Es ist einfach nicht zu glauben das ein Kriegs-Tyrann wie Bush noch so oft gewählt wird.
Eine Schande für Amerika, schlimmer kann es doch nicht mehr werden was man spätestens bei dem Film von Michael Moore gesehen hat.
I can't believe that so much poeple vote for George Bush. When you see the film from Micheal Moore you see which monster you choose!!!!!!
2004-11-03 15:56:43
2004-11-07 21:14:55
Is there ay chance to put some of this stuff on billboards, so people can see it, driving on the highways, or are billboards as controlled as national television. How can we get the point accross?
2004-11-17 17:00:11
Where are your 'artistic photos' of the thousands of Black Africans being slaughtered in the Darfur region of the Sudan by Arab Fascist?
How come your photos are consider artistry, but the photos of hundreds of thousands of Iraqi lives tortured under Saddam are censored?
I have seen photos of the cutting of tongues, chopping off of hands, beatings, electrical torture, beheadings, etc. etc. etc. Why do you not post these photos?
How come your photos are consider artistry, but the photos of hundreds of thousands of Iraqi lives tortured under Saddam are censored?
I have seen photos of the cutting of tongues, chopping off of hands, beatings, electrical torture, beheadings, etc. etc. etc. Why do you not post these photos?
2004-11-17 17:18:10
These are fascinating pictures.
Are there any photos of the limbless, disemboweled, eviscerated body of Margaret Hassan, who made the fatal mistake of trying to bring humanitarian aid in the midst of a thugocracy? But this is "" and not ""
Good luck on your artful project, and enjoy your many latte-filled gallery receptions. It's always easy and profitable to score publicity on the sufferings of others.
Are there any photos of the limbless, disemboweled, eviscerated body of Margaret Hassan, who made the fatal mistake of trying to bring humanitarian aid in the midst of a thugocracy? But this is "" and not ""
Good luck on your artful project, and enjoy your many latte-filled gallery receptions. It's always easy and profitable to score publicity on the sufferings of others.
2004-11-17 17:25:32
Mr. Sites.
I note that you believe John kerry deserves a Silver Star for shooting a child in in Vietnam, yet you would hang a soldier out to dry because a terrorist was faking being wounded as the terrorists have done before.
Do note the fake 'surrenders' they've done before in an effort to kill as many soldiers as possible.
Perhaps you would like to personally check supposed wounded terrorists for weapons next time one says he's hurt?
Keep in mind that the terrorists are NOT your friends and would love to kill you in teh name of Alla regardless of how well you sympathise with their cause.
I note that you believe John kerry deserves a Silver Star for shooting a child in in Vietnam, yet you would hang a soldier out to dry because a terrorist was faking being wounded as the terrorists have done before.
Do note the fake 'surrenders' they've done before in an effort to kill as many soldiers as possible.
Perhaps you would like to personally check supposed wounded terrorists for weapons next time one says he's hurt?
Keep in mind that the terrorists are NOT your friends and would love to kill you in teh name of Alla regardless of how well you sympathise with their cause.
2004-11-17 17:34:14
Mr Sites-
You are perhaps the lowest of low. This marine that you filmed shooting a Iraqi terrorist was not only fighting for the Iraqi people, but since you are in Iraq, he is fighting for your life. Perhaps you might have noticed the kidnappings and killings that are taking place in Iraq. So if it was not for these brave men, one you would not have a story, and two might have possibly been taken hostage. I find it amazing that you would rather trash a brave solider than report about the good that is taking place there. Shame on you and all your journalistic cronies!!! Here is a novel idea, instead of trashing our brave soliders who are risking theirs lives, why not film some footage of the good they are doing over there… By the way it is a good thing you are not in Texas because you deserve a good old fashion WHOOPIN!!!!!!!!!!!!!
You are perhaps the lowest of low. This marine that you filmed shooting a Iraqi terrorist was not only fighting for the Iraqi people, but since you are in Iraq, he is fighting for your life. Perhaps you might have noticed the kidnappings and killings that are taking place in Iraq. So if it was not for these brave men, one you would not have a story, and two might have possibly been taken hostage. I find it amazing that you would rather trash a brave solider than report about the good that is taking place there. Shame on you and all your journalistic cronies!!! Here is a novel idea, instead of trashing our brave soliders who are risking theirs lives, why not film some footage of the good they are doing over there… By the way it is a good thing you are not in Texas because you deserve a good old fashion WHOOPIN!!!!!!!!!!!!!
