest…terrorists) have been known to booby trap their dead to ambush…those alive are called suicide bombers for a reason…and you would have our troops give them the benefit of the doubt? It is not WE who have chosen to make this a dirty fight. I think many would agree that this Marine acted in a most logical way…you yourself have stated that you likely would have reacted in the same such way. I can only speak for myself, but what has me beyond angry…sickened, really…is that this supposed journalist has only presented a small part of what actually transpired…and has done so in a light that makes this Marine look like he is a mad man on a mission. There is much more to this story than is being shown, and it only helps to convict this Marine when you have news agencies such as NBC who sit on the story for 2 days, in order to gain the most dramatic results. As far as the liberals of this country are concerned, this Marine has been tried and convicted. Not only that, but due to Kevin Sites, our troops are at an even higher state of danger…all because a journalist is likely coveting the Pulitzer.
Of course, we who are angry could take even more of our precious time in an attempt to further enlighten you, but I have to admit, I feel you are in the camp of those who have already tried and convicted this Marine. If you'd LIKE to discover this further, I would encourage you to come join thise discussion at ConservaBabes.
Stop with the sophistry already. No smoke and mirrors here. I don't think that people are saying it was okay for this Marine to have killed the insurgent because the insurgent may have killed a friend, or because they were just previously shooting at our troops. I think what YOU may be missing is the point that this Marine had about the time-space of a nano-second to act…otherwise it would have very easily placed himself and his comrades in the position of having to react. These insurgents (let's be honest…terrorists) have been known to booby trap their dead to ambush…those alive are called suicide bombers for a reason…and you would have our troops give them the benefit of the doubt? It is not WE who have chosen to make this a dirty fight. I think many would agree that this Marine acted in a most logical way…you yourself have stated that you likely would have reacted in the same such way. I can only speak for myself, but what has me beyond angry…sickened, really…is that this supposed journalist has only presented a small part of what actually transpired…and has done so in a light that makes this Marine look like he is a mad man on a mission. There is much more to this story than is being shown, and it only helps to convict this Marine when you have news agencies such as NBC who sit on the story for 2 days, in order to gain the most dramatic results. As far as the liberals of this country are concerned, this Marine has been tried and convicted. Not only that, but due to Kevin Sites, our troops are at an even higher state of danger…all because a journalist is likely coveting the Pulitzer.
Of course, we who are angry could take even more of our precious time in an attempt to further enlighten you, but I have to admit, I feel you are in the camp of those who have already tried and convicted this Marine. If you'd LIKE to discover this further, I would encourage you to come join thise discussion at ConservaBabes.
2004-11-18 06:29:50
It is amazing what some people will do for personal fame. Shame, eternal shame, on you.
2004-11-18 06:29:53
Stop with the sophistry already. No smoke and mirrors here. I don't think that people are saying it was okay for this Marine to have killed the insurgent because the insurgent may have killed a friend, or because they were just previously shooting at our troops. I think what YOU may be missing is the point that this Marine had about the time-space of a nano-second to act…otherwise it would have very easily placed himself and his comrades in the position of having to react. These insurgents (let's be honest…terrorists) have been known to booby trap their dead to ambush…those alive are called suicide bombers for a reason…and you would have our troops give them the benefit of the doubt? It is not WE who have chosen to make this a dirty fight. I think many would agree that this Marine acted in a most logical way…you yourself have stated that you likely would have reacted in the same such way. I can only speak for myself, but what has me beyond angry…sickened, really…is that this supposed journalist has only presented a small part of what actually transpired…and has done so in a light that makes this Marine look like he is a mad man on a mission. There is much more to this story than is being shown, and it only helps to convict this Marine when you have news agencies such as NBC who sit on the story for 2 days, in order to gain the most dramatic results. As far as the liberals of this country are concerned, this Marine has been tried and convicted. Not only that, but due to Kevin Sites, our troops are at an even higher state of danger…all because a journalist is likely coveting the Pulitzer.
Of course, we who are angry could take even more of our precious time in an attempt to further enlighten you, but I have to admit, I feel you are in the camp of those who have already tried and convicted this Marine. If you'd LIKE to discover this further, I would encourage you to come join thise discussion at ConservaBabes.
