2004-11-19 07:03:12
Release the Marine hero…shoot the traitor Sites.
2004-11-19 07:06:29
People of your king make me want to puke. You make a living feeding off the pain you cause while brave men and women fight for freedom in a land that is oppressed. Do us all a favour and volunteer to film the insurgents. Maybe we'll get lucky and the next film from your camera will be of your head being severed!
2004-11-19 07:47:08
Some day one or more countries will launch atomic bombs against USA. I hope it never happens, but USA is acting the same way Hittler and Germany did and you already know the consequences of that. The invasion to Iraq provoked the development of a new Russian missile ten times stronger, as well many countries began atomic weapons developments. Nobody said a word when Afghanistan, but with the Iraq invasion US government proved to be a thief and a killer, and by the time assassins are executed or jailed. If you are not ashamed by the killing of that men, you shouldn’t hide it or punish Kevin. If you approve that someone already disarmed be executed without going to court, then inside US the people also should be executed without going to court. Would you like it? How many people from Iraq have put a bomb inside US? They are not terrorist, they just were invaded, and you and me would react the same way. American soldiers have killed thousands and thousands of innocent people. This genocide and not Kevin’s video is what raises enemies. Everybody, including the Iraqis, knows what’s happening; you don’t need a video.
What do you feel when you remember Vietnam and all those American soldiers killed? The rest of the world enjoyed it and thought US deserved it. Every time an American soldier is killed the rest of the world enjoys it. Is that right? It seems that Iraq people never will stop killing American soldiers. The United States must go out of there and let the United Nations fix the situation. Iraq was never great problem: it is a poor country in the middle of many problems. The real problem of US is that there are many countries with atomic bombs, such as China, India, France, England, Pakistan, Israel, Russia and Korea, and maybe some others more dangerous. Is US ready for an atomic war? Is Bush so brave to invade and “liberate” China? I don’t think so. He is just a businessman that manipulates his own people, people with very low IQ.
What do you feel when you remember Vietnam and all those American soldiers killed? The rest of the world enjoyed it and thought US deserved it. Every time an American soldier is killed the rest of the world enjoys it. Is that right? It seems that Iraq people never will stop killing American soldiers. The United States must go out of there and let the United Nations fix the situation. Iraq was never great problem: it is a poor country in the middle of many problems. The real problem of US is that there are many countries with atomic bombs, such as China, India, France, England, Pakistan, Israel, Russia and Korea, and maybe some others more dangerous. Is US ready for an atomic war? Is Bush so brave to invade and “liberate” China? I don’t think so. He is just a businessman that manipulates his own people, people with very low IQ.
2004-11-19 07:48:11
You call this CRAP art? ROFL.
2004-11-19 07:49:27
Everyone is going to bed.
2004-11-19 08:08:58
Kevin. I have been a network newscameraman and later an army officer/film maker, and then an independent documentary producer. You disgust me. You and people like you should be the ones taken captive by the islamic thugs of this world. Maybe some cold steel slicing open your throat would give you an appreciation for the brave, honourable and extremely dangerous work undertaken by U.S. military personnel and a few others. As an Australian I thank God that America and its military has the guts to do what is necessary and what many snivelling nations and the U.N. are afraid to do. So many condemn the U.S. and it's military but I hear very little public and media condemnation of the vial and wicked murder undertaken by these islamic criminals who make adolf hitler look like a peace activist. I cannot find the words to tell you just what a creep you are. Apart from anything else you are certainly a traitor, buying your notoriety at the expense of a soldier who deserves a medal not an investigation. Why don't you do a story on how the thugs ceaselessly break the rules of war. If all goes well your career might come to a sudden end.
2004-11-19 09:01:57
Everybody who has brain is against war. but sometimes there is no other way.Mankind is mad and pacifists like you are looney bins. Your kind would have appeased Hitler; but you are
German so you shold know how nice he was
Regards and laughter at your childishness
Pierre Rinfret,Very proud american!
German so you shold know how nice he was
Regards and laughter at your childishness
Pierre Rinfret,Very proud american!
2004-11-19 09:03:55
Everybody who has a brain is against war. But sometimes there is no other way.Mankind is demented and pacifists like you are looney bins. Your kind would have appeased Hitler; but you are German so you shold know how nice he was to you and to all of us.
Regards and laughter at your childishness
Pierre Rinfret,Very proud American and former combat soldier!
Regards and laughter at your childishness
Pierre Rinfret,Very proud American and former combat soldier!
2004-11-19 09:04:37
Everybody who has a brain is against war. But sometimes there is no other way.Mankind is demented and pacifists like you are looney bins. Your kind would have appeased Hitler; but you are German so you should know how nice he was to Germany and to all of us.
Regards and laughter at your childishness
Pierre Rinfret,Very proud American and former combat soldier!
Regards and laughter at your childishness
Pierre Rinfret,Very proud American and former combat soldier!
2004-11-19 09:05:46
Everybody who has a brain is against war. But sometimes there is no other way. Mankind is demented and pacifists like you are looney bins. Your kind would have appeased Hitler; but you are German so you should know how nice he was to Germany and to all of us.
Regards and disdain at your childishness.
Pierre Rinfret,Very proud American and former combat soldier!
Regards and disdain at your childishness.
Pierre Rinfret,Very proud American and former combat soldier!