2004-11-17 17:34:44
Not to belabor the point, but your pictures show one side – how about the other? How about a beheading of a western hostage? How about a group of Iraqi's waving a white flag then opening up fire?
2004-11-17 17:35:57
You are a traitor.
2004-11-17 17:40:28
Keep in mind that this is the behavior from the terrorists that you are defending:,,3-1359782,00.html
November 15, 2004
Mujahidin terrorised Fallujah, residents say
By Times Online and AFP in Fallujah
Mutilated bodies dumped on Fallujah's bombed out streets today painted a harrowing picture of eight months of rebel rule.
As US and Iraqi troops mopped up the last vestiges of resistance in the city after a week of bombardment and fighting, residents who stayed on through last week's offensive were emerging and telling harrowing tales of the brutality they endured.
Flyposters still litter the walls bearing all manner of decrees from insurgent commanders, to be heeded on pain of death. Amid the rubble of the main shopping street, one decree bearing the insurgents' insignia - two Kalashnikovs propped together - and dated November 1 gives vendors three days to remove nine market stalls from outside the city's library or face execution.
The pretext given is that the rebels wanted to convert the building into a headquarters for the "Mujahidin Advisory Council" through which they ran the city.
Another poster in the ruins of the souk bears testament to the strict brand of Sunni Islam imposed by the council, fronted by hardline cleric Abdullah Junabi. The decree warns all women that they must cover up from head to toe outdoors, or face execution by the armed militants who controlled the streets.
Two female bodies found yesterday suggest such threats were far from idle. An Arab woman, in a violet nightdress, lay in a post-mortem embrace with a male corpse in the middle of the street. Both bodies had died from bullets to the head.,,3-1359782,00.html
November 15, 2004
Mujahidin terrorised Fallujah, residents say
By Times Online and AFP in Fallujah
Mutilated bodies dumped on Fallujah's bombed out streets today painted a harrowing picture of eight months of rebel rule.
As US and Iraqi troops mopped up the last vestiges of resistance in the city after a week of bombardment and fighting, residents who stayed on through last week's offensive were emerging and telling harrowing tales of the brutality they endured.
Flyposters still litter the walls bearing all manner of decrees from insurgent commanders, to be heeded on pain of death. Amid the rubble of the main shopping street, one decree bearing the insurgents' insignia - two Kalashnikovs propped together - and dated November 1 gives vendors three days to remove nine market stalls from outside the city's library or face execution.
The pretext given is that the rebels wanted to convert the building into a headquarters for the "Mujahidin Advisory Council" through which they ran the city.
Another poster in the ruins of the souk bears testament to the strict brand of Sunni Islam imposed by the council, fronted by hardline cleric Abdullah Junabi. The decree warns all women that they must cover up from head to toe outdoors, or face execution by the armed militants who controlled the streets.
Two female bodies found yesterday suggest such threats were far from idle. An Arab woman, in a violet nightdress, lay in a post-mortem embrace with a male corpse in the middle of the street. Both bodies had died from bullets to the head.
2004-11-17 18:07:54
What is your point in doing this? We all know the horrors of war and its imperfections. The USA and its Allies were forced to defend ourselves againts unscrupulous/vicious men like Sadam,Arafat,Zarqowi and Osama. Are you seeking to discourage those who are protecting the free world and liberating the Iraqis? What is your point?
2004-11-17 18:10:49
I assume you will be fragged before you ever get back here, traitor.
2004-11-17 18:15:58
Randy, I wouldnt be surprised, nor would I shed a tear.
2004-11-17 18:41:38
Mr. Sites, I hope you don't make it home.
2004-11-17 18:42:29
Good luck riding along with our troops now….you're going to need it.
Ever stop and think about this….that iraqi was faking for a reason. To deceive…But, why deceive? What's the root reason we deceive? We're trying to hide something! What do you think he was trying to hide? Could it be the fact that he'd been shooting at those troops minutes before? Hmmmm?
You're lucky you're alive! You could have easily been taken out by that terrorist, had it not been for that brave Marine! Like it or not, you've most likely got him to thank for the rest of your miserable life!
May you live to regret this decision….
Ever stop and think about this….that iraqi was faking for a reason. To deceive…But, why deceive? What's the root reason we deceive? We're trying to hide something! What do you think he was trying to hide? Could it be the fact that he'd been shooting at those troops minutes before? Hmmmm?
