Hallo Tina Schöllhorn, wenn ich weiss, dass es Menschen gibt, die gegen den Krieg aufstehen,wie Sie und auch so wie ich es oft tat mit Demonstrationen und Kunst gegen den Krieg, dann gibt mir diese Seite echt Mut weiterzumachen und nicht auszuhören in dem Bestreben meine Bilder gegen den Krieg und gegen das Vergessen der Öffentlichkeit zu zeigen.
Danke für diese Ihre Iniatitive!
eva horstick-schmitt
2003-10-31 13:41:18
2003-11-01 17:31:12
2003-11-07 02:17:11
Wonderful Site Keep up the Great Work. here is my main page http://Aerica.ar.cx
2003-11-07 02:18:16
the proper address for that site is http://America.ar.cx
2003-11-07 13:51:49
Danke , dass Ihr meine Fotos gegen den Krieg aufgenommen habt. Es freut mich in dieser Page gegen etwas zu demonstrieren was so sinnlos ist wie ein Krieg. eva
2003-11-07 19:42:06
tiefsinnig und wahrhaft impressionistisch, was diese fotografin eva u.a. zeigen . ein fan
2003-11-11 10:32:56
Check out Jules Greenberg- I love the pregnant bellies shot. Peace is our destiny.
2003-11-16 20:08:36
2003-11-17 17:14:19
hoffe, dass Sie noch eine Menge Menschen finden ,die sich hier einbringen. Leider haben einige Fotos garnichts mit Krieg zu zun?!Oder Antikrieg. Wie dem auch sei, vielleicht muss das ja so sein.!?
2003-11-28 02:03:56
503 photographers are in the website now - November 28, 1.57 am - thanks to all of you
2003-11-30 20:51:26
I just surfed in and found your site, I really enjoyed the visit and hope to come back soon. Greetings..
2003-12-06 07:25:30
what a great photo. stark!! frightening!!
2003-12-06 07:27:07
p.s. to my pevious comment. the photo is by jonathan di blasi
2003-12-14 10:07:18
dear tina! i would like to send my images to become the part of it.i am an artist photographer working in bombay india.can i?
2003-12-19 12:11:26
Hello from south of america . Paraguay.
I just visited your excelant homepage.
Very good work .
Paraguay Asuncion
4840 club rotary asuncion catedral
I just visited your excelant homepage.
Very good work .
Paraguay Asuncion
4840 club rotary asuncion catedral
2003-12-19 12:54:37
Hello from south of america . Paraguay.
I just visited your excelant homepage.
Very good work .
Paraguay Asuncion
I just visited your excelant homepage.
Very good work .
Paraguay Asuncion
2003-12-24 03:47:11
the photo from thorsten futh says everything about americas attitude towards the world today,
a very machiavellic attitude.
thanks for the good and right photo thorsten
a very machiavellic attitude.
thanks for the good and right photo thorsten
2004-01-05 01:36:18
517 photographers are in the website now - January 4th 2004, 1.27 gmt - thanks to all of you
2004-02-13 11:32:27
San Bernardino , central , PARAGUAY
Hello from south america and Paraguay
Photos of paraguay
Young people
Fotos del paraguay
Camping , hotel de jeunesse , Voyage , Reisen
Hosteria hospedaje bungalow albergue apart cabaña campings
Excelant your home page
San Bernardino , central , PARAGUAY
Hello from south america and Paraguay
Photos of paraguay
Young people
Fotos del paraguay
Camping , hotel de jeunesse , Voyage , Reisen
Hosteria hospedaje bungalow albergue apart cabaña campings
Excelant your home page
2004-02-13 20:28:31
hey i dint make any photos yet but i was very exited when i heard about this i like te photos very much i look forward to begin making my own
2004-02-19 21:12:24
2004-02-20 10:50:40
erst mal ein dickes Lob!!! Ganz Tolle Bilder!!
Die Bilder von Daniel Rosenthal gefallen mir besonders gut und heute morgen habe ich in die max geschaut und siehe da, eine Doppelseite von Daniel fotografiert, Schwarz-Weiss, aufgenommen im Irak. Ein Wahnsinns-Bild.
Daniel, Du hast ein Jahr vor mir Abi gemacht, und ich kenne Dich noch vom Skaten! (Olaf etc.). Falls Du dies liest, ich bin mittlerweile Fotograf in Hamburg und würde mich unheimlich freuen, mich mal mit Dir auszutauschen!!
Beste Grüße,
erst mal ein dickes Lob!!! Ganz Tolle Bilder!!
Die Bilder von Daniel Rosenthal gefallen mir besonders gut und heute morgen habe ich in die max geschaut und siehe da, eine Doppelseite von Daniel fotografiert, Schwarz-Weiss, aufgenommen im Irak. Ein Wahnsinns-Bild.
Daniel, Du hast ein Jahr vor mir Abi gemacht, und ich kenne Dich noch vom Skaten! (Olaf etc.). Falls Du dies liest, ich bin mittlerweile Fotograf in Hamburg und würde mich unheimlich freuen, mich mal mit Dir auszutauschen!!