2004-11-19 09:09:25
For the record the IQ of George Bush is 125 on the standard IQ tests. That's is superior and very high on th scale: about 98 percetile.Kerry is about 120.
2004-11-19 10:00:12
Kevin Sites, you are an opportunist and a selfish traitor. How utterly dishonest and false of a human being must you be to spend time with the very men who you would betray, who you would seek to embarass? You are nothing less than a modern day Judas, and the military would do well to send you home and never permit your reckless kind to return.
2004-11-19 12:30:35
G.W. should order the immediate promotion to Gy. Sgt., send him a case of scotch and an engraved 1911 with the presidential seal on one grip and the globe, eagle and anchor on the other!
2004-11-19 12:32:25
Of course, I was speaking of the young Marine, nor Mr. Sites!
2004-11-19 13:36:04
Uncle Ben,
You state the USA is acting the same way Hitler did in Germany. Hmm, I live in the states and I don't see the concentration camps anywhere? Don't see Jew's being rounded up in America and burnt up like yesterdays rubbish. In fact, I don't see anyone rounded up, not even Muslims. However, I do see Terrorist freaks beheading Jews (Pearl, Berg) and lately a woman who did nothing but help Iraq citizens, over in your, so-called, American occupied countries. You claim this man, shot dead, was disarmed. Let me ask you, How do you know that? Did you inspect them for booby-traps, handguns? Would you care to be the one who inspects these men? Considering the violent way these people (Terrorist) blow up women and children on public buses, this would be a short-lived job. This is warfare, not police-fare. Moreover, You call these people Iraq citizens. In fact, many of these fighters are from other countries. They hate the idea of a democracy anywhere.
Finally, you state that the UN should fix the problem. Maybe like in the "Oil for Food" scandal-ridden program or perhaps another resolution would do the trick. You go on to claim that anyone, who agrees with Bush, has a low IQ. Given how utterly preposterous and absurd your position is, perhaps, Uncle Ben, you should forget the IQ test, and go with a common sense test.
You state the USA is acting the same way Hitler did in Germany. Hmm, I live in the states and I don't see the concentration camps anywhere? Don't see Jew's being rounded up in America and burnt up like yesterdays rubbish. In fact, I don't see anyone rounded up, not even Muslims. However, I do see Terrorist freaks beheading Jews (Pearl, Berg) and lately a woman who did nothing but help Iraq citizens, over in your, so-called, American occupied countries. You claim this man, shot dead, was disarmed. Let me ask you, How do you know that? Did you inspect them for booby-traps, handguns? Would you care to be the one who inspects these men? Considering the violent way these people (Terrorist) blow up women and children on public buses, this would be a short-lived job. This is warfare, not police-fare. Moreover, You call these people Iraq citizens. In fact, many of these fighters are from other countries. They hate the idea of a democracy anywhere.
Finally, you state that the UN should fix the problem. Maybe like in the "Oil for Food" scandal-ridden program or perhaps another resolution would do the trick. You go on to claim that anyone, who agrees with Bush, has a low IQ. Given how utterly preposterous and absurd your position is, perhaps, Uncle Ben, you should forget the IQ test, and go with a common sense test.
2004-11-19 14:41:25
Kevin likely got your (lame) site more traffic in 2 days than you had all year. Why not have some REAL war photos (like the beheadings of innocents) instead of broken babydolls and self-portraits of bandaged "artists." While the cause is noble, the efforts are aiding those (the radical Islamcs) who would kill you and you children in a moment – unless there was a US Marine there to stop them.
2004-11-19 15:30:40
Kevin Sites is guilty of providing propaganda film to the enemy. He and NBC should stand trial under the Espionage Act of 1917. He should be haunted by the images of future USMC and US Army casulties he has helped cause.
2004-11-19 15:44:48
Learn to sleep with one eye open asshole. I truly doubt that a brother Marine will risk his ass to save yours now. May an Iraqi enemies bullet find your head!
2004-11-19 15:59:15
does he take any photos of the good things that are going on there? of course not he's a liberal, that would go against nbc's policy!
2004-11-19 16:02:22
My My My at the consequences of your actions, Kevin Sites. Just as that Marine has to suffer the consequences of his actions, you will have to suffer the consequences of yours. Was the reward worth it? 15 minutes of fame for being a scumbag terrorists loving traitor for the rest of your life….
2004-11-19 16:44:12
The history of man is washed in blood. It is sickening to see the derogatory remarks by the chicken hawks against those who understand that Collateral Damage is REPUGNANT. Maybe someday our species will find an alternative to war, but I think the first move should be to find an alternative for the War Hawks. May we together find an answer. See and take some time to understand the Financial Cons behind the RNC and the DNC
2004-11-19 17:00:46
Only total jerks would support Saddam, are you a total jerk. There is only one answer, yes or no
2004-11-19 17:36:09
My English is not very good, but i will try to make a good post. This Page here is ………. I can´t say it in words, it´s to louse. I´m only a pupil and have littl idea from Art. But even I can say, that this pictures speak with the viewer and make him laff. Get better. Mr. sites, the america donot want you. many people mad. ok. i'll be a naybor to you in my country. we can color and have fun.