You're lucky you're alive! You could have easily been taken out by that terrorist, had it not been for that brave Marine! Like it or not, you've most likely got him to thank for the rest of your miserable life!
May you live to regret this decision….
2004-11-17 18:49:22
Sites is an enemy collaborator. As usual, another half-bright student became a journalist and now thinks he is a judge on high with moral superiority over the great unwashed masses, whom he has been ordained to enlighten. Puh-lease, Mr. Coward, go back to Pisssomemore Beach or wherever it was you crawled out of.
2004-11-17 18:57:57
What about "imagesagainstunprovokedwar", you moral dwarves.
2004-11-17 19:25:53
Am I supposed to feel sorry for these guys?
Go sell the guilt and pity to Opra. I took out my share of NVA communists during the Tet Offensive in Vietnam, and wish I was young enough to also send some Iraqi "insurgents" to God–you know, for their divine reward.
Go sell the guilt and pity to Opra. I took out my share of NVA communists during the Tet Offensive in Vietnam, and wish I was young enough to also send some Iraqi "insurgents" to God–you know, for their divine reward.
2004-11-17 19:46:14
kevin sites has to be the lowest of the low, a traitor for sure,only breathing right now because of our brave soldiers who he surely hates.
2004-11-17 21:40:58
Kevin, how could you shame your parents this way?
2004-11-17 21:41:58
How dare you, Mr. Sites…a term which I use very loosely…I think the majority of people would admit that the adress "Mr." refers to a man…and you most certainly are NOT a man. You are a boy, playing in a world comprised of great men and women that are in Iraq to defend, to ensure safety and freedom to the oppresed…and to ensure that YOU enjoy the continued freedom to blasphemy those same individuals. The kindest things I can say about you, is that you are a traitor, and a terrorist sympathizer. I would say I feel pity for you, but that would be a lie. All I feel for you is disgust, and shame that you are possibly being viewed as the cumulative of an "American". In my view…and I am certain many thousands share this view…you are absolutely un-American…in every respect of the word. Shame on you. I look forward to the day that the betrayal of this Marine, haunts your every moment.
2004-11-17 22:14:24
I am disgusted with all you TERRORIST (aka insurgents which is a lie) sympathizers. You are obviously one of them and you do not deserve the protection of these Marines. What about all the exicutions of innocent people by the terrorists??? Why not focus on that? Oh, I know why, you are against the United States defending freedom for all!
2004-11-17 22:39:15
I only wish for the sake of perspective, as much type and photo were generated about the unidentified Western woman who was dismembered; disembowelled; face disfigured and thrown like garbage into the Iraqi streets. That is the evil of the enemy we face. The enemy is not the marine. Where is the integrity/courage of the U.S. and foreign press to replay endlessly a video tape of that. Where is the outrage?
2004-11-17 22:56:42
Upon reviewing Site's video, it's apparent he is aiding the enemy-the new Axis–left wing media (America haters/hippies), the Islamic radicals, and Al (Jizm)Jazeera.
Maybe Kevin will someday realize the harm he's done to America while hopefully being raped (and not in the gay way) by one of his Islamic brethren while he is sipping tea in a mideast cafe.
Maybe Kevin will someday realize the harm he's done to America while hopefully being raped (and not in the gay way) by one of his Islamic brethren while he is sipping tea in a mideast cafe.
2004-11-17 23:15:25
This Sites idiot has made a very bad and dangerous error. His irresponsibility will no doubt inflame the terrorists and will lead to the deaths of countless innocent people. He should be taken out back and shot.
2004-11-17 23:18:44
Hi Kevin,
I'd like to personally $hit in your face.
I'd like to personally $hit in your face.
2004-11-17 23:19:24
Sites you nare lower than whale shit!!!
2004-11-17 23:19:38
Hey Kevin,
Shouldn't the Marine in question receive the same military honors as John Kerry?
After all, Kerry did the same thing.
Shouldn't the Marine in question receive the same military honors as John Kerry?
After all, Kerry did the same thing.
2004-11-17 23:20:42
traitors…ruin america is what all you want…god bless america…and sempr fi…they are the heroes…and you the scum of the earth
2004-11-17 23:22:48
I hope you end up in the crosshairs of an iraqi
sniper you low life traitior POS!
sniper you low life traitior POS!
2004-11-17 23:28:47
I feel sorry for all of you and as an American veteran I am ashamed of you.
