2004-11-18 00:33:44
2004-11-18 00:39:08
Hey Kevin, I'm sure the family of Margaret Hassan appreciates all your work for the folks who killed almost 3000 americans one morning on September 11th.
Good luck with your Marine "friends" you're embedded with. Accidents do happen especially in a war zone.
Good luck with your Marine "friends" you're embedded with. Accidents do happen especially in a war zone.
2004-11-18 00:42:21
Great job, Kevin! Zarkawi is proud of you!
2004-11-18 00:52:28
Yes Kevin…I consider you a TRAITOR !!what you have done is disgusting ! Our soldiers are hero's facing death daily in order for YOU and the rest of us to be protected from these terrorists. I am ashamed of you and your Liberal excuse for a reporter..God forbid that you come under attack in Iraq.. who will you call out to protect your life??? Our soldiers??? Maybe they should walk away and let you defend yourself !!!
2004-11-18 01:16:50
i.e. Kevin Sites. Not too many people in the USA believe Mr. Sites. His story seems to be different than soldiers that were there and that he embellished the situation to suit his needs. This is of no surprise as Mr. Sites works for NBC which is also know as the National Bureau of Communists !
2004-11-18 01:23:05
Well, the other folk didn't leave me anyhting to say. What should I say? Hmmm. If I say there's a God in heaven it wouldn't do anything to you because you have no conscience. If I said, Fry in hell! it wouldn't do anything to you because I'm pretty sure you don't believe in hell. Saying that I hate you it wouldn't do you no good because you have no feelings. There's poetic justice though. You may die with a bullet in your heart from your friends the terrorists you are helping.
2004-11-18 01:37:30
What country, and the soldiers who protect it, gave you the freedom to be a photographer and the opportunity to move freely about the world? And you have the gall to criticize the soldiers that protect your rights? You're disgusting and I hope this notariety ruins your career.
2004-11-18 01:38:01
stop pussy footing around and just go join the terrorists. That way the Brave men of the USMC can put a .227 right between your eyes
2004-11-18 01:42:04
2004-11-18 01:47:42
You think you will get a pullitzer for the video? Dosn't seem to matter to you, that you may put more US soldiers at risk. The London Times reports that the dismembered body of a female hostage has been found by the Marines. Not enough left to identify who it may be. You got a video of that?
2004-11-18 01:47:56
Kevin Sites, if I were you (thank God I'm not), I'd get the heck out of Dodge. The good GI's in Iraq are liable to be tempted to treat you to a frag.
Suggest you just try being honest and go join up with the 'Quada.
Jim Prusa
San Francisco, CA
Suggest you just try being honest and go join up with the 'Quada.
Jim Prusa
San Francisco, CA
2004-11-18 01:50:06
2004-11-18 01:50:46
Sites, I hope one of the terrorists captures you and you get to see the futility of trying to "care" about these animals while they are sawing your head off.
You disgust me. You are trying to profit off the hard work of those marines. You will be cursed until the day you die. Mark my words on that.
I shit on you and everything you stand for!
You disgust me. You are trying to profit off the hard work of those marines. You will be cursed until the day you die. Mark my words on that.
I shit on you and everything you stand for!
2004-11-18 01:50:55
So, they killed these two rotten arab pig fuckers, Right? Semper fi!
2004-11-18 01:55:00
I am certain that you could avoid the perception of cowardly betrayal by becomming imbedded with our adversaries. Please consider tagging along with them for while; won't you?
2004-11-18 02:04:01
I hope they send you home in a body bag
2004-11-18 02:07:43
Count me in with the folks who feel that your work is anti-american.
2004-11-18 02:15:36
Freedom is the password. We have lost few compared to what Sadam had killed of his own people. We all are aginst WAR, but at times it must be used and this is one of those times. If the world would have supported the War. We would not have a war. You are Free, but do not think other should share the same Freedom.
2004-11-18 02:23:44
This work is not only anti-Ameican..its communist…when will you idiots learn, you cant just wink at evil or it will kill you. Freedom has a price and that price is the blood of those that fight for it….you dishonor those who bought with thier blood the freedom you have to protest war with your America bashing…
2004-11-18 02:23:57
Hey, Sites!
Some sick little weasel freak from Human Rights Watch was on O'reilly talking about this.
Maybe the two of you could get together and start a campaign against the Military for causing these terrorists to cut peoples heads off. To show them we are not mad, you could film them doing two, yours and the weasel from HRW. I'd watch that!
The more of these terrorists we kill, the better.