2004-11-19 17:39:50
Why not post the twin towers in New York on 9/11, and the people jumping out of them to their death? How about mosying over to the mass graves in Iraq and letting us see them? Let us see the women clutching their babies as they were shot to death? The babies and toddlers shot in the back of the head? Maybe you can climb into the mass grave with your camera. Let's see those corpses! Kevin, imbed yourself with the terrorists so we can see …. hmmm… "the other side"? That would be fair, now wouldn't it? Some footage on how they slice open their dead to put bombs in them, or under them, to blow up the Marines who check to see if they need help, would be nice, too. Maybe the terrorist can hold your camera while you do it.
2004-11-19 18:22:13
First of all, after my first comment, a kind of coward imposted my name and mail address, these words are for him/she: Why don't you speak your opinion without such a coward action like that? Nobody here is hiding behind someone else's name, so show a little respect please, or leave.
Now, I'm not trying to defend the murderers of innocent people, anybody who cuts a human life (without excuse or exception) don't deserve to call himself a human being. It doesn't a matter if is an american or iraqui or whatever. And about the Bush's IQ, just 125?, that means that the people who supports that terrorist must have a lower IQ so he can fool them so easily.
Now, I'm not trying to defend the murderers of innocent people, anybody who cuts a human life (without excuse or exception) don't deserve to call himself a human being. It doesn't a matter if is an american or iraqui or whatever. And about the Bush's IQ, just 125?, that means that the people who supports that terrorist must have a lower IQ so he can fool them so easily.
2004-11-19 18:26:01
As a former military man and proud father of two sons with military careers, (one still on active duty) each with two trips to the M.E. during Desert Shield and Desert Storm, and as the step-grandpa of a soldier currently fighting in Fallujah, (his second tour to Iraq) I have nothing but an enormous desire to kick your ass. You are the lowest of the low, a 21st century Benedict Arnold, a scumbag opportunist who will never amount to nothing but a gutless picture taking rattle snake. Please, DO NOT call yourself an American!! May the spirits of the 9/11 victims and those of our fallen Marines and Soldiers descend upon you and carry your insignificant remains somewhere for an eternity of ass kickings!!! SHAME ON YOU.
2004-11-19 18:43:01
Hang in there Kevin. The Bush ditto heads will come at you but believe me, the silent majority are behind you.
What has happened to my country and my fellow countrymen/women??
The traiters are those that would cover up war crimes!
The Marine shot and killed an unarmed wounded prisoner!
If the alegations are true? The Marine is guilty of murder! His superiors, all the way up to 'The commander in Chief' that condone murder, torture etc. are also guilty!
I am a Korean War Veteran who served his country with honor I wish I could say the same for those Chicken Hawks in Washington D.C.that are leading America down the wrong Road! A patriot is one who supports the president when he is right but speaks out against the president when he is wrong!
Hang In Kevin
Tom Tully
What has happened to my country and my fellow countrymen/women??
The traiters are those that would cover up war crimes!
The Marine shot and killed an unarmed wounded prisoner!
If the alegations are true? The Marine is guilty of murder! His superiors, all the way up to 'The commander in Chief' that condone murder, torture etc. are also guilty!
I am a Korean War Veteran who served his country with honor I wish I could say the same for those Chicken Hawks in Washington D.C.that are leading America down the wrong Road! A patriot is one who supports the president when he is right but speaks out against the president when he is wrong!
Hang In Kevin
Tom Tully
2004-11-19 18:45:53
Wars throughout the world would end in a heartbeat if individuals demanded to exchange their labor - which is their private property - for something of "REAL" substance - ie. value.
Imagine the total-logical-rational insanity of prosecuting and paying for wars with REAL gold and silver!!
It won't happen friends.
I want to meet the first member of any branch of the military in ANY country who is a "REAL" man or woman enough to DEMAND to be paid in something of REAL substance/value in exchange for their labor which is the foundation of their private property which is their body/mind/soul.
Those who work for nothing are slaves.
Wars are made possible with "tokens" that let soldiers and suppliers falsely believe they are lawfully paid. Debt-credit based currency is not REAL. It is only our false belief in such "tokens" make them appear "real."
The power to issue "tokens" at zero/no real risk or cost in exchange for something of real value which is our labor is at the core of the incredible ruse that drives and fuels and feeds all the wars throughout mankind's history.
The world is wising up and is beginning to reject such deception as it's being foisted on the world in the form of the "U.S. Dollar". 3 out of every 4 U.S. Dollars are held overseas. And in just the last 4 years American's have LOST about 60% of their purchasing power relative to the EURO.
Americans are being led into a political-social and economic slaughterhouse that, by design, is to bring us to our knees while more and more of the control of our military resources is conferred over to powers that our outside our country.
The end game is to suspend and destroy the Constitution while invoking martial law.
Who is directing all this? Ask yourself.
Who and what is ulimately "at risk" for being exposed in this massive fraud?
What fraud you may ask?
The constructive fraud that has the entire world working for nothing - ie. exchanging the fruits of their labor for debt bank-credit "promises to pay" that negate any real right any individual has to pay for or own anything.
We're living in a Land of Oz and we will continue to live in this Land of Oz as long as we keep feeding more and more of the time, energy, trust, truth and love we receive freely from our creator into this black hole wars that are orchestrated adn paid for with false illusions of substance and value called bank-credit.
I want to meet the first true patriot member of our arms services who has the guts and is willing to stand up to this fraud by DEMANDING to be paid with something of true substance and value.
Mankind needs to return to the "coin of the realm" which is rooted in Article 1, Section 10 of our Constitution. Remember, every member of every branch of our military took an oath of office to uphold and defend the Constitution for the united states of America against all enemies, both foreign and domestic.