Stop with the sophistry already. No smoke and mirrors here. I don't think that people are saying it was okay for this Marine to have killed the insurgent because the insurgent may have killed a friend, or because they were just previously shooting at our troops. I think what YOU may be missing is the point that this Marine had about the time-space of a nano-second to act…otherwise it would have very easily placed himself and his comrades in the position of having to react. These insurgents (let's be honest…terrorists) have been known to booby trap their dead to ambush…those alive are called suicide bombers for a reason…and you would have our troops give them the benefit of the doubt? It is not WE who have chosen to make this a dirty fight. I think many would agree that this Marine acted in a most logical way…you yourself have stated that you likely would have reacted in the same such way. I can only speak for myself, but what has me beyond angry…sickened, really…is that this supposed journalist has only presented a small part of what actually transpired…and has done so in a light that makes this Marine look like he is a mad man on a mission. There is much more to this story than is being shown, and it only helps to convict this Marine when you have news agencies such as NBC who sit on the story for 2 days, in order to gain the most dramatic results. As far as the liberals of this country are concerned, this Marine has been tried and convicted. Not only that, but due to Kevin Sites, our troops are at an even higher state of danger…all because a journalist is likely coveting the Pulitzer.
Of course, we who are angry could take even more of our precious time in an attempt to further enlighten you, but I have to admit, I feel you are in the camp of those who have already tried and convicted this Marine. If you'd LIKE to discover this further, I would encourage you to come join thise discussion at ConservaBabes.
2004-11-18 06:30:12
Stop with the sophistry already. No smoke and mirrors here. I don't think that people are saying it was okay for this Marine to have killed the insurgent because the insurgent may have killed a friend, or because they were just previously shooting at our troops. I think what YOU may be missing is the point that this Marine had about the time-space of a nano-second to act…otherwise it would have very easily placed himself and his comrades in the position of having to react. These insurgents (let's be honest…terrorists) have been known to booby trap their dead to ambush…those alive are called suicide bombers for a reason…and you would have our troops give them the benefit of the doubt? It is not WE who have chosen to make this a dirty fight. I think many would agree that this Marine acted in a most logical way…you yourself have stated that you likely would have reacted in the same such way. I can only speak for myself, but what has me beyond angry…sickened, really…is that this supposed journalist has only presented a small part of what actually transpired…and has done so in a light that makes this Marine look like he is a mad man on a mission. There is much more to this story than is being shown, and it only helps to convict this Marine when you have news agencies such as NBC who sit on the story for 2 days, in order to gain the most dramatic results. As far as the liberals of this country are concerned, this Marine has been tried and convicted. Not only that, but due to Kevin Sites, our troops are at an even higher state of danger…all because a journalist is likely coveting the Pulitzer.
Of course, we who are angry could take even more of our precious time in an attempt to further enlighten you, but I have to admit, I feel you are in the camp of those who have already tried and convicted this Marine. If you'd LIKE to discover this further, I would encourage you to come join thise discussion at ConservaBabes.
Stop with the sophistry already. No smoke and mirrors here. I don't think that people are saying it was okay for this Marine to have killed the insurgent because the insurgent may have killed a friend, or because they were just previously shooting at our troops. I think what YOU may be missing is the point that this Marine had about the time-space of a nano-second to act…otherwise it would have very easily placed himself and his comrades in the position of having to react. These insurgents (let's be honest…terrorists) have been known to booby trap their dead to ambush…those alive are called suicide bombers for a reason…and you would have our troops give them the benefit of the doubt? It is not WE who have chosen to make this a dirty fight. I think many would agree that this Marine acted in a most logical way…you yourself have stated that you likely would have reacted in the same such way. I can only speak for myself, but what has me beyond angry…sickened, really…is that this supposed journalist has only presented a small part of what actually transpired…and has done so in a light that makes this Marine look like he is a mad man on a mission. There is much more to this story than is being shown, and it only helps to convict this Marine when you have news agencies such as NBC who sit on the story for 2 days, in order to gain the most dramatic results. As far as the liberals of this country are concerned, this Marine has been tried and convicted. Not only that, but due to Kevin Sites, our troops are at an even higher state of danger…all because a journalist is likely coveting the Pulitzer.
Of course, we who are angry could take even more of our precious time in an attempt to further enlighten you, but I have to admit, I feel you are in the camp of those who have already tried and convicted this Marine. If you'd LIKE to discover this further, I would encourage you to come join thise discussion at ConservaBabes.
2004-11-18 06:30:25
Stop with the sophistry already. No smoke and mirrors here. I don't think that people are saying it was okay for this Marine to have killed the insurgent because the insurgent may have killed a friend, or because they were just previously shooting at our troops. I think what YOU may be missing is the point that this Marine had about the time-space of a nano-second to act…otherwise it would have very easily placed himself and his comrades in the position of having to react. These insurgents (let's be honest…terrorists) have been known to booby trap their dead to ambush…those alive are called suicide bombers for a reason…and you would have our troops give them the benefit of the doubt? It is not WE who have chosen to make this a dirty fight. I think many would agree that this Marine acted in a most logical way…you yourself have stated that you likely would have reacted in the same such way. I can only speak for myself, but what has me beyond angry…sickened, really…is that this supposed journalist has only presented a small part of what actually transpired…and has done so in a light that makes this Marine look like he is a mad man on a mission. There is much more to this story than is being shown, and it only helps to convict this Marine when you have news agencies such as NBC who sit on the story for 2 days, in order to gain the most dramatic results. As far as the liberals of this country are concerned, this Marine has been tried and convicted. Not only that, but due to Kevin Sites, our troops are at an even higher state of danger…all because a journalist is likely coveting the Pulitzer.