Beste Grüße,
2004-03-02 21:15:36
great site mgbada
2004-03-05 01:30:36
hi from Aus!!!!
this site rulz!!!!!
ill be back!!
this site rulz!!!!!
ill be back!!
2004-03-06 23:25:23
It's nice site.
Best regards.
Gianluca Fiesoli
Best regards.
Gianluca Fiesoli
2004-03-09 05:44:35
cool man Descargar programas
2004-03-11 10:28:37
GOD Bless
2004-03-15 09:45:00
Paraguay photos
Hohenau , Itapua , PARAGUAY
I just visited your excelant homepage . Hello from south america
Felicitation pour votre excelante page web
Paraguay photos
Hohenau , Itapua , PARAGUAY
I just visited your excelant homepage . Hello from south america
Felicitation pour votre excelante page web
2004-03-17 05:50:20
539 photographers are in the website now -
March 17th 2004, 5:46 gmt - thanks to all of you
March 17th 2004, 5:46 gmt - thanks to all of you
2004-04-02 15:27:30
tonight at 8 pm is the opening of Images against war Exhibition in Hasselt Belgium
Hope to see you there!
Hope to see you there!
2004-04-14 23:31:20
i don´t have words
2004-04-17 06:20:39
2004-05-03 17:03:25
2004-05-09 02:10:22
561 photographers are in the website now - May 9th 2004, 2.00 gmt - thanks to all of you
2004-05-09 10:24:01
Dear Tina - do you have any IAW installation shots from Hasselt? I am now in Japan for three months… HUGS!
2004-05-22 23:58:47
I have visited your web site and your artists, it's all very nice and intersting.
Thank you.
Gianluca Fiesoli - http://www.gianlucafiesoli.com
Thank you.
Gianluca Fiesoli - http://www.gianlucafiesoli.com
2004-05-27 18:23:52
I think it's great what you guys are doing here. I've been to the exhibition in Hasselt, Belgium and it really reached me. Keep it up
2004-07-04 04:07:47
dear friends if IAW - from July 4th - 12th I will be in Arles and hope to meet many of you - see you in a bit
2004-07-11 03:44:04
Where can I see more of Jan Banning Photographs 'Indian Bureaucrats?
Where can I see more of Jan Banning Photographs 'Indian Bureaucrats?
2004-07-13 17:56:11
Dear Tina
Your other email address failed so resending this:
Very nice to meet you in Arles.
One of the things which came out of my visit was the idea of making a
publication / exhibition and drawing upon my collection of images of war
memorials in France, the Berlin Wall in 1984 and recent images from
Liverpool in combination with other images from different projects to
create a subtle but moving narrative.
It's difficult to find a short form of words to express a title or mission
statement at present. I am hoping the effect will be something emotionally
charged. So, I am not sure if a commercial publishers would be interested.
I have a large collection of the original Berlin prints with the Barbara
Gross Gallerie in Munich, I left them with her years ago thinking she might
be able to sell them but she hasn't. I will contact her and ask for them
Today, I will post you a copy of Cross Currents.
best wishes
John Davies
61 Hillfoot Road
Liverpool L25 OND UK
tel +44 (0)151 486 1644
Liverpool Biennial 2004 project: http://www.johndavies.uk.com/biennial.htm
Dear Tina
Very nice to meet you in Arles.
One of the things which came out of my visit was the idea of making a
publication / exhibition and drawing upon my collection of images of war
memorials in France, the Berlin Wall in 1984 and recent images from
Liverpool in combination with other images from different projects to
create a subtle but moving narrative.
It's difficult to find a short form of words to express a title or mission
statement at present. I am hoping the effect will be something emotionally
charged. So, I am not sure if a commercial publishers would be interested.
I have a large collection of the original Berlin prints with the Barbara
Gross Gallerie in Munich, I left them with her years ago thinking she might
be able to sell them but she hasn't. I will contact her and ask for them
Today, I will post you a copy of Cross Currents.
best wishes
John Davies
61 Hillfoot Road
Liverpool L25 OND UK
tel +44 (0)151 486 1644
Liverpool Biennial 2004 project: http://www.johndavies.uk.com/biennial.htm
Your other email address failed so resending this:
Very nice to meet you in Arles.
One of the things which came out of my visit was the idea of making a
publication / exhibition and drawing upon my collection of images of war
memorials in France, the Berlin Wall in 1984 and recent images from
Liverpool in combination with other images from different projects to
create a subtle but moving narrative.
It's difficult to find a short form of words to express a title or mission
statement at present. I am hoping the effect will be something emotionally
charged. So, I am not sure if a commercial publishers would be interested.
I have a large collection of the original Berlin prints with the Barbara
Gross Gallerie in Munich, I left them with her years ago thinking she might
be able to sell them but she hasn't. I will contact her and ask for them
Today, I will post you a copy of Cross Currents.
best wishes
John Davies
61 Hillfoot Road
Liverpool L25 OND UK
tel +44 (0)151 486 1644
Liverpool Biennial 2004 project: http://www.johndavies.uk.com/biennial.htm
Dear Tina
Very nice to meet you in Arles.