To repeat……
The root cause of 100% of the problems we are facing is due to the fact that we are not operating in the constitutional realm which requires/mandates that we exchange with one another true substance and value.
For those who have taken an oath to uphold and defend the Constitution, you should know that THE most vital section of the Constitution is Article 1, Section 10. In our ignorance We The People have been acting in ways that have, in effect, repealed this article because we are no longer operating in the constitutional realm that's rooted in ownership and protection of private property as it's expressed in the common law.
We can only protect property we have purchased with substance and value which requires that we once again become users and champions of the return to the coin of the realm - silver and gold-backed honest-true lawful currency.
Setting a true-honest constitutional example to to world to receive true substance and value in exchange for our labor-time-trust is the only way I can see getting us back into Constitional domains that set the right examples so we may own and protect the property, liberty and freedom the people of this country fought to secure ourselves and our prosperity.
Every argument outside of this simple-key focus for or against Bush, Iraq, Kevin Sites or anything else is completely and totally frivolous.
Wars throughout the world would end in a heartbeat if individuals demanded to exchange their labor - which is their private property - for something of "REAL" substance - ie. value.
Imagine the total-logical-rational insanity of prosecuting and paying for wars with REAL gold and silver!!
It won't happen friends.
I want to meet the first member of any branch of the military in ANY country who is a "REAL" man or woman enough to DEMAND to be paid in something of REAL substance/value in exchange for their labor which is the foundation of their private property which is their body/mind/soul.
Those who work for nothing are slaves.
Wars are made possible with "tokens" that let soldiers and suppliers falsely believe they are lawfully paid. Debt-credit based currency is not REAL. It is only our false belief in such "tokens" make them appear "real."
The power to issue "tokens" at zero/no real risk or cost in exchange for something of real value which is our labor is at the core of the incredible ruse that drives and fuels and feeds all the wars throughout mankind's history.
The world is wising up and is beginning to reject such deception as it's being foisted on the world in the form of the "U.S. Dollar". 3 out of every 4 U.S. Dollars are held overseas. And in just the last 4 years American's have LOST about 60% of their purchasing power relative to the EURO.
Americans are being led into a political-social and economic slaughterhouse that, by design, is to bring us to our knees while more and more of the control of our military resources is conferred over to powers that our outside our country.
The end game is to suspend and destroy the Constitution while invoking martial law.
Who is directing all this? Ask yourself.
Who and what is ulimately "at risk" for being exposed in this massive fraud?
What fraud you may ask?
The constructive fraud that has the entire world working for nothing - ie. exchanging the fruits of their labor for debt bank-credit "promises to pay" that negate any real right any individual has to pay for or own anything.
We're living in a Land of Oz and we will continue to live in this Land of Oz as long as we keep feeding more and more of the time, energy, trust, truth and love we receive freely from our creator into this black hole wars that are orchestrated adn paid for with false illusions of substance and value called bank-credit.
I want to meet the first true patriot member of our arms services who has the guts and is willing to stand up to this fraud by DEMANDING to be paid with something of true substance and value.
Mankind needs to return to the "coin of the realm" which is rooted in Article 1, Section 10 of our Constitution. Remember, every member of every branch of our military took an oath of office to uphold and defend the Constitution for the united states of America against all enemies, both foreign and domestic.
To repeat……
The root cause of 100% of the problems we are facing is due to the fact that we are not operating in the constitutional realm which requires/mandates that we exchange with one another true substance and value.
For those who have taken an oath to uphold and defend the Constitution, you should know that THE most vital section of the Constitution is Article 1, Section 10. In our ignorance We The People have been acting in ways that have, in effect, repealed this article because we are no longer operating in the constitutional realm that's rooted in ownership and protection of private property as it's expressed in the common law.
We can only protect property we have purchased with substance and value which requires that we once again become users and champions of the return to the coin of the realm - silver and gold-backed honest-true lawful currency.
Setting a true-honest constitutional example to to world to receive true substance and value in exchange for our labor-time-trust is the only way I can see getting us back into Constitional domains that set the right examples so we may own and protect the property, liberty and freedom the people of this country fought to secure ourselves and our prosperity.
Every argument outside of this simple-key focus for or against Bush, Iraq, Kevin Sites or anything else is completely and totally frivolous.
2004-11-19 18:54:00
Oscar, nailed it. Bless you sir. The freedom to express is a byproduct of blood sacrifice. Too many punks truly think it courageous to stand against this country. Left wing apologists stabbing our brothers in arms, in the back make me want to puke. 4 dead in Ohio freaking heroes did not watch their brother’s parish by way of Kamikaze or riddled on beach fronts. It is time for art to take its toilet paper place. The day Yoko Ono leads this nation is the day Osama Bin Baby Killing will jam it up Americas ass. Grandpa I am honored your offspring is fighting for me. Just like I am honor my father’s destroyer brought down 12 Kamikazes before she was sunk. Kevin Sites is a piece of shit.
2004-11-19 19:52:05
The revolutionaries that created this country utilized several thousand home-owners to accomplish the impossible task of throwing off invaders. The invaders were British (wearing uniforms) and the home-owners were Americans (terrorists). They became soldiers once they took their arms and fought the invaders who trespassed on THEIR respective properties.