Of course, we who are angry could take even more of our precious time in an attempt to further enlighten you, but I have to admit, I feel you are in the camp of those who have already tried and convicted this Marine. If you'd LIKE to discover this further, I would encourage you to come join thise discussion at ConservaBabes.
Stop with the sophistry already. No smoke and mirrors here. I don't think that people are saying it was okay for this Marine to have killed the insurgent because the insurgent may have killed a friend, or because they were just previously shooting at our troops. I think what YOU may be missing is the point that this Marine had about the time-space of a nano-second to act…otherwise it would have very easily placed himself and his comrades in the position of having to react. These insurgents (let's be honest…terrorists) have been known to booby trap their dead to ambush…those alive are called suicide bombers for a reason…and you would have our troops give them the benefit of the doubt? It is not WE who have chosen to make this a dirty fight. I think many would agree that this Marine acted in a most logical way…you yourself have stated that you likely would have reacted in the same such way. I can only speak for myself, but what has me beyond angry…sickened, really…is that this supposed journalist has only presented a small part of what actually transpired…and has done so in a light that makes this Marine look like he is a mad man on a mission. There is much more to this story than is being shown, and it only helps to convict this Marine when you have news agencies such as NBC who sit on the story for 2 days, in order to gain the most dramatic results. As far as the liberals of this country are concerned, this Marine has been tried and convicted. Not only that, but due to Kevin Sites, our troops are at an even higher state of danger…all because a journalist is likely coveting the Pulitzer.
Of course, we who are angry could take even more of our precious time in an attempt to further enlighten you, but I have to admit, I feel you are in the camp of those who have already tried and convicted this Marine. If you'd LIKE to discover this further, I would encourage you to come join thise discussion at ConservaBabes.
2004-11-18 06:30:33
To Kevin Sites: You are a disgrace to all peace- and freedom-loving Americans. Were it not for the protection and devotion afforded you by your brave travel partners protecting your sorry ass, we all might be seeing video today of your body curled up in a fetal position in some mosque or torture chamber, sans head. I'd suggest you ensure you're right with your Creator ASAP in the event your next 4-day stay at Club Fedayeen doesn't end as fortunately as your last stay did or in the event your traveling companions "accidentally" get carried away and take some "liberal rules of engagement" too far.
2004-11-18 06:31:32
Grrrr….sorry about the triple post, to those reading.
2004-11-18 06:47:17
The terrorists at Iraq set the pace of this battle when they started booby trapping their dead and wounded, and blowing themselves up.
If I were that Marine, I'd do the same thing. Better him, than me or any of my buddies.
Matter of fact, if any terrorist raised his hand and shouts he/she surrendered, I'd make him/her strip buck naked and spread the cheeks of ass and you-know-what from twenty feet away just to make sure he/she ain't booby trapped.
If I were that Marine, I'd do the same thing. Better him, than me or any of my buddies.
Matter of fact, if any terrorist raised his hand and shouts he/she surrendered, I'd make him/her strip buck naked and spread the cheeks of ass and you-know-what from twenty feet away just to make sure he/she ain't booby trapped.
2004-11-18 06:48:09
This Marine had the honor to lay his life down for the likes of you! But that's what makes HIM a Marine and YOU a coward!
2004-11-18 06:54:56
I am appalled at your way of showing or making it shown of the Marine that shot that low life scum of a terrorist. Why don't you tell it like it really is, you think they have nothing on their minds but to protect your sorry ass while you follow them around. Your pathetic and all liberal news media shouldn't be allowed to go anywhere with those troops. I applaud that MARINE for doing his job, it's either them or us and he choose us. Everyone of those low life scum sucking terrorists need to be eradicated off the face of the earth. So next time you want a story look in the mirror and report about your horrible self. SHAME ON YOU and anyone that wants to disgrace our MILITARY in time of war. Just remember it could have been your sorry ass that could have been blown up or shot at. I urge everyone to write the pentagon, dod, the President of the U.S. supporting our troops. GOD BLESS OUR MILITARY..GO MARINES..GO ARMY…I am a PROUD AMERICAN ARMY MOM.
2004-11-18 06:57:56
Kevin and all of you involved with this anti-American effort. Go live in some other country, or better yet sign up with the terrorist so our military can hunt you down like the dogs you are.