2004-11-17 23:29:02
You are a disgrace to your country and your profession. The Iraqi terrorists are the epitomy of evil and you by your actions, are complicit in their crimes. In my opinion, you should be tried for treason and deported, forthwith.
2004-11-17 23:31:53
Sites,watch your back.
2004-11-17 23:32:00
Bloggers - as your kind of man said "you can't handle the truth".
2004-11-17 23:32:04
Hey Sites, I admire your desire to live dangerously. I sincerely hope you have developed the skill of sleeping with one eye open. Would not want to be in your shoes. I'm going to celebrate when I read that you finally got to meet your 72 virgins.
2004-11-17 23:32:18
Bloggers - as your kind of man said "you can't handle the truth".
2004-11-17 23:32:45
Bloggers - as your kind of man said "you can't handle the truth".
2004-11-17 23:33:04
Bloggers - as your kind of man said "you can't handle the truth".
2004-11-17 23:33:35
Hey Sites, I admire your desire to live dangerously. I sincerely hope you have developed the skill of sleeping with one eye open. Would not want to be in your shoes. I'm going to celebrate when I read that you finally got to meet your 72 virgins.
2004-11-17 23:35:01
You're a traitor!
I hope the Marines that you are filming, make you go in first to see if everything is clear and then shoot you for turning your back on them and America!
I hope the Marines that you are filming, make you go in first to see if everything is clear and then shoot you for turning your back on them and America!
2004-11-17 23:42:23
if i were in the next unit you are imbedded with, I would embed a rifle butt in your face. Traitor!
2004-11-17 23:43:03
Hopefully you will take one right between the eyes before you can come back to your gay friends and bathhouses in the states. Jealous queers, all of them in the press!
2004-11-17 23:53:11
I would be a shame if a stray bullet from a rifle of one of the Marines you betrayed happened to hit your sorry traitorous ass right in your empty head.
If you make it out of there alive, why don't you move to Cuba. I'm sure you'd love it there.
If you make it out of there alive, why don't you move to Cuba. I'm sure you'd love it there.
2004-11-17 23:54:01
You make me sick to my stomach. My son's friends are fighting over there and YOU, are aiding the enemy. You are against the war, but helping the enemy to kill our troops?? I hope you know how to "watch your back" - you will need this skill. You are pitiful. Why don't you go back to California, you anti- war traitor. ARGH!!!!!! :YOU should be investigated, not the Marine.
2004-11-17 23:55:33
You make me sick to my stomach. My son's friends are fighting over there and YOU, are aiding the enemy. You are against the war, but helping the enemy to kill our troops?? I hope you know how to "watch your back" - you will need this skill. You are pitiful. Why don't you go back to California, you anti- war traitor. ARGH!!!!!! :YOU should be investigated, not the Marine.
2004-11-17 23:56:50
Sites - from now on I think you should go in first to photograph the injured. You're disgusting.
2004-11-18 00:17:42
Why don't you work with the insurgents, or the French, as it is very obvious where your loyalty lies? Your type of Marcuseian photography where black is white and white is black belongs in a dunghill with all the rest of the bias reporting coming out of Iraq!
2004-11-18 00:17:47
Sites - your name will forever stand alongside the names of other traitors to our country. You thought to make yourself a hero with your film but a huge majority of your fellow Americans see you as slime.
2004-11-18 00:22:25
Kevin Sites, the real true enemy within our military. Sites, you are at the level of the savage sub-human Nazi vermin we are fighting. Your very presence is a dangerous impediment to fighting a real war the way “Real” men do on your cowardly behalf. The blood of our beloved soldiers will be on your hands for promoting this piece of twisted propaganda consorting with the enemy. You are an enemy agent promoting and embracing those Jihadist who just yesterday beheaded, and brutally mutilated the body of innocent Margaret Hassan. Where is your ever-truthful coverage exposing the vicious barbaric decapitations of Paul Johnson, Nick Berg, Mr. Armstrong, the Korean Kim Sun-Il the Pakistani Captives, and Bulgarians ritually sacrificed and slaughtered for Allah? Those of your ilk should be deported to Iraq, or hanged for treason like the filth you are. You are undeserving of any further protection from our brave military.
2004-11-18 00:27:09
Caption: "a long ride into uncertainty."
<br />
When these sodomites take a prisoner there\'s no \"uncertainty\" involved. They use \'em for publicity then cut their heads off while recording it all on video tape.<br />