The US (a corporation) has INVADED another country without provocation. Nowhere is authorization for such an act in existence in the book which enumerates ALL of the powers of the government: the Constitution.
Article II section 2 gives the President the role of Commander-in-Chief of the US military WHEN CALLED INTO THE ACTUAL SERVICE OF THE UNITED STATES.
Article I section 8 gives Congress the power to DECLARE WAR. It is at THAT TIME that the people are called into service. No such authorization exists for the President in the Constitution. In addition, a standing army is unconstitutional per Article I section 8 for a period of longer than 2 years. The concept of a standing federal army was loathed by the founders, and that sentiment was made abundantly clear in the federalist/anti-federalist papers.
To those that challenge my intelligence based solely on the fact that I reveal the flaws in the logic for invading a country with no visible means to defend itself, I say, "ignorant and free is something that never was and never shall be."
By definition of those defending the acts of the invasion force (the US) which murdered the wounded Iraqi (home-owner in his own country), I say that you would have to also decry the acts of the American citizen soldiers for defending their land against British invaders. You would define Americans who went from one State to another to fight the British as "insurgents."
This is, of course, ludicrous, as is your argument defending the actions of Halliburton, er I mean Bush, and his dual-citizen "brain trust" of Wolfowitz and Perle and their "war on terror" which is nothing more than providing expansion of the oil companies' resources and Israel's circle of power.
Since the PHYSICAL EVIDENCE points to US covert action in the taking down of the WTC towers (a diversion to attract your attention as building 7 was being leveled to destroy evidence of cooperation between Bushes and bin Ladens, among other things), the entire premise on this "war on terror" is obviously a facade, and the ignorant masses of Americans are too duped by the flag-waving frenzy to carefully review that evidence.
I, love the concept of a Constitutional Republic, as America was designed to be. I don't hate America - the concept. I hate what America has become - a dumbed-down "holier-than-thou" collection of idiots who believe what they hear on their 32" color TVs.
It is a shame more Americans don't read the Sydney Morning Herald, the Hindustan Times, the Russian Pravda, and other sites to get what's being reported by the rest of the world that ISN'T invading other countries to benefit their major corporations.
In peace,
Ben Franklin
The US (a corporation) has INVADED another country without provocation. Nowhere is authorization for such an act in existence in the book which enumerates ALL of the powers of the government: the Constitution.
Article II section 2 gives the President the role of Commander-in-Chief of the US military WHEN CALLED INTO THE ACTUAL SERVICE OF THE UNITED STATES.
Article I section 8 gives Congress the power to DECLARE WAR. It is at THAT TIME that the people are called into service. No such authorization exists for the President in the Constitution. In addition, a standing army is unconstitutional per Article I section 8 for a period of longer than 2 years. The concept of a standing federal army was loathed by the founders, and that sentiment was made abundantly clear in the federalist/anti-federalist papers.
To those that challenge my intelligence based solely on the fact that I reveal the flaws in the logic for invading a country with no visible means to defend itself, I say, "ignorant and free is something that never was and never shall be."
By definition of those defending the acts of the invasion force (the US) which murdered the wounded Iraqi (home-owner in his own country), I say that you would have to also decry the acts of the American citizen soldiers for defending their land against British invaders. You would define Americans who went from one State to another to fight the British as "insurgents."
This is, of course, ludicrous, as is your argument defending the actions of Halliburton, er I mean Bush, and his dual-citizen "brain trust" of Wolfowitz and Perle and their "war on terror" which is nothing more than providing expansion of the oil companies' resources and Israel's circle of power.
Since the PHYSICAL EVIDENCE points to US covert action in the taking down of the WTC towers (a diversion to attract your attention as building 7 was being leveled to destroy evidence of cooperation between Bushes and bin Ladens, among other things), the entire premise on this "war on terror" is obviously a facade, and the ignorant masses of Americans are too duped by the flag-waving frenzy to carefully review that evidence.
I, love the concept of a Constitutional Republic, as America was designed to be. I don't hate America - the concept. I hate what America has become - a dumbed-down "holier-than-thou" collection of idiots who believe what they hear on their 32" color TVs.
It is a shame more Americans don't read the Sydney Morning Herald, the Hindustan Times, the Russian Pravda, and other sites to get what's being reported by the rest of the world that ISN'T invading other countries to benefit their major corporations.
In peace,
Ben Franklin
2004-11-19 19:55:09
I am a long winded jerk. I hope you like this next piece of crap I wrote.
2004-11-19 19:58:24
What the Marine Did
The shooting of an unarmed Iraqi was a tragedy. But was it a war crime?
By Owen West and Phillip Carter
Updated Thursday, Nov. 18, 2004, at 10:28 AM PT
A Marine shot an unarmed insurgent in a Fallujah mosque on Saturday. We know this because we saw it. The digital video footage of the shooting—recorded by NBC reporter Kevin Sites, who was embedded with the Marines—is running nearly continuously on cable news channels worldwide. We heard it, too. A Marine says: "He's fucking faking he's dead. He's faking he's fucking dead." The Marine comes into view with his rifle shouldered. There is a rifle shot. An Iraqi leaning against a wall slumps, leaving a blood stain behind. According to CNN, another Marine says, "Well, he's dead now."