Keep killing them, Marines. RED STATE AMERICA is behind you 100%. God Bless you all.
Some sick little weasel freak from Human Rights Watch was on O'reilly talking about this.
Maybe the two of you could get together and start a campaign against the Military for causing these terrorists to cut peoples heads off. To show them we are not mad, you could film them doing two, yours and the weasel from HRW. I'd watch that!
The more of these terrorists we kill, the better.
Keep killing them, Marines. RED STATE AMERICA is behind you 100%. God Bless you all.
2004-11-18 02:29:16
Treason …
2004-11-18 02:33:00
Hey, Kev! If somehow you don't get fragged, we can fix it for you when you get home…
2004-11-18 02:38:35
His actions give new meaning to the phrase "biting the hand that feeds you". It's tragic to think that the very military he is dissing are the same ones that have saved his sorry butt this very day (and the last and the last and the last, etc.). Believe me, there's no way he'd survive "in the wild" (of Iraq) alone and yet he does this to the very ones keeping him alive which helps him earn a living. Sad . . .
2004-11-18 02:41:30
Amazing. Freelance means anything goes. The photo doesn't capture the real drama behind the act, merely a still image. Wouldn't your efforts have been better served by a bit of accurate research into the why? Most people aren't deceived by such shallow and skewed coverage.
2004-11-18 02:43:01
Your parents raised a poor excuse for a human being.
2004-11-18 02:47:31
Hey Jerk-Off
Don't you anti-war assholes ever learn. All you do is put more bullets in the guns of the enemy. Oh, how could i forget, you are a protoge of hair lip Bwokaw. If you read this feel free to contact me, I would love to stick your head in the toilet
Don't you anti-war assholes ever learn. All you do is put more bullets in the guns of the enemy. Oh, how could i forget, you are a protoge of hair lip Bwokaw. If you read this feel free to contact me, I would love to stick your head in the toilet
2004-11-18 02:48:46
We can only hope YOU ARE SENT HOME IN A BODY BAG. Your anti American sentiment is preposterous. Hopefully the Us Marines will "Frag" Kevin Sites.
2004-11-18 02:49:16
Hey Jerk-Off
Don't you anti-war assholes ever learn. All you do is put more bullets in the guns of the enemy. Oh, how could i forget, you are a protoge of hair lip Bwokaw. If you read this feel free to contact me, I would love to stick your head in the toilet
Don't you anti-war assholes ever learn. All you do is put more bullets in the guns of the enemy. Oh, how could i forget, you are a protoge of hair lip Bwokaw. If you read this feel free to contact me, I would love to stick your head in the toilet
2004-11-18 02:52:31
Sites, I would personally like to shoot you in the balls before I shoot you in the head. You are a scumbag just like John Kerry. You need to leave America.
2004-11-18 02:56:28
It is most unfortunate that you are not an embedded cameraman for al-Zarqawi and his lovely gang of headhunters. What delightful photos you would have to share–that is, if you still had your head to take the photos. How much blood has been spilt so that you are even able to ride along with this valiant marines and take photos of their heroic acts!!! Through the years, from the founding of this nation, men and women have fought and many have died so that you have the freedom to do what you are doing. If you don't like what the United States is doing, why don't you leave? What you did is an act of treason and truly puts many of our marines and soldiers at risk. God help your soul if one dies because of your treacherous dead. Next time, why don't you on you own, all by yourself, with no backup approach the "dead" enemy and see if you survive. You are an embarrassment, a danger, and a threat to this nation and to the citizens who love her. Go away and never come back!!!!!!!
2004-11-18 02:58:10
You disgusting bastard. How dare you second guess these guys and try to paint them as war criminals just to get your name in lights. If I was one of those guys I would conveniently let you be the insurgents next press victim.
2004-11-18 02:58:35
Please let me know when that 5.56mm round from a Marine M-16 finds Mr. Sites.
2004-11-18 03:01:08
Sites, I hope one of the terrorists captures you and you get to see the futility of trying to "care" about these animals while they are sawing your head off.
You disgust me. You are trying to profit off the hard work of those marines. You will be cursed until the day you die. Mark my words on that.
I shit on you and everything you stand for!
You disgust me. You are trying to profit off the hard work of those marines. You will be cursed until the day you die. Mark my words on that.
I shit on you and everything you stand for!
2004-11-18 03:03:46
Relativism will be the death of us all.
I only ask you to stay over there; away from my children, and yet far away from those that are putting their lives on the line.
I only ask you to stay over there; away from my children, and yet far away from those that are putting their lives on the line.