One of the things which came out of my visit was the idea of making a
publication / exhibition and drawing upon my collection of images of war
memorials in France, the Berlin Wall in 1984 and recent images from
Liverpool in combination with other images from different projects to
create a subtle but moving narrative.
It's difficult to find a short form of words to express a title or mission
statement at present. I am hoping the effect will be something emotionally
charged. So, I am not sure if a commercial publishers would be interested.
I have a large collection of the original Berlin prints with the Barbara
Gross Gallerie in Munich, I left them with her years ago thinking she might
be able to sell them but she hasn't. I will contact her and ask for them
Today, I will post you a copy of Cross Currents.
best wishes
John Davies
61 Hillfoot Road
Liverpool L25 OND UK
tel +44 (0)151 486 1644
Liverpool Biennial 2004 project: http://www.johndavies.uk.com/biennial.htm
2004-07-25 18:18:55
Dear Tina Schelhorn,
It was nice to meet you at rhubarb-rhubarb in Birmimgham, U.K
Thank you very much to come my exhibition private view 'The Flow' at the mail box on 23rd July and your interest in my work, 'my sea' serise .
I saw your web page imagesagainst war (www.imagesagainstwar.com)
It is wonderful website.
If you interest, I will introduce Japanese Photographer ' Masaru Tanaka'
He collaborate and create the work 'Peace's New Century' project with San Francisco painter, Betsie Miller-Kusz.
Betsie Miller-Kusz's father was a physicist working on the making atomic bomb (Manhattan project) in 1945 and Masaru Tanaka's fater was an atomic bomb victim in Hiroshima.
They have started worldwide journey as their significant event as in order to transcend the terrible past history of the war and create peace.
We established the Non Profit Organisation 'Art Peace in Hiroshima' in 2003 for the world peace using arts.
Web site is http://www11.ocn.ne.jp/~artpeace/t-e.html
His homepage http://www12.plala.or.jp/art-masaru/t-e.html
If you have any enquiry, please sent me an email any time feel free.
Best wishes.
Han, Sungpil www.iseephoto.com
It was nice to meet you at rhubarb-rhubarb in Birmimgham, U.K
Thank you very much to come my exhibition private view 'The Flow' at the mail box on 23rd July and your interest in my work, 'my sea' serise .
I saw your web page imagesagainst war (www.imagesagainstwar.com)
It is wonderful website.
If you interest, I will introduce Japanese Photographer ' Masaru Tanaka'
He collaborate and create the work 'Peace's New Century' project with San Francisco painter, Betsie Miller-Kusz.
Betsie Miller-Kusz's father was a physicist working on the making atomic bomb (Manhattan project) in 1945 and Masaru Tanaka's fater was an atomic bomb victim in Hiroshima.
They have started worldwide journey as their significant event as in order to transcend the terrible past history of the war and create peace.
We established the Non Profit Organisation 'Art Peace in Hiroshima' in 2003 for the world peace using arts.
Web site is http://www11.ocn.ne.jp/~artpeace/t-e.html
His homepage http://www12.plala.or.jp/art-masaru/t-e.html
If you have any enquiry, please sent me an email any time feel free.
Best wishes.
Han, Sungpil www.iseephoto.com
2004-08-02 17:44:22
Dear Michael Wittasek,
As promised at Petes party in Liverpool to leave you a message here. It was really great to meet you all from Cologne. Maybe meet you next time youre over…Maybe you will be over for the Liverpool Biennial? If so let me know as ive something in - hurray…..
Best wishes, Mary Fitz
As promised at Petes party in Liverpool to leave you a message here. It was really great to meet you all from Cologne. Maybe meet you next time youre over…Maybe you will be over for the Liverpool Biennial? If so let me know as ive something in - hurray…..
Best wishes, Mary Fitz
2004-08-13 16:30:09
Beatrix Reinhardt's work is so cleverley subverts middle class smugness…
2004-08-29 19:01:50
Dear friends in New York! Soon the demonstartion will start and we would love to be at your side. So in our heart we are with you. -
Love and Peace from Cologne - Tina
Love and Peace from Cologne - Tina
2004-09-01 06:34:43
Hi see this:
We need to safe the world
If you want to help, link to this site from your website.
Copy and paste this code to your site
George W. Bush accomplishments
We need to safe the world
If you want to help, link to this site from your website.
Copy and paste this code to your site
George W. Bush accomplishments
2004-09-06 12:36:53
I love this page. It looks really nice. Keep it up
2004-09-27 09:56:25
Hi I just wanted to say what a great web site you have here, thank you. The guest book is a nice touch too.
lyrics to classic country hits
lyrics to classic country hits
2004-09-28 00:06:29
You've created a very good site, I found something really interesting
for god and country cd
for god and country cd
2004-10-25 03:43:43
this is a very interesting site, the images tell a story that words can not. it is these artists and artworks that will make a statement that needs to be heard by the public and government, war is wrong, no matter what side your on. keep the inspiration up.