This case would not exist without Mr. Sites. That a young soldier deferred to instinct over the rulebook in combat is unsurprising. What was surprising was the near-instant transmission of a battlefield video around the world, allowing us to witness the actions of one American rifleman. Judging by the swift condemnation from all over, the world is drawing its own conclusion about what happened in the bloody mosque. But to judge the Marine fairly takes more perspective and context. The video is clear enough, but truly understanding requires navigating an underlying landscape littered with legal ambiguity and moral craters.
When a unit seizes terrain, its enemy military occupants generally become prisoners, as long as they don't continue fighting. The Third Geneva Convention makes it a war crime to kill or injure a prisoner or to deny medical care to a prisoner for wounds suffered in combat, among other things. If prosecutors charge the Marine with murder, they will argue that the Marines took these Iraqi men as prisoners the moment they secured the building. Moving or not, the wounded Iraqi was a prisoner, and therefore it was a crime to shoot him, even in the crazy kill-or-be-killed environment of Fallujah.
The shooting of an unarmed Iraqi was a tragedy. But was it a war crime?
By Owen West and Phillip Carter
Updated Thursday, Nov. 18, 2004, at 10:28 AM PT
A Marine shot an unarmed insurgent in a Fallujah mosque on Saturday. We know this because we saw it. The digital video footage of the shooting—recorded by NBC reporter Kevin Sites, who was embedded with the Marines—is running nearly continuously on cable news channels worldwide. We heard it, too. A Marine says: "He's fucking faking he's dead. He's faking he's fucking dead." The Marine comes into view with his rifle shouldered. There is a rifle shot. An Iraqi leaning against a wall slumps, leaving a blood stain behind. According to CNN, another Marine says, "Well, he's dead now."
This case would not exist without Mr. Sites. That a young soldier deferred to instinct over the rulebook in combat is unsurprising. What was surprising was the near-instant transmission of a battlefield video around the world, allowing us to witness the actions of one American rifleman. Judging by the swift condemnation from all over, the world is drawing its own conclusion about what happened in the bloody mosque. But to judge the Marine fairly takes more perspective and context. The video is clear enough, but truly understanding requires navigating an underlying landscape littered with legal ambiguity and moral craters.
When a unit seizes terrain, its enemy military occupants generally become prisoners, as long as they don't continue fighting. The Third Geneva Convention makes it a war crime to kill or injure a prisoner or to deny medical care to a prisoner for wounds suffered in combat, among other things. If prosecutors charge the Marine with murder, they will argue that the Marines took these Iraqi men as prisoners the moment they secured the building. Moving or not, the wounded Iraqi was a prisoner, and therefore it was a crime to shoot him, even in the crazy kill-or-be-killed environment of Fallujah.
2004-11-19 19:59:08
What the Marine Did
The shooting of an unarmed Iraqi was a tragedy. But was it a war crime?
By Owen West and Phillip Carter
Updated Thursday, Nov. 18, 2004, at 10:28 AM PT
A Marine shot an unarmed insurgent in a Fallujah mosque on Saturday. We know this because we saw it. The digital video footage of the shooting—recorded by NBC reporter Kevin Sites, who was embedded with the Marines—is running nearly continuously on cable news channels worldwide. We heard it, too. A Marine says: "He's fucking faking he's dead. He's faking he's fucking dead." The Marine comes into view with his rifle shouldered. There is a rifle shot. An Iraqi leaning against a wall slumps, leaving a blood stain behind. According to CNN, another Marine says, "Well, he's dead now."
This case would not exist without Mr. Sites. That a young soldier deferred to instinct over the rulebook in combat is unsurprising. What was surprising was the near-instant transmission of a battlefield video around the world, allowing us to witness the actions of one American rifleman. Judging by the swift condemnation from all over, the world is drawing its own conclusion about what happened in the bloody mosque. But to judge the Marine fairly takes more perspective and context. The video is clear enough, but truly understanding requires navigating an underlying landscape littered with legal ambiguity and moral craters.
When a unit seizes terrain, its enemy military occupants generally become prisoners, as long as they don't continue fighting. The Third Geneva Convention makes it a war crime to kill or injure a prisoner or to deny medical care to a prisoner for wounds suffered in combat, among other things. If prosecutors charge the Marine with murder, they will argue that the Marines took these Iraqi men as prisoners the moment they secured the building. Moving or not, the wounded Iraqi was a prisoner, and therefore it was a crime to shoot him, even in the crazy kill-or-be-killed environment of Fallujah.
The shooting of an unarmed Iraqi was a tragedy. But was it a war crime?
By Owen West and Phillip Carter
Updated Thursday, Nov. 18, 2004, at 10:28 AM PT
A Marine shot an unarmed insurgent in a Fallujah mosque on Saturday. We know this because we saw it. The digital video footage of the shooting—recorded by NBC reporter Kevin Sites, who was embedded with the Marines—is running nearly continuously on cable news channels worldwide. We heard it, too. A Marine says: "He's fucking faking he's dead. He's faking he's fucking dead." The Marine comes into view with his rifle shouldered. There is a rifle shot. An Iraqi leaning against a wall slumps, leaving a blood stain behind. According to CNN, another Marine says, "Well, he's dead now."
This case would not exist without Mr. Sites. That a young soldier deferred to instinct over the rulebook in combat is unsurprising. What was surprising was the near-instant transmission of a battlefield video around the world, allowing us to witness the actions of one American rifleman. Judging by the swift condemnation from all over, the world is drawing its own conclusion about what happened in the bloody mosque. But to judge the Marine fairly takes more perspective and context. The video is clear enough, but truly understanding requires navigating an underlying landscape littered with legal ambiguity and moral craters.