2004-11-18 03:06:58
With any luck you turncoat traitor a car bomb or a beheading will change your mind. Be very very careful where you sit down, where you eat, who you talk with and who your freinds are.
2004-11-18 03:09:58
Sites makes me sick and all the rest of the liberal bastards who hate America. He enjoys the protection of the very Marines he villifies. Shame on him and all for call for that Marines prosecution. The more of those Terrrorists we kill the better this world will be. What has perverted the Muslim religion?
2004-11-18 03:32:04
You had to know that sooner or later you would be found out. Why can't you "progressive" world enslavers just tell the truth about your intentions?
What's the matter Kofi got your tongue?
What's the matter Kofi got your tongue?
2004-11-18 03:34:01
You had to know that sooner or later you would be found out. Why can't you "progressive" world enslavers just tell the truth about your intentions?
What's the matter Kofi got your tongue?
What's the matter Kofi got your tongue?
2004-11-18 03:35:00
You had to know that sooner or later you would be found out. Why can't you "progressive" world enslavers just tell the truth about your intentions?
What's the matter Kofi got your tongue?
What's the matter Kofi got your tongue?
2004-11-18 03:42:13
It would be a fitting end to this story if you were to be killed in the war. That way we would all feel better about what you have done. I dont care if our boys kill you or the devil worshiping enemy you're enciting. If they film your head being cut off, and you screaming in terror would be the ultimate end. you are finished!
2004-11-18 03:47:04
Hope you’re happy. This whole sorry means nothing. The Marine will be found in the right. Assholes like you will always be here always. Brave marines like the man you have slandered are few and far between.Hope you are conveniently left behind to personally interview one of the "Insurgents". By the way keep this bullshit up the Liberals have
Lost 3 elections in a row you will be a great help for the 4th.
Lost 3 elections in a row you will be a great help for the 4th.
2004-11-18 03:50:31
It's no surprise you work for NBC. Home of Jacque Lauer and Katie Cairo. You people SUCK.
Some marine should give you a lead aspirin, and put you out of your misery. I would not PISS in your ear if your brains were on fire.
Some marine should give you a lead aspirin, and put you out of your misery. I would not PISS in your ear if your brains were on fire.
2004-11-18 04:22:16
I am a 66 year old retiree here in the great state of North Carolina. Mine has not always been a life of privilage, however, I was taught early in life to value life and respect those who have sacrificed their lifes to provide me and my family the freedoms I have enjoyed my 66 years. Men in uniform have bled and died to allow a safe haven for our way of life here in this great country. Each morning my countrymen go out to work their farms here in NC. Some are my friends and I visit them regularly. Most are poultry growers (chickens & turkeys). They work hard in heat and not a little putride odor. Not far from our area other young men learn the trade of soldiership (Ft Bragg /Camp Le Junne) in the heat . "God Bless um!" Seems to me you owe that young marine and those like him plenty. After seeing your video, and hearing of your exployts with your film talents, I'm reminded of my many trips to the poultry farms. Your works annoy me just like the residue on my shoes " Chicken-Shit"
2004-11-18 04:23:31
I agree with most of those writing. You are a low-life anti-american creep! Get a life!
2004-11-18 04:26:38
I have such pity for people such as yourself that have no understanding of what freedom is all about. What this soldier did was more then honorable, he in effect saved all those around him as well as his self. In case you dont understand where you are let me remind you. This is war and war you kill you kill them all otherwise you live to have them try to kill you again on another d
2004-11-18 04:36:30
Tell me, will your camera be filming or snapping pictures when a nuclear cloud blows over the US? It's kill or be killed. When the hell are you jokers going to learn this? Why didn't more of you get out and vote for me? Jerks!
2004-11-18 04:39:23
If people like you had been filming the Normandy landing and been allowed to show it to the folks back home, we might have lost our resolve, and maybe even the war (ala Vietnam). BRING BACK CENSORSHIP OF THE PRESS IN WARTIME! (Reagan kept the press out of Grenada until it was all over).
2004-11-18 04:41:16
Sir, have you stopped to think of the implications of your actions on those brave U.S. men and women fighting the thugs of this morbid world?
2004-11-18 04:42:19
Your grotequely distorted sense of right and wrong, of good and evil, has driven you to moral hallucinations which ,if they achieve anything at all, do so to the ultimate detriment of your countrymen and of rectitude and right reason. I do not believe that it should be possible for decent people to forgive you.
As was said of a different Judas, it would have been better if you had never been born.
As was said of a different Judas, it would have been better if you had never been born.