When a unit seizes terrain, its enemy military occupants generally become prisoners, as long as they don't continue fighting. The Third Geneva Convention makes it a war crime to kill or injure a prisoner or to deny medical care to a prisoner for wounds suffered in combat, among other things. If prosecutors charge the Marine with murder, they will argue that the Marines took these Iraqi men as prisoners the moment they secured the building. Moving or not, the wounded Iraqi was a prisoner, and therefore it was a crime to shoot him, even in the crazy kill-or-be-killed environment of Fallujah.
2004-11-19 20:05:03
Ben from Alaska, you need TV to help you understand what is happening outside your door. TV needs to stir the crap so they can make money. Pacifists did not make this country as strong as it is today. Pacifists will bring this country down. Pacifists want to be French; they want boys and girls to frolic in open fields kicking soccer balls with Iraqi, French and Somalia. Why? Because they have no respect for what set us apart! Professors across this nation are Liberals, filling the mushy brains of perfectly good 20 year olds with shame for their forefathers. Anarchists do not think for themselves, they regurgitate the crap dumped down their throat by left wing pussy’s who grade their final term paper. This is brain washing, by wine sipping arrogant dictators. Bow down before the teacher with the cool foreign car, you unique individuals so you can be just like the last batch processed by him and colleagues. What a joke! Thank goodness as people age, they can see how this processing did nothing but keep them from thinking for themselves. We all start out Liberal sucking our Moms boob; eventually some of us shoot our own food, while others want to save the wolf while a Chihuahua for Taco bell kills a million cows. Go buy your Mother Earth catalog at Trader Joes and never for one minute think you are you a hypocrite, standing on asphalt that once was the home of the majestic Potato Bug. I live in Alaska because large cities are the breeding ground for arrogance. Blue States are a result of people who smell each others breath and need more government to protect themselves from themselves. I say eat a urinal cake or find some room where Mother Earth catalogs are not necessary to make you think you are saving something. We shoot wolves because they eat our freaking dogs. You save our wolves because gang bangers shoot your kids. Here’s the deal, we will leave your God Snoop Dog alone if you quit feeding our wolves. Clean up your crap, shut up and quit stealing water from neighboring States to wash your car. That was an example of an Alaskan using free speech. Save yourself you green peace punk asses. And by the way, why is it Green Peace never shows their weak shit up here in the winter? Are they more concerned about their hash pipes freezing, and sandals that promote frost bite. Green Peace knows truth just like Sites knows truth. Shock the Monkey truth.
Lastly, can someone please tell me why South Central Los Angeles votes the same way Hollywood hills votes? Hollywood Hills has million dollar security systems to keep south central out. Wake up inner city, look up on the hill and see who is keeping you down, your teachers. Snoop craps and it rolls down hill. Liberals speak with forked tongue.
Lastly, can someone please tell me why South Central Los Angeles votes the same way Hollywood hills votes? Hollywood Hills has million dollar security systems to keep south central out. Wake up inner city, look up on the hill and see who is keeping you down, your teachers. Snoop craps and it rolls down hill. Liberals speak with forked tongue.
2004-11-19 20:17:00
Thank you sir for having the courage to bring the truth about the Junta's "Crimes Against Humanity to the world. You are a patriot and a true American hero and we salute you. A job well done!
Keep raising hell my friend and who knows we may just get our stolen Republic back someday?
Ernest Stewart
Managing editor
Issues & Alibis magazine
Keep raising hell my friend and who knows we may just get our stolen Republic back someday?
Ernest Stewart
Managing editor
Issues & Alibis magazine
2004-11-19 21:54:41
These photos are too shocking to ever be considered truth by our standards, The Horror, the Horror.
2004-11-19 21:56:58
Commie pigs like you and your FEW supporters
will get what you deserve in due time,in the
meantime I hope you eat lead you POS and I
hope it is a gut shot so you DIE a slow painful
death.The only good commie,socialist,liberal is
one bleeding out from multiple gunshot wounds.
will get what you deserve in due time,in the
meantime I hope you eat lead you POS and I
hope it is a gut shot so you DIE a slow painful
death.The only good commie,socialist,liberal is
one bleeding out from multiple gunshot wounds.
2004-11-19 21:57:41
It\'s move!,
maybe have mass destruction weapons!!!
it is a danger for the world!!!!
it will send pre-emptive strike!!!!!
tanxs, Kevin.
2004-11-19 22:25:32
Mr. Sites,
My son is in the US Marines, he participated in the start of the war in Iraq, but he was made to stay back because of a knee injury this tour, but my future son-in-law is there now and I would like for you to know that you are a sick individual. Who do you think you should be thanking for the bull—- you are allowed to print on this website and photos you are allowed to show and the opinions you are allowed to express? You are free because of the Marines and other military in place all over the world as we speak now. Be thankful, you arrogant liberal.
My son is in the US Marines, he participated in the start of the war in Iraq, but he was made to stay back because of a knee injury this tour, but my future son-in-law is there now and I would like for you to know that you are a sick individual. Who do you think you should be thanking for the bull—- you are allowed to print on this website and photos you are allowed to show and the opinions you are allowed to express? You are free because of the Marines and other military in place all over the world as we speak now. Be thankful, you arrogant liberal.
2004-11-19 23:00:15
I have nothing but an enormous desire to kick your ass. You are the lowest of the low, a 21st century Benedict Arnold, a scumbag opportunist who will never amount to nothing but a gutless picture taking rattle snake.
2004-11-19 23:39:30
It is President of the United States, GWB, that is protecting your right to act like an ass. Go F yourself a$$ hole. Your father should have used a condom.
2004-11-20 02:18:17
kevin sites along with the likes of michael moore, john kerry and jane fonda are unfortunately in position that allow them to spread their anti-American views worldwide. What they don't get is that: First, they are minority Americans and, Second, they effectively motivate more loyal Americans to the true American side just as was demonstrated in the recent presidential election. Keep going, kevin. Keep going michael, jane and john. You are supplying the fuel we need to make that unfortunate Marine who acted out life in the camera's eye a martyr; not a criminal.
2004-11-20 04:38:08
Ben Franklin States ****************
Since the PHYSICAL EVIDENCE points to US covert action in the taking down of the WTC towers (a diversion to attract your attention as building 7 was being leveled to destroy evidence of cooperation between Bushes and bin Ladens, among other things
You've got to be F#@%ING insane!! X-files has nothing on you brother.
Since the PHYSICAL EVIDENCE points to US covert action in the taking down of the WTC towers (a diversion to attract your attention as building 7 was being leveled to destroy evidence of cooperation between Bushes and bin Ladens, among other things
You've got to be F#@%ING insane!! X-files has nothing on you brother.
2004-11-20 05:28:38
A large reason for the Revolutionary war was because the colonies did not feel they were being represented fairly in the British legislature. Remember the whole Taxation without representation speech by some guy named Patrick Henry?
A large reason for the IRAQ war was because after 9-11 we could no longer afford to wait until some lunatic dictator obtains weapons that could kill thousands of Americans.
You are attempting to compare apples and oranges.
A large reason for the Revolutionary war was because the colonies did not feel they were being represented fairly in the British legislature. Remember the whole Taxation without representation speech by some guy named Patrick Henry?
A large reason for the IRAQ war was because after 9-11 we could no longer afford to wait until some lunatic dictator obtains weapons that could kill thousands of Americans.
You are attempting to compare apples and oranges.
2004-11-20 06:53:17
BEN FRANKLIN – you are clearly delusional – you are living in something other than the real world. Why don't you get on that cruise ship or airplane with the kooks … i.e. Babs Strieshand, Alec Baldwin, etc. and the rest of them. Find yourselves a far off island somewhere. Don't forget the tin foil. (To wrap around your head, stupid)
Seriously - true Americans (non-hating, non military bashing, president bashing) SPOKE on November 2. Despite all of the liberal voter fraud going on (yes… it was the liberals!) Bush won, and garnered more votes than any other president. Take a look at the map – you'll see very little blue on the USA map. Just in areas such as LA, New York, Chicago – but the rest of America would like to return to what our founding fathers meant for this country to be. Lucky for you, after all of these years, you can still blurt out your whacky thoughts without getting your tongue sliced. Oh … but if you lived in Iraq under Sadddamn … that's another story.
Seriously - true Americans (non-hating, non military bashing, president bashing) SPOKE on November 2. Despite all of the liberal voter fraud going on (yes… it was the liberals!) Bush won, and garnered more votes than any other president. Take a look at the map – you'll see very little blue on the USA map. Just in areas such as LA, New York, Chicago – but the rest of America would like to return to what our founding fathers meant for this country to be. Lucky for you, after all of these years, you can still blurt out your whacky thoughts without getting your tongue sliced. Oh … but if you lived in Iraq under Sadddamn … that's another story.
2004-11-20 09:31:01
It's nice to see you have many French and German fans. Need I say more?
2004-11-20 10:26:44
Traitor. That marine did his job. Could have saved your sorry ass when he did. I kinda wish that terrorist that was playing possum had a weapon and winged your arse. They don't care about you or your anti war bullshit. You be just another target, and maybe oneday you'll wake up and find you lost your head.
Be too late to thank that jarhead then.
Remember the Allamo dated 9/11
never forget - never forgotten
Joe Oliver, GED
News & Views: FIGHTBACK
Houston, TX
Be too late to thank that jarhead then.
Remember the Allamo dated 9/11
never forget - never forgotten
Joe Oliver, GED
News & Views: FIGHTBACK
Houston, TX
2004-11-20 16:11:52
You are wrong, and that is not good.
That is not good, at all! You are a saboteur! That's worse! So, I hear you can limbo under snakes!?! Do you feel the whale feces dropping on your head, or are you accustomed to it!?! You see, that is a hole in the ground, and that is your rearmost orifice–see the difference, now!?! I would have a good name for you, but there are no good names for you!!! Buena suerte y asi es la vida!
That is not good, at all! You are a saboteur! That's worse! So, I hear you can limbo under snakes!?! Do you feel the whale feces dropping on your head, or are you accustomed to it!?! You see, that is a hole in the ground, and that is your rearmost orifice–see the difference, now!?! I would have a good name for you, but there are no good names for you!!! Buena suerte y asi es la vida!
2004-11-20 16:13:52
I think is is discusting how the media protrayes
everything. All they do is stur up more problems.
Why can't they tell the truth about anything?
everything. All they do is stur up more problems.
Why can't they tell the truth about anything?